《The Untold Stories - Season 1》Judgement Day (Episode 8)
The camera zooms in on Augusta and into a certain road holding only a couple of teenagers walking down the street as well as laughing at their own jokes. The camera moves down the street as several families among the houses on the road celebrate in parties or by having Halloween feasts. Their Halloween decorations are left on to still show off to their surrounding neighbors to see who can have the best decorations of the year. As the camera moves further down the road, a cyclist cycles past under a street lamp wearing a Jason mask and behind them contains a mother dressed as the tooth fairy holding onto a younger boy dressed up as Iron man.
Finally, it reaches a certain empty building that appears almost completely empty, until the camera manages to glide through the stained and rusty glass windows. Floating into a dark room only lit by the surrounding candles filling the air with the fragrant smells of cinnamon and lavender stands Judy, as her head faces towards the dusty and cobwebby ceiling of the Post Office while her arms appear outstretched. Around her in a circle motion appears to be some type of white powder. All of a sudden, a white appagraphic ball zooms into the room from the same area the camera entered from and enters into Judy's eyes, making her stiff body now full of adventure. Her bodily features now fluctuate with activity and her organ systems seem to be fully recovered and back to normal - as she no longer stands like a creature struck by a gorgon. Her slow motion gasps of air and recognition of where she is stands out as she pulls herself together, lowers her head and drops her arms to wipe her exhausted facial muscles. And again does she raise her arms and head while enchanting a deep Latin phrase;
Judy Jills: Tolle animam meam!
(Translation: Take my life)
Her eye pupils roll back into her head as a stone-color grey takes over making her lungs scream for air and her body shake to regain consciousness. Except it doesn't. Instead, the camera enters into the same appagraphic white ball as it ever so slowly exits from her mouth this time. The ball spins making the camera notice the features of an ant on the floor and a spider on the ceiling before fully exiting from the post office. Furiously, it quickly examines both the left and right directions before deciding to glide smoothly upwards. It investigates on what direction to go on before taking a sharp left into the soft, fluffy clouds and into what appears to be a thunderstorm acting like a dangerous battlefield. As it manages to lower, the ball notices a small castle standing tall on a hill while watching over a couple dozen houses. Right next to the castle and houses, appear to be a frozen lake with several blue lights lighting up a clear path towards a distant island containing a giant purple tree with beaming, glowing jewels hanging from the branches to create light and depth to the tree itself.
As the ball grows upon the castle, it takes one swoop around what appears to be a hall, containing laughing men and women clearly drunk from several drinks of heavy alcohol. Judy's ball rushes into a large painted glass of a mermaid playing with her seaweed green tail although the glass does not break. At one end of the hall contains a mean looking girl with two men beside her laughing along with the others in the hall. One appears with a giant purple scar across his face and the other with almost balding blonde hair. The girl looks around at some of the drunken citizens before very carefully staring at the ball. As she stands, the music in the hall stops and all the men and women beg to look at her. Her voice appears in a deep Northern England accent:
Girl: Someone sends bearing a message.
The camera finally exits from the ball and changes very quickly to the views of the men and women watching the scene. The ball very carefully opens up to reveal the body of a transparent and almost ghost-like Judy Jills. White smoke affects drift off of her and into the heavy night atmosphere. Her body lets off a transparent and ghost-cold feeling to the people. Several audience members standing by the tables seem to gasp at her appearance. As Judy goes to speak, her voice appears more deep and echo-y.
Judy Jills: Lady Ninetta Wolfborne... Lord Miguel Kartchell... Lord Arthas Stewart...
For the three lords and lady she bows at each name. Ninetta seems to be the mean looking girl in the front part of the platform, while Miguel is the second to be bowing and as Judy bows, Miguel nods. It is clear he is the balding blonde man before Arthas nods and confirms he is the one with the purple scar.
Lady Ninetta Wolfborne: And what brings you to these lands?
Judy Jills: It has become clear to me - my lady - that Dark Hammer himself has returned.
When Judy says the words 'Dark Hammer' many audience members start to cry and snivel onto surrounding citizens. A curly brown haired man races up from the tables and makes his way to Ninetta's side while whispering something to her that clears all facial expressions into fright. Dark Magical clans acting up and many Magical families going missing? It wasn't a coincidence.
Lady Ninetta Wolfborne: My father was a bastard to that man and allowed him to manipulate him into unimaginable ways. My mother on the other hand showed great courage and rid his armies of these lands. What are you getting at here, girl?
Judy Jills: It has become clear he is after the last ancestor of the order...
The crowd along with Ninetta and the two lords lean in closer to hear these next following words:
Judy Jills: Sophie McDonald.
Lord Miguel Kartchell: And where does Dark Hammer reside now?
Judy Jills: Krakze Approval House.
