《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XIII: Problems In The Paradise


Claire's POV:

We sat on the breakfast table quietly with Robert. It was our reality nowadays. Somehow little by little that love which had kept us tightly in its grasp had started lose and now we were almost like any of those couples who we knew. Beside things were even worse between us.

We barely had time to talk with each other because we had different work shifts almost every day and well if we had time, we just couldn't create any good conversation. Just like on this morning was happening.

Robert brought his empty plate and glass in the sink and came to kiss my cheek. "I got to go.. see you later" he mumbled even we both know that it wouldn't be happening. I had an evening duty in the work and it would be late already when I get back home.

When I had came back home he was already sleeping and I wouldn't have wanted to wake him up. I had spent my night on the couch on those nights because I didn't want disturb him.

On the next morning, he had clearly see me laying there but had ever said anything, and there we can lead that story to the point that there didn't really happen anything behind our bedroom door anymore. It has been days, no week since we did it. I wasn't blaming him because it would have been wrong because I was one of the culprits too.

I just missed that feeling, I couldn't lie about it. I missed that closeness and touch, the way he made me forget everything around me for few minutes when that magic happened.

Now I was only able to think back those times, times when we were still so deep in love. I didn't mean that we wouldn't be anymore but it was.. different.


I just nodded back to him and smiled before he grabbed his car keys from the table and left. I was alone.. again. It wasn't unfamiliar feeling to me because I was having it a lot these days. I sighed when I went look at the window how my boyfriend started his car and backed it to the drive way and finally gassed away.

Where our love was disappearing? If this continue like this, would there be anything left anymore after a week? I didn't know, I just hoped that this would be just some little period of relationship where both needed some own space and time to each other. Yeah, it must be that, I thought and smiled a bit to my over positive and light thoughts.

Pushing away the reality wouldn't be a good way to make things better but right now I couldn't anything but just hope the best. Maybe things would change back to better again and we would find that common sound.


Sorry for not posting a while. I have been pretty busy with my other fanfiction here (and I kinda forgot this one since nobody wasn't really interested on reading this one but now things are different) and other imagines in Instagram.

Plus then school things and all that shit around me had sucked way too much energy out of me. For now on I try post new chapters to this

But now tell me what do you think? Do you think that Claire and Robert stay as a couple or will they breakup?

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