-Тэхёнаа хоюулаа арай төөрчихөж байгаа юм биш биз дээ??
-үгүй байх аа. Хоюулаа тэр зүгээс ирсэн байх. Юутай ч тэр зүгрүү явья.
-Улам төөрчлөөшдээ!
Тэхён ойр хавийг ажиглан хэсэг зогссоноо 'ямартай ч хоёр биенээсээ төөрөхгүй шүү' гэж хэлэн түрүүн хөлнд уясан байсан алчуураар өөрийнхөө гарыг миний гартай холбон уялаа. Нар шингэж байгаа болхоор бага зэрэг даарч байв. Ядаж байхад утсаа цүнхэндээ орхичихдог таарчдээ!
Бид хоёр нэг том модны доор суун бид хоёрыг хүн ирж олох байх гэсэн найдлага тээн сууна. Харанхуй болж шөнийн тэнгэр үнэхээр үзэсгэлэнтэй харагдана.
Сарны гэрэл байгаа нь ямайдаа гэж бодох шиг...
Даарч байсан болхоор нэг гараа халаасандаа хийн малгайгаа өмсөн сууна. Тэхён ч бас даарч байгаа бололтой гар нь бага зэрэг чичирч байв. Тэхён надруу ойртож суугаад 'ойрхон байвал илүү дулаахан байх' гэж хэлэв. Тэхён гадуурх том сул цамцаа тайлан надад нөмрүүлхэд нь 'чи өөрөө даарахгүй байна уу?'
-худалч гэж хэлэн өөрт нь нөмрүүлхэд тэр намайг бас өөрийгөө оруулан цахилгааныг нь татаад 'том цамц өмссөн минь болж дээ' гэж хэлэн инээмсэглэнэ. Түүнтэй үнэхээр ойрхон байна. Түүний амьсгалах нь хүртэл мэдрэгдхээр. Дахиад л миний зүр хурдан цохилоно. Удалгүй миний нүд анилдаж өөрийн эрхгүй л толгой доош унах гээд байв. Тэхён анзаарсан бололтой миний толгойг өөрийн мөрөндээр тавин өөрөө миний толгойг дэрлэнэ. Сайхан байна... Яг ингээд цаг хугацаа зогсчихдог ч болоосой...
Энэ тэхён наёон хоёр хайчдаг байнаа. 3 цаг өнгөрчихөөд байхад ирэхгүй байх юм. Миний санаа бага зэрэг зовж байв. Багшид хэлтэл тэр 'ойлоглоо. Бүгдээрээ явж тэднийг хайцгая гэж хэлэн сурагчдыг тав таваар нь хуваан гар чийдэн барин явсан юм.
Би Жонгүг Ина Багш бас нэг охин хамт явав.
Цаг гарам явсны эцэст том модны доор суугаагаараа унтах хоёрыг олов. Тэхён жаргалтай нь аргагүй наёоны толгойг дэрлэн унтана. Түүний чин сэтгэлийн инээмсэглэлийг хараагүй их удаж...
Жонгүг ч бас түүний инээмсэглэлийг харан багагүй инээмсэглэнэ. Аргагүй шүү дээ тэр их зовлон үзсэн хүүхэд...
Ина руу харвал багтарч үхэх гэж байгаа аятай л тэдэнрүү харна.
Инаруу харж нэг ёжилж инээчихээд. Тэхёныг сэрээхээр түүнд ойртов.
Нүдрүү гэрэл тусгахад нь харвал жимин жонгүг ина ирчихсэн байв. Тэхён ч бас сэрсэн байв. Ина надруу үхлийн харцаар харж яг л хороочих юм шиг л харж байв. Одоо л нэг ухаан орон тэхёны цацыг нь өөрт нь өмсүүлэн 'баярлалаа' гэж хэлэн босход багш утсаар бусад хүүхдүүдэд биднийг олсон гэдгийг нь хэлнэ.
Бид нарыг майханруугаа буцхад хоол хийчихсэн байсан ба жимин бид хоёрт аяглан өгөөд энийг идчихээд унтаарай. Би түрүүлээд орлоо гэв.
Тэхён бид хоёр их өлссөн байсан тул хэн хэн нь юу ч ярилгүй чимээгүй л хоолоо идцгээнэ.
Би түрүүлж босон 'сайхан амраарай. Бас баярлалаа' гэж хэлэн майханругаа түрүүлэн орлоо.
Намайг орход охид бүгд унтчихсан байх ба хамгийн захад жижиг ор засчихсан байв. Хөнжилдөө шигдэн одоо хүртэл үнэртэх тэхёны үнэрээр уушигаа дүүргэн инээмсэглэнэ...
Realm of Myths and Legends
Jin, a hardcore gamer who still lives with his mom at the age of 24. He could never hold down a steady job since graduating, his girlfriend since high school dumped him for his best friend and he’s constantly getting beat up by a group of local gang members. His dad left him and his mom when he became rich from the lottery and got a new family, one free of debt and burdens as he called it. His mom works 3 jobs to keep everything from falling apart, except for herself slowly. One day on his way home with the very first and new fully immersive VRMMORPG called Realm of Myths and Legends or RML for short, he died from a hit and run car accident. RML was advertised as the worlds first fully immersive VRMMORPG, allowing for players with skill sets in the real world, like sword training, martial arts, archery or reaction time, to benefit in the game itself! Though Jin died and at that moment a soul from another world crossed over into his body and inherited his memories. The man known as Izroth once hailed as the greatest cultivator in the seven realms, soul reincarnates into the modern world year 20xx in the body of Jin.