Lord Arthas Stewart: And what does this have to do with, Marblerose?
Judy Jills: Because our sources believe he is going to be sending them into a massacre trap along with Hillsford. It was your duty to keep the ancestors of the order alive. Why back out now?
Lady Ninetta Wolfborne: And it was your duty to keep Bethany alive... what happened to her?
Judy Jills: Bethany got herself into a lot of trouble, non-magical and magical. There was no way to keep her safe from any sides. Yet... we still kept her alive for many great years after not losing hope.
Lady Ninetta Wolfborne: Very well then... Sophie McDonald, a name I thought I would never hear.
a broken record starts to play
Five cloaked people walk through a forest with tree and plant closeups. 'Sxphie' appears in between the trees and plants. A minotaur eats a man while 'Kieghan' appears in the minotaur's eyes and shortly after there appears to be multiple broken pictures with blood over them containing dolls, demons, the photo of the Class of 1965, Judy and Llama and lastly is Great-McDonald with black eyes. 'Kalani & Kyphi' appear as a woman holds up a voodoo doll with her lips sealed by the thread. 'Cat & Hunter' appear as women stand and dance around a fire of burning witches and wizards, 'Smxthie & Aloro' appear as a man pours blood over him while another goes into a bath filled with blood. 'Rachel & Alwaysmunching' appear as the woman starts to stab the voodoo doll and the blood on the picture frames sucks back up and into the pictures with the cracks ceiling, finally 'Llamapocalypse & Nikoliko' appear as the five cloaked people run away from the man eating Minotaur and the forest starts to burn before one of the cloaked people shushes the screen into
The camera zooms out of Sophie's face as she sits at the edge of her bed and has clearly been crying for hours upon hours. The curtains remain untouched and a large tissue box has been left on the side. Also on the bed remains what is left of Kieghan South as she has clearly been in a worse state than Sophie with old pajamas with pizza grease and crumbs all over it. Kieghan's loud snores blur out Sophie's heavy footsteps towards her dressing table to take a look at how bad the situation is. She picks up a tissue and dabs away the tears before the soundtrack of a song starts to play. Sophie immediately leaps from the dressing table and throws open the curtains, now finally touched upon. She dances her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs where Jaclynn White passes but the camera only sees the outrageous and flamboyant floral design of her dress. Sophie makes her way into the kitchen in which Cat and Toby stand halfway of eating cereal but appear clearly shocked. Sophie almost automatically notices the two before she takes out her earphones which stops the music, Sophie reaches to the island counter top in which on the other side the two sit.
Sophie McDonald: So, how was Hillsford?
Cat and Toby both face each other for a split second, Cat raises her eyebrow before the two face Sophie once again.
Toby Savannah: Great.
The camera fuzzes out and reappears with Cat in a black dress with spots of silver jewels on the top half while Toby appears with a matching color suit to Cat. It almost looked like they were going to a prom. Instead, in front of the two was a rather large-sized red barn with two long hallways to the side leading into two larger red barns. The doors to the main, middle barn was spread wide open with a dozen of others walking ahead into the equivocal, empty and unilluminated building. Inside appears to be a mixture of laughter and terror with several people running out of the barn instead of in, every half a minute. As the two walk in, they notice a heavy heat coming from one end of the barn and a jingling sound of a charming bell. Before they can say anything, do anything or even breath for a second, Malena Hillsford comes running at the pair.
Malena Hillsford: Hey! I'm so glad y'all decided to take on the tour. Take one of these!
She shoves a basket of the same lollipops shown to contain memory cards. Cat pleasantly takes one but puts it in her pocket while Toby refuses any food. Many surrounding people appear to be joyful for some unknown and unclassified reason but Malena continues to smile upon the two as if she is attempting to possess them with her own eyes. When a sudden scream appears in a corner and at least three people come running from a curtained area, Malena pops back into reality as another scream mutes the room and a loud roar can be heard. Malena makes her way automatically like a robot towards the scene leaving Cat and Toby to look at each other in awe, however they both agree to split up and cover as much ground as possible.
The camera follows as Cat makes her way towards a booth with a medium standing behind. Above her head contains the name 'Miss Harridan'. Her eyes appear to be blind but have a deafening silver glow to her and the cards in front of her stay untouched and dead. Her whole aesthetic forecasts a confusing and mysterious feeling towards Cat. On the other hand, Cat also feels empathy towards the old woman as she sits in silence and allows everyone around her to ignore her. The woman seems to be feeling everyone's emotions because as soon as Cat feels empathy, the blind crow beams her head towards her direction. And almost like that, Cat's feet are walking straight toward the old crow and in a matter of time, her whole body is sitting in the uncomfortable wooden seat that lays itself beyond Harridan.
