《ɪɴᴇxᴘʟɪᴄᴀʙʟᴇ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ》НАЙМ: ДАХИАД НЭГ ЖОНГҮГ
" Тэр хэн болчихоод чиний өрөөнд дураараа ороод, бүр тэр ч болоогүй гэрт чинь хүртэл очиж байгаа юм!"
" Ярьвал урт түүх болно. Тиймээс үглээд байлгүй гарч үз! Би зарим нэг зүйлсийн талаар судалж үзэх хэрэгтэй байна."
Тэхён түүнийг хэн гэдгийг, үнэхээр өнгөрсөнөөс ирчихээд сонин сонин юм яриад байгаа эсэхийг мэдэхийн тулд шаардлагатай гэсэн бүхнийг цуглуулсан байлаа.
" Тэр жаалын тухай ярьж байна уу? Хаанаас гэнэт нялх хүүхэд гаргаж ирчихээд учир зүггүй анхаарал тавиад намайг хүртэл хөөж туугаад байгаа юм?"
"Тиймээ тэр нялх. Тиймээс л дахиж алдчихгүйн тулд ингээд байна. Гуйя, чи солиороод байлгүй гарчих тэгэх үү?"
Тэхён түүнийг хөөж туугаад тайван суулгахгүй байсанд Жимин яахын аргагүй явах нь тэр. Магадгүй жоохон удах л юм бол Тэхён түүнийг алж ч мэдэхээр байлаа.
" Хөөё хүүхдээ наашир даа?"
Жимин тэр даруйд хурдан алхсаар Жонгүгийг хаалгаар гардгийн даваан дээр амжиж зогсоов. Тэр үнэхээр түүнийг хэн гэдгийг мэдэхийг хүссэн бололтой.
" Хэн би юу?"
Жонгүг гайхсаар эргэж харахдаа өөрлүүгээ заах бол Жимин толгой дохьсоор ярилцахыг хүсэх нь тэр.
" Хаана энд үү?"
" Тиймээ, хараал ид гэж! За тэгэхээр шууд гол яриандаа орцгооё. Чи Тэхёны юу нь юм? Хэн болчихоод түүнтэй наалдаад байгаа юм гэж байна!"
Жимин маш нухацтай харагдах бол Жонгүг харин ч эсэргээрээ огтхон ч тоосон янзгүй сонин харсаар,
" Тэхён гэж хэн юм?" Гэх нь тэр.
" Чи тоглоод байна уу? Аль эсвэл намайг албаар уурлуулах гээд байгаа юм уу?"
" Аан, тэр гаж донтонг Тэхён гэдэг байхнээ! Даанч тийм байхаа заваан сонсогдоод байсан юм?"
Жонгүг хэтэрхий чанга яриад байсанд ойр тойрных нь хүмүүс гайхаж харах нь тэр. Учир нь Тэхёныг нэрээр нь дуудах байтугай эгцэлж харах хүн энэ компанид Жиминээс өөр байдаггүй билээ.
" Хөөх, чи ч их зоригтой бацаан юм аа? Чамайг хэн болохыг мэдэхгүй ч Тэхён энэ үйлдлийг чинь хараад лав өршөөхгүй байх?"
" Уучлаарай, чамайг яг юу хүсээд байгааг мэдэхгүй ч би ингээд явах хэрэгтэй байна."
Жонгүг түүний юу яриад байгааг ойлгоогүй ч үргэлжлүүлэн сонсох хүсэл байсангүй. Тэр өнгөрсөнд ч тэр, одоо ч мөн адил маш их өлсөж байгаа учир өлбөрч үхэхээсээ өмнө ямар нэгэн зүйл олж идэх хэрэгтэй байлаа.
"Ингэхэд надад мөнгө байхгүй, бас би эндээс гараад хайчихаа мэдэхгүй учир буцаад очдог хэрэг ээ! Тэр новшид идэх юм байдаггүй юм аа гэхэд мөнгө байж л таараа!"
Жонгүг хаалганы бариулаас татсан ч, удалгүй эргэж хараад гүйчихсэнд Жимин хараал урсгасаар араас нь дагах нь тэр.
"Хөөё, новшоо би өлсөөд байна! Тэглээч чи муу яаж намайг ганцааранг минь явуулж чадаж байна аа, айн! Энэ аймшигтай хотод чинь би ямар нэгэн байдлаар үхчихвэл яаж буцах болж байна!
