《The Retribution of the Ice Cold Maiden》05 - Why did it turn out like this?


"Shut up...!!" He bellowed angrily at Selena. "How dare you accuse me of being unfaithful!! It is because you are always suspecting me and making a scene wherever we go that I decided to break off the engagement...!!" Grant was still a Marquis's son, despite being in an overwhelming disadvantage, he thought of a way to clear his name. By calling her a suspicious woman, he made it look like as if he was suffering by her hands every day instead. It is because of her attitude that he felt disconnected by her and approached Patricia.

"I wanted to break off the engagement long ago but kept quiet because of your Father's status. But no more, I am tired of being reprimanded every day for no good reason, so stop making a scene like always and leave. How dare you act like this during the Third Prince's Birthday?" Grant continued, hoping to turn the situation around.

Now, anyone would be stumped by the blatant lies and confrontational accusation by Grant. Even Selena froze for a second, but the Voice inside her head,

Soul, spoke to her.

"Oh Helll nooooo....!! If he thinks he is a bigger drama Queen than us, then he is about to be face planted on the ground so hard that he would have to be pulled out like a carrot." The annoying voice of Soul brought Selena back to her senses. Then, Soul whispered something to her in a sinister voice.

Selena immediately made a face which showed visible pain. It is as if the words uttered by Grant had hacked her to pieces. Seeing her reaction, even a puppy will feel as if she was pitiful. The people who were slowly going to lean on Grant's side were immediately pulled back to Selena's side because of it.

"How dare he scream at her...!!"

"Of Course, she would feel suspicious seeing as he is currently clinging to that woman. Wasn't she supposed to be her best friend?"

"...and what's that about causing a ruckus at Prince's Birthday? Wasn't he the one to start this thing in the first place by breaking off the engagement during the party?"

Various voices of disapproval could be heard from the crowd. Grant's attempt of salvaging the situation was reflected back on him with even more damage. He was no more than a perverted monster in the eyes of everyone present.

Duke Martin's sons also witnessed the scenario as the younger was being pulled by the elder brother by his neck. Although they came after half the show had ended, it didn't take long for them to understand the situation considering the gossiping crowd. The Elder brother, Chris, was showing a furious expression while Calvin had a surprised expression on his face. He saw this lady quietly standing in the room minutes before. 'To think, I watched the calm before the storm.' he thought. Even though he was a playboy, he wouldn't go as far as to cheat on a fiancé which is why he didn't have one yet. Even someone like him felt fury towards Grant.

Forget the brothers, even the calm First Prince felt his mouth twitch a little. So it can be imagined how the Third Prince and the Second Princess felt. The Third Prince had an ugly expression on his face and Princess Rose was nibbling on her handkerchief with tears flowing down her eyes. She immediately signaled a guard to protect the girl if a fight broke out. The Guard nodded and made his way to the stage.


"Oh, here comes one... Quick get it out." Soul noticed the Guard coming and prompted Selena to start the final act of the play.

Selena put her head down and rummaged through her pockets and in front of everyone's eyes, she pulled out a broken sharp glass piece.

The Crowd gasped and took a step back. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. They were certain that Selena was going to attack Grant.

Grant also jumped back, "W-What are you doing...?!" He asked trembling.

However, Selena didn't reply, she didn't even move. After a whole second passed, she turned the shard around and puffed out her chest.

Everyone who saw it immediately panicked. The Guard also noticed it and hastened his steps. Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

In the tense atmosphere, Selena lifted her head. The pain on her face was gone. Instead, there was a smile on her face. The kind of smile one has when all the weight they have on their shoulders is lifted. The kind of smile that one has... before they commit suicide.

"Father, Second Mother... Brother... I am sorry." Selena spoke in a small voice, but it was heard by everyone since the hall was extremely quiet except for the sounds of the Guard's footsteps as he was now running.

"I'll tell mother that you are all doing well..." Selena closed her eyes with that sentence and stabbed the shard towards her heart.

"NNooOOOoo....!!!" A lady screamed at the sight and closed her eyes in horror. Many also did the same hoping to avoid seeing the bloodshed that is about to happen. Grant was frozen in place, unable to move even an inch due to panic. Patricia could feel her sight darkening and she almost fell unconscious.



"This...? What?" a sound of someone echoed through the hall. The Crowd, realizing that something different had happened, slowly opened their eyes and what they saw made them drop their jaws in astonishment.

Selena still had her eyes closed. In the moment of stabbing her own wrist, she heard Soul scream, "Oh Shi----" but, fortunately, it didn't seem like she stabbed herself.

As the excitement from the scenario calmed down her numb body, she also realized something was amiss.

According to the plan, when she would stab herself, the guard would come and stop her. However, at the moment, instead of two hands of the guards, she felt like she was being held by... four hands?

"Soul... is everything... okay?" Selena asked Soul in her mind, not daring to open her eyes.

"Er... We deviated a little from the original plan, but it is still an acceptable outcome. You... should open your eyes slowly. Just... don't panic." Soul said hesitatingly.

