《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》IX: Paparazzies


Claire's POV:

I locked the door of my office. A long stressful day was behind and I wanted nothing but snuggle under the blanket and sleep over that all. I wouldn't go to work, I would do nothing, just sleep and sleep.

I took my car keys from my pocket and started walk to my car. I unlocked it and stepped in. My left hand reached to pull the seatbelt over me when a really light flashlight blinded me for seconds. I looked next to me and there was a older man with camera on his hands and he took another picture of me. Then there came another and still one flash different sides of my car. "Smile, Claire" one of them yelled me through the window and snapped picture of me.

I started panic and pulled my seatbelt on quickly. Why they still disturbed me? I thought that was the problem which just celebrities' girlfriends and other close friends must handle. But seemly their exes where good spot too.

"Have you and Justin talked after your breakup?" "How does feel to hear that your ex-boyfriend might me alcoholic?" "Do you still miss him?" Paparazzies questions jumped everywhere to my ears. I started my car and peep for them so they could move out of my way but when they didn't I just decided to push a gas and make them do it if their life was important.

I gassed out of the parking lot and noticed from back mirror how few paparazzies to shook their fists for me. I just drove without thinking anything special and parked my car in front of our house. It was so nice to be at home again.

"Hey, honey. How was your day?" Robert came to kiss me on cheek. "Stressful and again those stupid douchebag paparazzies tried to push me to talk to them" I sighed frustrated. "Just tell me and I'll bring those men in jail" he mumbled and lead me in the kitchen. "I decided to cook this time for us. I hope you like fish and those spicy potatoes which I have made with my mom's recipe" he smiled. "Omg, I loooove your spicy potatoes" I exclaimed with joy.


Justin's POV:

I stepped out of the studio and then again almost right away flashlights and their owners started chase me down. "How does it to be single?" "Do you have still feeling toward Claire even she left you?" "Why you two broke up?" "Have you heard that she has another man already?" "Who was that brunette girl who left your house last night?"...

Questions after another but I decided just ignored them and jumped in my car and drove away. Even I tried act strong and invulnerable, those questions which paparazzies and media had asked me hurt me especially when most of those questions touched me and Claire.

I would like to try move on but every time when I'm doing it someone comes and rip those scarves open again. I couldn't recover fully ever. Maybe I should just accept it.

I parked my car in front of my house and walked inside locking the door behind myself. House was empty and there was no one waiting for me. No one who I could lean and tell about my worries and relieve the stress.

There was just my dog, Esther who stared me with its big eyes and came to my feet beg for some scratches. "Hey to you! At least you're here making me feel a bit better" I mumbled to it and caressed it soft fur.



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