《Viking Tribute》Chapter 48: Race for Life


I hope you'll think I deserve your votes, comments and follows for all these new chapters and the subsequent lack of sleep! Enjoy!

By the time it took Svana to grab her cloak, water for the trip and a bag of medical supplies, I had saddled our horses. I needed a stool and her help to get on my mare, but once installed I was comfortable enough.

We wasted no time getting out and trotted away, without anyone noticing us. Lady Disaelfr must have held every one in, preparing the defence of the house. I trusted her with it, she had been in charge for longer than I had lived. As for me, my place was at my husband's side.

The sun was out, as it had been for the past few days. The ground was dry and we made good progress. The down side of this being that the men must have too.

As soon as the path widened we pushed our mounts, our cloaks floating in the wind. We must have appeared as Valkyries to the onlookers, two women galloping towards the battlefield. But unlike those female warriors, we would arrive before our warriors relinquished their souls. Hopefully.

We had to slow down as we passed the sharp bend before the trading post, as the road narrowed dangerously. The cascades crossing it were roaring from the thaw, and the rocks were as slippery as I remembered. My mare's front foot slipped, jerking me. A jolt of pain crossed my beck, but neither of us fell and we made it safely to the bottom.

I stared at the river in anguish. We had to cross it on a flimsy bridge, a few planks hastily put together after the Jökulhaup. It didn't seem strong enough to support us, and the current underneath was strong. I paled and nearly balked. If I fell I would drown, my child would never be born and Einarr would die.

"What is wrong, Sunngifu? We have to go, come!"

I shivered. "This thing will never support our weight, it will break."

She laughed at me. "Nay, it won't. Our men crossed it a few hours back, is that proof enough? If you can't do it, I'll go alone."

I stiffened. I wouldn't renounce. I was no coward. "What I you waiting for? Let's go."

I kicked my horse gently forward, letting her decide where she could step. She wasn't quite as impressed as I was and we were on the other side in no time. Svana wasn't far behind.

"The path is clear up to the short cut. Hold tight in the saddle, Sunngifu." She whistled and our mounts picked up speed, going at this incredible fast gait I had experienced before. It was smooth, more so than walking, yet my back didn't seem happier. If anything, if hurt more. But it was bearable, and stopping wasn't an option.


I was glad when we slowed down, upon reaching the foot of a steep climbing track. Our piece of the coast resembled a dragon foot, each claw a mountainous ridge planted at the edge of the sea. The main road curled around the claws, adding a lot of length to the trip. Svana's plan was to climb over the ridge at its lower part, allowing us to catch up by considerably reducing the distance to the ambush point. I silently prayed that it would be enough.

Our mounts valiantly attacked the rocky trail, their feet sure and precise. I tried not to glance back. I couldn't afford to hesitate again. Svana led, easily finding her way. I could tell she had been there many times, and it comforted me.

As we reached the summit, she helped me dismount. "There are no trees and the rocks won't hide our horses. We will tie them here and see what is awaiting us below. There might be scouts. If Sigurd's men see us, we will be doomed."

I nodded, bow at the ready. We walked slowly over the crest, careful not to dislodge any stone that would tumble down, revealing our presence. I hid behind a boulder and looked down. And nearly screamed at what I saw.

There was a fight on the road, and one party was badly outnumbered. I made out three of my husband's men, their backs to the rocks, holding out five foes. Another one was on the ground, bleeding profusely. I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead.

Einarr and Mildred's huge husband were back to back, fighting three and two attackers respectively. They were strong, but they would lose eventually. They had to be tired; four more bodies lay in the dust.

"Svana, can you tell if there are any others waiting, or an archer?" If there was an archer, I would have to kill him fast.

I heard her move while I nocked my first arrow. They were far, yet no farther than the geese, and a far larger target. I aimed and shot my first man, one of Einarr's adversaries. He collapsed, hit in the back. He didn't wear a byrnie. They were farmers, not professional warriors. They couldn't afford expensive equipment.

I felt nothing for him. My mind was focused on saving my husband. I fell two others before Svana returned. "I could find no one else. If any, they have already left for our house."

I snarled at the thought and hit another one.

