《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》VIII: Mysterious Brunette


Justin's POV:

A long day at studio was over finally and I wanted nothing but just go back to home and push myself under pillows and quilts. I wrenched the door frustrated open and stepped on the pavement which was full of people.

I pulled my black hoodie tighter around me to cover my face. Getting a massive group of fans would be last thing I needed right now, even I loved them bottom of my heart but now I was just too tired to that.

I kept walking like any of those people who were sharing the pavement with me. My left hand dig in my back pocket to search my car keys but I found nothing. I mumbled curses myself and how day wouldn't get any worse anymore but it did.

When I wasn't paying attention where I was walking soon I could feel that how I walked over someone almost and how that person's shopping bags dropped on the asphalt. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I didn-" I apologized but my words lost suddenly when I saw that girl's face. She was pretty, I couldn't lie.

"It's okay" she mumbled and started pick up her bags. "No, let me" I was finally able to get my thoughts back together and helped that girl collect her shopping which were laying there.

"Here" I handed three of her bags to her. "Thanks, you wouldn't have to.." she said and a light smile came on her face when our gazes met. "I'm Justin" I was ready to shook hand with her but she just giggled. "Nice to meet you, Justin" Her action made me regret my move and I felt myself kind of embarrassed. Nice move dork, nice move, I thought myself and shook my head lightly.

"I better get going. It's almost a dinner time and I'm hungry as fuck" she mumbled while our conversation seemed to stop. "It was.. nice to meet you, yeah" I nodded agreeing to her before I got an idea. "What if I would offer you a dinner? Like as compensation to that what happened" I scratched my neck an awkward feeling inside me. Thankfully she accepted my suggestion.


"Good where you like to go?" I asked and she told about one old restaurant where she had eaten almost 5 years already every Friday. I nodded and we walked to my car before we drove to that place. She wasn't talker type or maybe it was just that it was our first meeting and me as stupid man ask that if she likes to go out like it could be date or something.

I parked my car in front of that big and old restaurant and rushed to open a door her like true gentlemen do. She showed that cute little smile for me again and that warm, safe feeling took my body in its grab for few seconds. "Are you coming?" she asked and looked me. Then I at the latest noticed that she had walked to the door already and waiting for me now. "Yes, of course" I mumbled and ran after her.

Dinner with her was describable in one word: interesting. Our conversations were pretty deep and that girl's (whose name I don't still know) intelligence hit me like a lightning from the sky. It was amazing to tell with someone like really not just like that people come ask me when I will release new music.

This girl accepts me as I am and treated me like I would be just a normal man who with she went to dat- I mean eat.

I paid our bill and we left the restaurant with our stomachs full of food. "Oh my God, it was so good" she giggled and rub her stomach. "I think that I don't have to eat for days now after that. Thank you for that Justin.. I mean thank you for coming with me to eat" I nodded and smiled to her. "Good to hear that I was good company to girl like you"


"What do you mean with that?" she asked confused. "I-I.." I already regret my words. "I mean that good that I could please you as my company. You're so pretty and I'm just.. I'm just what I am" I tried get out of that awkward situation as quick as possible. She blushed and tried say something but closed her mouth then. However, she mumbled back 'thanks' to me.

"Would you- would you like to come inside?" I asked shyly and scratched back of my neck while we were in front of my house and when I tried look around was there any paparazzies around but seemly every of those nonentities were sleeping already. "Mm.. why not?" she smiled shyly back and stepped out of my car.

I let her inside and we walked to my living room. "Wow, you have a big house here" she admired it her mouth open amazed. "If you think that this is big, you wouldn't like to hear that then that my last house was even bigger" "Oww, why you moved out of there?" she asked and sat down on my white leather couch. "It felt too big to live alone there" I mumbled and bad memories filled my head even I tried keep them a side.

"Oh, so you're single?" she was kind of surprised. "Yes.. I am" saying that out didn't feel that bad I already thought or maybe that bad feeling will come later or at least I thought so but this time I was wrong.

I offered her glass of wine and you probably know how one thing leads in another and so on. Next morning, I found myself and her laying on my king size bed both naked. It was my first time after my and Claire's breakup.


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