《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》X: Date Night


Justin's POV:

I tightened my tie around my neck and looked myself through the mirror before I accepted that I was ready. There was coming a big night because I was bringing that girl who I met in front of my studio few weeks ago to date tonight.

We had texted each other almost every day and I had got to know her name after long guessing. It was Julia. I also found out that she was just two years younger than me and that she was an actor. Her favorite color was yellow and she wrote with left hand like me. She has three big brothers who with she had played with when she was a kid. I knew pretty much of her already when it had been just maybe 4 weeks we met.

I picked up my car keys and drove in front of Julia's house. She looked really good in her of course yellow dress and white high heels. "Hey" she greeted and smiled to me when she stepped in my car. "Hi, gorgeous" I winked and made her blush a little.

"We're going in that your favorite restaurant Roselyn or whatever it was called, I already forgot, if that's okay" I told her and she nodded accepting. "Yeah, it was Roselyn" she mumbled and I felt myself impolite when I even mentioned that I didn't remember.


I parked the car in front of the restaurant and helped her out there before we heated on the door my hand behind her back.

"Good evening! How can I help you, mister and miss?" the waiter asked in the door when we stepped in. "I should have a table order here" I told and the waiter nodded. "Name?" "Bieber" I answered and he scrolled down against the list searching my name. My hands started feel sweaty that long it took him to it and I was scared that there wouldn't be anything. It would be a real disaster but thankfully I heard his voice to told us to follow. I let out a sigh of relief before I took Julia by her hand and we followed the waiter.

We stopped next to the table which was right next to the window and the waiter told us to sit down so he could go to get us menu lists. He came back a few minutes later and handed both of us a list and told that he would be back in minutes to pick up our orders. I just nodded him back smiling and thanked.


Claire's POV:

Robert had wanted bring me a dinner date since we both have been pretty busy with our work lately. Those long days had driven us on that point in the end of the day that we had just fell on the bed and aslept almost right away. No lie, we haven't spent time with each others a long long time.

However now we were sitting a nice little restaurant named Roselyn and a blonde-haired waitress came to take our orders. "I would take a chicken salad and a soda water, please" I told and the waitress nodded moving her gaze over my boyfriend who told her his order. "Thank you, your meals will be ready in a few minutes and I'll bring them to you" she smiled us before she left.

I noticed how Robert's gaze followed secretly that woman so I had to kick him on foot under the table. "Ouch! What?" he whimpered and looked me surprised. "I'm here, you remember that?" I asked and coughed. "I know, baby" he said and moved his hands over mine.

"I'm so glad that we have finally some time to spend together. It feels like forever when we last time did so" he sighed and a light smile spread on his lips. "I'm happy too" I told back and a moment we just looked each others in the eyes saying nothing.


"I need to go use bathroom, I'll be right back" I told Robert and kissed his cheek before I disappeared middle of the people and there to bathrooms.

I did my things and after that I washed my hands. I put also some lipstick on my lips since it has almost erased already while we had eaten. I smiled to myself and accepted that thought of mine I should go back to Robert that he wouldn't start wonder where I disappeared.

I opened a door of women bathroom and fixed my dress one last time before I heated middle of the people and over our table but then I saw something which made my heart skip few beats and my eyes widened.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked in the table a few meters in front of me which stood in front of the big window and how blond haired man and brunette girl sat there. The man was Justin. I had to blink my eyes a few times before I was sure it was really him.


My attention had totally attacked on him that I didn't even noticed that he was staring me back seconds later. I turned my head away and continued my walking like nothing would have happened. I walked over Robert and hugged him behind and I felt how Justin's gaze was still burning me but it was just good thing, that he saw that I had moved on. So, did he seemly too.

Justin's POV:

I met Claire's eyes and she looked me shocked before she turned her head away and continued walking to her table. She has changed a lot since I last time saw her. She looked.. different. I followed her with my gaze and saw how she hugged some man behind, probably it was her date.

Even though I shouldn't have care about what she did after years because we both had moved on or at least she had and the second I was having a dinner with Julia, not her, I still wanted to go ask her how she was doing.

I also felt some kind of disgust over that man who with she was having a dinner. Maybe because I had ever seen her that close with any other man before. Of course, we had spent time at her friends place a several times when we were together still and she had shared those hugs of hers with boys but they were her friends. That man didn't looked just friend to her.

But once again I had to reminded myself that it wasn't my business anymore. She had all rights to date anyone she wanted, so did I.

Julia smiled for me and collected some of food of her plate on her fork before she slipped it in her mouth and hummed softly for the taste. "This is so delicious, do you want taste?" she asked and I nodded still staring over Claire's table. She pushed her fork in front of my mouth and I took a sample of that spicy curry wok which she had chosen.

Claire's and my eyes met again and they stayed there a while before their waiter who stepped in front of their table broke it, thankfully. I didn't want lost those eyes of hers anymore.

Claire's POV:

I noticed how that girl who with Justin was having a dinner gave a little sample of her food to him. He took it without thinking and I sighed myself when I remember those times when we supposed eat each others like that with him.

List of memories ran inside my head so fast that I didn't even notice that we were staring each others again but it didn't last long thankfully because our waiter stepped next to our table with a bill of his hand. Robert paid it for us and after that we were ready to leave.

He handed me my jacket and I pulled it over my shoulders before we heated over the front door. I gave a one last look over that table where my ex sat with his new girlfriend. He was totally concentrated on that conversation with her that he didn't notice me.

It was good because I didn't want lost those deep brown eyes of his again because I might not get out them anymore


What do you think? Sorry it has been a long time since I last time posted but there have been some problems in my life going and... I needed a break from everything around me but I'm feeling better now.

Vote and comment please if you liked this chapter and tell your friends too about this if they like read fanfictions like this. I would appreciate that♡

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