Einarr's men and Mildred's husband were now fighting equal numbers. Einarr plunged his sword in one of his enemy's throat and hit the other with his shield. His second soon disposed of his man and they went to help the others. Surrounded, the last of Sigurd's followers dropped their weapons and yielded.


It had all happened very fast and I had forgotten all about my sore back. The pain lashed at me with a vengeance, pulsing in angry waves. I dropped my bow and leaned on the boulder.

"What is wrong?" Svana grabbed my shoulders, her voice carrying her concern.

I struggled to catch my breath. "I most have blocked something in my spine when we were riding. It's really bad, I do not think I can walk."

"Sunngifu! What are you doing here?" Einarr had climbed to us, leaving his second in charge.

"I ... had to save you," I hissed between clenched teeth.

"And you did. But you put yourself in danger. And you are in pain." He looked at Svana. "Can you bring her down?"

She nodded. "If you can lift her on her horse, I can guide her to my father's farm. My mother will know what to do."

"I'll join you there." Einarr bent to pick me up, and I stopped him.

"Nay, you have to go...Your mother... The house...under attack..."

He glanced at Svana who confirmed. "Sigurd planned to attack your house once you were dead. You have to protect them. Lady Disaelfr has sent for help, but if she doesn't get it fast they won't hold long."

"Sigurd? I didn't recognize his men. Are you certain? Why would he do this?"

"Hrefna," I wheezed, "she went to him... Told him your mother killed your previous wife. A farmer... warned us. Ooh!" Fluid ran down my legs, drenching my shift and boots. I nearly died of embarrassment. "I'm afraid I peed myself. I'm sorry..."

Svana lifted the hem of my skirt, and crouched, sniffing it. I stared at her. "What ...are you doing? Ouch!" The pain wasn't abating. The waves were worse, more frequent.

"This isn't pee!" She placed her hands around my belly and her eyes widened. "Sunngifu, you are in labor! We have to bring you to my home immediately. My mother will help you."

Einarr didn't wait. He swung me into my saddle and threw the reins to Svana. She gave him the healing bag.

"I think your men will need it, my mother has her own."

"I know you will give me a healthy son, little dreki, you are as strong and brave as my warriors. I'm proud to have you as my wife."

I caught his wrist. "If I die in childbirth, I...want you to know. I love you."

He smiled. "I had guessed it. And if you had any doubt, I love you too. You will live to celebrate our son with me, I have no doubt." He kissed my hand and waved at Svana, and then ran down the trail.

I barely remember the short trip to Svana's farm, all my will focused on staying in the saddle. I panted in agony. It was worse than anything I had experienced, worse than the scourging Einarr had given me.

Someone pulled me off the mare and carried me onto a pallet by the hearth. A female voice yelled at the males to get out and a cold cloth was applied to my forehead. I opened my eyes to Svana's mother, a barely aged version of her daughter.

"Welcome to my house, Sunngifu. Svana is preparing something to help with the pain, and I need to undress and wash you."

I could only nod.

She divested me of my clothes and cleaned me, and her hands, thoroughly. She gave me a fresh smock and held the goblet brought by her daughter to my lips. "Drink, it will soothe you."

I did, but threw up the next instant. She frowned. "It might be too late for that. We need to get you up and walking, it will push the barn down. Can you do it?"

"I'll...try." I winced when they lifted me, but taking steps with their support seemed to make things easier. It still hurt, yet it was bearable. Yet it didn't last. Within moments my belly became hard as stone and I felt my guts being ripped out. I screamed and they lowered me down.

"The child is crowning, you must push it out!"

I was out of my mind with pain, terrified, and I didn't know how to do this. I wasn't ready, it was too soon, I couldn't breathe, we were going to die!

"Breathe, Sunngifu, breathe." Svana's mother cooed at me, and explained me what to do. I calmed down a little and followed her instructions. She positioned me on my hands and knees, like a bitch having her litter, yet I didn't think anything of it. Propriety wasn't my main concern.

"One more push and you'll be a mother!"

Panting, I obeyed and was rewarded by a powerful cry. I dropped on my side, far beyond exhaustion. An upset and squirming little bundle was placed in the crook of my arm. "It's a handsome boy, Sunngifu, look at him!"

So I did. My son had grey-blue eyes, blotched skin, and a strand of bright red hair sticking up on his head.

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