Жонгүг хаалга цөм хөшиглөж орж ирээд учир зүггүй хашигчаад унасанд Тэхён үхтлээ цочих нь тэр. Зүв зүгээр байсан амьдралыг дахиад нэг Жонгүг гарч ирээд үймүүлээд хаячихна гэж тэр яаж санахав.
- In Serial26 Chapters
Note: Slight edits to early chapters (and removal of one chapter - previously chapter 2) have been made 2/2/21 The city, my city, had once been alive in a way that was hard to describe. Thriving, active, hopeful. Vibrant. But life, as I had come to learn, sometimes possesses only the most tenuous of grasps. Finally, in the end, it became my city - mine alone. I was, after all, the only one left. Worse, it was entirely my fault. There was red in my ledger that could never be wiped clean. Not while I still lived, anyway. This story follows Eran, a man who became the opposite of everything he had ever wanted to be; in a world where superpowers began to appear in a rare few, his lack of control over his own power relegated him to the role of a terrible villain - the Reaper, named so for the countless lives that he absorbed and made his own, each only furthering his deadly lack of control. Gone mad with guilt and isolation, he strove for a single heroic act - his own demise. Death was less permanent than he hoped. Centuries later, he woke to a changed world and in a body not his own. Unfortunately, his power came with him. Yet this time, things would be different. This time, he had a chance to bring it under control. He could never truly make up for the things he had done; he could never achieve redemption. That wouldn't stop him from trying to be a hero. Cover courtesy of the amazing Vitaly S Alexius, author of Romantically Apocalyptic. Go check him out!
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Above All
"In a world where strength rules supreme. All beings shall bow before the strong."This is the golden rule of all mortals who wish to take the path of martial arts or wizardry and defy the will of the heavens.Those who do not obey this rule will suffer a miserable fate worse than death. Arthur, a 13 year old boy who has encountered a strange occurrence during his early childhood, is forcedto undertake the tribulation of the heavens. Follow him and watch as he tries to become the one who stands above all.
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Adventure Home
Seeking is what defines adventurers. Some seek glory, some treasure and levels, others a place where they belong. When they cannot find it elsewhere, they journey south to the frontier. To the towns that keep the relentless shifting wilderness of the high-magic zone at bay. In one particular destination, an uncannily familiar elf behind the reception counter may greet new arrivals. She’s got a [Reassuring Smile], but will kindly ask you to leave if you misbehave. And the local adventurers will help you outside lest she employ her other Skills. LGBTQ themes in a fantasy-ish low litRPG setting. That means yes levels, classes, and skills; no experience, health, or status screens.
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Joat, a hobgoblin in the new AR (Augmented Reality) game ARIA beta test has one and only one purpose to being there...To get as many skills as possible. why? because he likes skills and he likes to be able to do everything, absolutely everything. And he will do whatever it takes to get them too. Join him on his journey to gain every skill possible and become a true Skill Whore
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Hang On (Book One, Grand Folks State Series)
A video game-obsessed girl trying to run away from grief, becomes best friends with a hockey player hiding a dark past, and together they try to stop a frat from destroying more lives.-------------Elodie Mitchel is starting her Sophomore year off by ignoring her grief. Making it to graduation and getting a job to pay off her student loans are the only things on her mind.But all it takes is a football to the face to ruin all of her plans.Not only does Elodie gain a big fat black eye, but also the attention of the annoying, cocky, once famed Grand Folk's hockey star, Tariq Araneo. The King of Campus and formerly hailed bad boy needs something from her, but Elodie refuses not wanting to make her life more complicated or put a target on her back. All she has to do is drop off his addictive smelling jacket he had lent her and be on her way. Why would he want to be friends with her anyway? Especially since she's been coined as that weird, random singing, vintage video game obsessed nerd.But before she can try to deliver it...He shows up the next morning at her door...And at her class...And... EVERYWHERE!# 1 in badboy 11/23/22# 2 in Chick Lit 11/21/22# 1 in University 10/28/21# 1 in Christian 4/17/22# 2 in Sports 8/2/21# 2 in First 9/7/21# 2 in Athlete 12/5/21# 1 in Collegeromance 11/20/22# 6 in College 11/20/22# 13 in Video Games 8/1/21# 25 in bad boy 9/2/21# 30 in Humor 11/20/21
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