8 351The Destiny of a Mortal God (Hiatus)
Currently on hiatus, in part because I'm unsatisfied with how the story was starting to develop, and even though I had ideas how to run it, I still made mistakes far too big to correct them. Secondly I'm currently stressed about university, and sincerely, I don't see myself keeping this project. I may or may not retake this project or even start a new one, but one thing's for sure, it isn't happening anytime soon (Meaning until june, aprox, or until I can keep up with class). ... Lyon Ironblood, 19 years old and orphan, is taken by Kronos from the present Earth to another world, where he shall fight and struggle to get stronger so that he shall acomplish the mission Kronos assigned him. He shall fight gods, demons, dragons and monsters and even mortals who surpass those. But to do so he shall receive, though only after he proved himself worthy, a power beyond imagination. This power will not be handed freely to him, and he'll have to work hard to develop it. He shall receive the X-Men System. A magic system designed to enhance Lyon and give him the mutations from the X-Men serie. He shall start from scratch, with powers that will seem less than a mere human, and develop them with effort, to surpass the gods. [I don't claim ownership of any of the X-Men powers or characters, neither the cover, only thing I claim are the ideas which make the story and put together their powers, how they'll develop from scratch to even higher worlds than they were suposed on the series, other than that, all X-Men characters named (which I'll try to avoid to a certain point) are not of my property]
8 129Flame Beneath The Snowfall
Alto is a world governed by Tones. Magic, as one might call it. Manifested through deep mental and physical conditioning, one can control the Tones in a way that is unique to them. The power to store items in gems, transfer life, affect a person's mind, and even the more primal abilities such as control of the elements. Those who have these supernatural abilities are called 'Vassals.' People that fully manifest their abilities are not as common as one might think, and not all Vassals acquire their ability through practice, given if conditions are met. In fact, those who had received much trauma manifest the Tones more frequently, albeit spontaneously. However, the rare kind of Vassals are those who manifest it from childhood. A gift, but not without its repercussions. Alto is stuck in a transitional era, where the line between modern and dated technology is blurred. One can travel to a city that has a tall skyline, bustling with people in sophisticated clothing, or a mere town governed by a lord, all the while riding on a powered vehicle. Cultures vary: Some turn to the more dated practices such as castes, others are more inclined to set equal footing on their people, led by nobility. Some are dedicated to become scholars, studying Alto's Tones, while others set foot on hunts, protecting lone towns from the creatures of some of the still-untamed lands. And the Vassals? Those willing are took under The Organization, an elusive group, its presence said to permeate all throughout Alto, taking care of Rogue Vassals that abuse their abilities and other businesses related to their side. But what is this story all about, you may ask? Well, set your sights on the upper portions of this huge landmass that is Alto. Yes, the 'whole' world is called Alto, but that is because the majority of the known people live on this large continent. Relieve yourself of the worrying tensions everywhere, and see the white snow. Trace the piercing mountaintops and focus your eyes between the valley. A town sits there. Mido. After realizing that the memories only left in his mind was the night of his town's imminent destruction in flames, a boy finds himself grasping for every fiber of his life as he lays down flat on the ground. Beneath him was soot mixed with the white snow. Fortunately, a group of investigators, who were supposed to answer their call for help, saved him from his sorry state. With a newfound second wind, but hampered by his loss of memory, he must solve his own case: Who had the audacity to set Mido, his town, aflame? Flame Beneath the Snowfall focuses on action, with a sense of adventure, but mostly the discovery of an outside world, and the protagonist's exposure to it. Add in a whisk of soft magical elements, and you get a story that I hope will be interesting to the readers. That is not to say that my work is without the sense of unnerving atmosphere, however. As a forewarning, there are elements of gore, horror, minor elements of mental trauma, etc. so it is not for all audiences. *The book is already completed. Although I have plans to continue the story (it would have to involve much larger scope in terms of world-building), I have yet to decide when to start the next entry.
8 117Once Again: Tales of Destiny
Twenty-one year old Mara learns that, despite her mother's insistence, Fairies are real. The story is set in 2009, in Seattle. Mara is a college student on the verge of graduating with Photography degree. All her life she has been able to see magical beings that her mother firmly insists are not there. Mara has learned to ignore seeing what she sees...so much that when she begins to notice them again she seeks counseling as she is sure she must be cracking up. Aerrvin, on the other hand, is a flippant carefree Purple Fairy Prince who has, on a whim, decided to appease his parents by getting married. But because he is a contrarian, he has decided to marry a Human. He will do a revers changeling spell on her to turn her into a Fairy once she truly believes in Fairies. But nothing can go that smoothly... Morvayne has had his sights on Mara since her birth, he's been waiting for someone with her exact set of qualities and skills...with her on his side...he can rule the world!.
8 113Art book??
go look at the ugly art already
8 74Best friend VS Boyfriend
Louis and Taylor have been best friends since they were in diapers. They have experienced everything together: kindergarten, primary school, high school and Taylor's success in the showbusiness from the beginning to now. Louis is never in the spotlight but everything changes when Taylor gets invited to a TMZ party, for the first time after her break-up with world famous singer Harry Styles. Taylor begs her best friend to come with her as a plus-one to her first public appearance, needing Louis' support to see her ex and his showbiz friends for the first time after the drama. But does the unnoticed best friend stays unnoticed after he defends his best friend in front of all the paparazzi from Hollywood?Or the one where Louis gets accidentally famous after defending his best friend in front of the paparazzi by hating on her ex-boyfriend Harry Styles.
8 88