《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XVIII: New Lyrics


Justin's POV:

Loud applauses welcome me in The Ellen Show. I waved for the audience and hugged Ellen before she told me to sit down. "So how have you been, Justin?" she asked. "I have been pretty fine actually thank you for asking" I answered.

"That's good to hear because last time you visited here everything wasn't okay yet. Like you had just broken up with your wife, Claire and it was so sad to see you like that" she said. "Yeah.. it was.. hard time for me" I mumbled and still felt a bit sad of that when she mentioned it.

"But now we have heard that you're finally releasing some new music after long time. Isn't that great?" she asked looking in the audience and made them start cheering.

They gave little applauses between Ellen's speaking before she continued: "But now we would like to know where that all came like it has been almost two years before you last time gave us a new song. Is there some girl behind that all or?" she winked and made me blush a bit and laughed. "Weell.. maybe" I started and then audience got wild.

"And who's that mysterious girl? What's her name?" Ellen asked. "It's nothing serious like we're just friends thought" I told even I knew that we might be a bit more than that. She nodded and asked so they could play a clip of that new song which was called "Get Used to It"

After the clip, they clapped and cheered again. Ellen smiled for me and nodded: "Would you like to tell us something about this song and why you decided to do it? Why you decided it to be your new single after a long break?" she bomb me with the questions. "Well.." I started and chuckled. "It's about.. a girl-" Audience got wild and I hid my face on my hands. "who I met earlier this year and.. we have been hanging out"


"What's her name?" Ellen asked excited. "Her name is Julia" I said softly and I could fight back the smile which spread on my face when even thought about her. "Are you sure that there's nothing more than just friendship between you two because.." and then on the big screen jumped a picture of me and her kissing under the palm tree in St. Barts about two weeks ago.

"Mmm.. yeah, maybe" I chuckled nervously and scratched back of my neck because I really thought that we had got a chance to be alone on that moment there but seemly not.

"I think so too Justin but I just want you to know that all we who are here in this room and hopefully behind the screen too will support your choice and be happy for you because I'm at least. Good luck to you two" she greeted and we shared a hug before my time was over in her show.

Later in the evening I got a message from Julia where she asked how her Instagram was full of sweet comments to my Beliebers to her where they greeted a luck to us and so on. I just smiled to that and decided to go check it out too and it was true.

There were tons of good comments under her recent picture which I had took of her on that same trip in St. Barts where she posed against our house. I scrolled down and enjoyed it how almost every comment called her beautiful and how happy they were when she was my girlfriend now.

I went back to my own account and posted a together picture of us where I added a caption:

My notifications exploded almost right away when I posted that picture and comment after comment came on my screen which were most of positive and supporting but one of those hit on my eyes:


Thoughts? Please, guys. Leave me some comments because A) I want know what you think about while you read this. And B) your comments would really help me continue

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