《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XV: Bruises


Third POV:

She was looking herself through the mirror and a few bruises there. She caressed her cheek and felt a little pain. Pictures of yesterday ran in her head even she tried push them away.

'He was just tired, he didn't mean it, she deserved it because maybe she should stay away from Justin'

Thankfully she was able to cover those marks with thick layer of makeup so nobody could notice it. When she was done, she looked the clock and noticed that it was close 7AM already and she would be leaving if she didn't want be late from work


Claire parked her car in front of the hospital building and locked it behind herself. She forced herself smile before she stepped in the building. "Morning everyone!" she greeted her work colleagues. "Morning, Claire. Did you enjoy your free day?" Alexandra who had appeared in the lockers asked.

"Great.. just great" Claire's smile started get too big that soon somebody would notice that it was a fake one. "Oh well that's good to hear" Alexandra smiled back. "At least you seem like that you're full of energy" she giggled before she left.

Claire was good hiding her feelings. She had always been that. Since the middle school when she got bullied by bigger and prettier girls, from the high school when she wasn't dating anyone like others did. She had learnt to grow a core around her. Core against that cruel world.

She pulled her white jacket on and followed others out of the locker room and heated over her office. This day would be a long one.


Claire did her work and listened her patients like she would have nothing against it that their problems which they told, wouldn't make her feel even worse.


There were too many great spots to say out that she agreed or knew how they felt when she was talking with those people who had felt pain in relationship.

Maybe Claire was making too quick chooses of her future or thought things wrong but right now she felt nothing but fear when clock got closer to 4PM. She didn't want go home.

When last patient left her office, Claire let out a long sigh. A work day was over but there was still a challenge to face at home. Claire walked out of her room and moved to locker room where she washed her face.

"What has happened, Ms. Preston?" she heard soon a soft voice asking her. She looked the person and then she realized what she had just done. Her bruises. They were showing because her makeup had got off.

"Nothing, I just fell yesterday while I was teaching a skateboarding to my friend's son" it was the worst lie I had ever created but it went on her. She just nodded and giggled. "You should be more careful, Ms. Preston" she told to Claire before she left the room.

She looked herself through the dirty mirror. She looked tired and ugly. She wasn't herself at all.

Claire changed her own clothes back before she walked out of the hospital to her car. Her hands were sweating a whole car drive and her heart was beating way too fast.

Imagines of what would happen run in her head but when she stopped her car in front of their house everything seemed to be okay.

She stepped in the house and met soon her boyfriend. He grabbed her in his arms and hugged tight. Claire hesitate a few seconds before she hugged back. "I missed you, baby" Robert mumbled and kissed Claire's cheek.

"I missed you too" It was a lie.


Because it's Christmas, I'll post a bit new content for you as a little Christmas gift😘

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