Selena felt somewhat weird that Soul would beat around the bush like that, so she slowly opened her eyes... and what she saw almost made her heart jumped out of her body.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw red. No, she wasn't angry, she literally saw red in her sight. As her eyes focused, the red blob slowly turned into fiery blood-red hair. Beneath that fiery hair, was a man, holding on the sharp edge of the glass shard firmly, staring in her eyes. But surprisingly, there was no blood coming from his hand. Is it made out of stone or something?


"F-First Prince...?!" Selena spouted those words involuntarily. Wasn't a guard coming to rescue me? Why did he change into the Prince? This is why TV Shows don't go long when they change one of the cast members. What the hell is he doing here?

There was pin-drop silence in the hall. Selena and the first prince kept staring at each other. The Fire like red eyes of the First Prince threatened to melt the Coldness in Selena's blue eyes. Similarly, the coldness of Selena's nature threatened to froze the Prince in a Glacier. It was a battle to see into each other's soul with no clear winner.

"Lady Booker... please calm down." A voice jolted Selena from the battle. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she realized that the voice did not come from the first prince.

'Weird, why is there a voice if he's not speaking. Is the First Prince a Ventriloquist? What a weird time to display such skills. I am about the kill myself and he is trying to showcase his skills? Am I supposed to die clapping...?' Various thoughts rushed through Selena's head.

"Lady Booker..." the voice called again and then it struck Selena that there was another person beside her. She turned her head to see another set of Red Hair.

'What is this? Since when did redheads become so common? Or is that a new fashion that I am not aware of? What a weird trend.' Selena tried to focus on another blob of hair to realize there was another person beneath it.

"Lady Booker, please don't be rash. Your family will be devastated if you proceed any further." The Calm soothing voice spoke to her. When she looked into the eyes of this person, there was a warm feeling inside her. Instead of threatening to burn her like the previous eyes, these dark red eyes made her feel safe and secured.

'Why...Why is the third prince here as well?', Selena felt like crying. Seriously, where is that guard? Why was he replaced with such high-class actors? Give me back my spotlight damn you...!!

Her sight felt down and she saw a hand before her chest. It was hovering in a way that would have taken a direct stab of the shard. He was going to allow himself to get hurt to protect Selena.

'What is this? Do you have to be so heroic? I was not really going to kill myself, of course, you guys didn't know that.' Selena felt like burrowing herself in a hole and staying there for all eternity.

"Soul..." she asked in a threatening voice. "What the hell's going on...?"

"Er... It's like this..." Soul began his explanation in a flustered voice, "Do you remember that Guard who was supposed to rescue us?"

Remember him? Of Course, I remember him, I will remember that guy my whole life, Selena thought.

"Er... So apparently, we really overestimated his capabilities, while running towards us, that guy... he... tripped."

Tripped? TRIPPED?!' Selena was flabbergasted. 'Who the hell trips on nothing? What is he, a baby who recently learned how to walk? Why does the Royal Palace have such useless guards? We might as well serve our country in a silver platter to our enemies with such useless forces.'

"...and when he tripped, I immediately felt distortion in the hall and then... these two guys appeared out of nowhere." Soul explained.

The Scene finally made sense. When the Guard tripped, both of the Princes utilized their magic to rush towards her to stop her from killing herself. What was amazing was that the whole scenario happened within a second or less. How fast was the Princes reaction time and speed to achieve this? No wonder everyone present had their jaws open, this was a feat only possible for the two strongest youngsters of the Kingdom.

On the side, Princess Rose who almost ate her handkerchief when the guard tripped, breathed a sigh of relief. For her, Selena was a betrayed soul, and it resonated deeply with her. But what surprised her was that her elder brother took action. She expected Bruce to help her but Oliver too? A small spark emanated from the Princess's eyes as a thought ran across the head.

On the side, Grant was frozen in shock, panic, despair.... well every negative emotion out there had currently made his mind their home. As for Patricia, she had long fallen unconscious.

'Why... Why did it turn out like this?' This was the thought that ran through everyone's mind who was present.

"Lady Booker...?" The Third Prince called again.

"H-Hey...!! Do the thing... quick...!!" Soul screamed at her, prompting her to put the finishing touches for the Play.

She let go of the Glass Shard, but unbeknown to everyone, she also let go of a small almost invisible thread that was keeping the broken red bangle in place. As soon as she let go, the thread slipped back into her clothes, and the bangle, without the thread holding it in place, broke off from her wrist and the pieces scattered on the floor.

As for where she learned this trick, it was all thanks to an episode of 'Detective Danny' that Soul watched as a kid.

The First Prince also failed to notice it. He frowned upon seeing the shattered bangle. His assumptions were right, something was wrong with that bangle.

As soon as the bangle left her wrist, Selena immediately had a change in her demeanor. Of Course, it was a plot by Soul to make it look like she was under the influence of the bangle.

...and thus, the Play came to an end.

Having completed her objective and the numerous emotional upheavals she felt today, her mind and body were exhausted and she felt her eyes darkening.

'Okay... not bad. For a Play we made on the spot, not to mention some hiccups in between, it was still worthy of an Oscar. I wonder if I could get the Best Director's award.'

Soul's final words reverbed through her head as she slowly fell unconscious.


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