As he looks toward Cat walking over to Miss Harridan's station, Toby makes his way over to the curtained area that contains all the screaming and running. Although, before he can reach his way into the curtained area, a familiar face and figure touches Toby's arm. Toby looks to discover who it is to see a red-faced Patricia.
Patricia: Do not go in there, you are not where you want to be.
Toby Savannah: What?
Patricia: Just... follow me.
Patricia leads Toby away from the curtained area and past a man who can lay eggs. Past a woman who can make a trick of having four arms and a tail, while her body turns furry and almost like a spider. Past another man that sits upon a stack of chairs while he has a conjoined head with his 'twin'. She leads him to a small hidden pair of crooked stairs, at the bottom it goes on to an even more crooked hallway and into a secret room enchanted and locked away with a false wall of bricks. With a synchronized touch of a circle, a door is formed leading into a marble room containing several people all staring towards the two. Within the room holds at least five people standing cross-armed and many others up against the walls that are ether in pain or are children and women. Among many of them there appears to be tools such as mini knives, daggers and scalpels along with a large list of gun varieties from a shotgun to a hand pistol. All appearing to be ready to be used at any point.
Miss Harridan: Young lady, I see much potential in you. If only you didn't abandon your past life and decided to stay among the magicals.
Cat Montreddins: What?
Miss Harridan: I wish to show you three cards that stand for your future in what the Gods warn you. The first one is-
Miss Harridan flips over the first blue and gold decorated card, on the other side contains a mustard yellow background with a tall man decorated with a flamboyant rosso corsa colored jacket that covers up a stainless white dress and a tight pantone stuffed snake, acting like a belt. He holds a stereotypical wooden wand and wears an infinity logo above his head. The man appears to be pointing at a garden of red and white rose bushes, among the branches of the rose bushes are black thorns.
Miss Harridan: The Magician... I believe that this card is attempting to tell you that your time among the magicals will never end.
Miss Harridan then flips over the second blue and gold decorated card, on the other side contains a standing woman holding a golden-horned specter, as she wears a long silent blue gown containing a variety of red flowers. Her golden and bright blonde hair droops over her rare gown and on top stands a crown made of the most piercing, white flowers ever imaginable. Her scenery surrounding her appears to be completely wheat farms, a forest and a distant waterfall.
Miss Harridan: The Empress... I believe that this card is attempting to tell you that in time you will learn of a greater secret than magicals vs non-magicals... It will tell you more about you in your past beyond belief.
But before Harridan could even reveal the last tarot, she notices another source of energy from far away, an energy that disturbs her medium reading. Cat tries to look around for the source but before she can look any further, Harridan pokes her old and saggy arm out from her cloak and points towards a man staring at the two, beside him wears a suitcase.
Miss Harridan: Beware of this man... i'm afraid he is going to destroy the Magician and Empress.
Cat Montreddins: Okay but how do I be aware of this man.
Miss Harridan: You have to leave now. Leave your friends and leave everything or your future may not be in the right hands.
Cat Montreddins: Okay, I am not leaving them. This is all fake anyway.
Cat Montreddins stands up and eyes the suitcase man for a second and when she turns back around to see Harridan, the whole setup; the table, the chair, the tarot cards and even Miss Harridan herself are all gone. Instead what faces Cat was two girls buying food from a popcorn stand. Cat tries to shrug it off as her mind was playing tricks on her but when she turns back around... the man with a suitcase now stands directly in front of her, she gasps as the camera goes black.
Patricia: So these are the Berthelle's.
In front of Toby stands a graying woman with a very awkward mid-teenage boy next to her. The woman despite having gray hair appears to have no wrinkles and no sign of age. Patricia walks slyly over towards the injured people among the marble walls and introduces Toby to them. Toby stares longingly and without question at the graying woman, as their intense eye contact gains stronger and stronger. Patricia introduces the old gray lady as:
Patricia: This is Edna Berthelle and Nick Berthelle. Mother and son.
The graying woman breaks the intense moment and offers a handshake. Toby very delicately shakes her hand and soon after, Edna beams her first smile after an ancient number of years of being mean. They break it up as Nick Berthelle seems to also want to have a handshake, but very awkwardly turns it into a high five leaving the atmosphere practically humid of embarrassment.
Edna Berthelle: And this is Jacqui, Otis and our lovely Angel Banks.
Jacqui stands as a dark woman filled with joy and almost like a daredevil as she wears a very bright red top covering light blue pants. Next to her stands a rather big man, his mustache and beard appear to have outgrown to a temple of mess and untidiness, as well as his clothes droop to the floor and cover his shiny brown boots. Next to Otis stands a mid-twenties boy with the biggest pair of glasses and a very confident earring of a star in his left ear. His full-white outfit inclines that he is almost definitely an Angel. The other men, women and children appear now completely out of the conversation and are helping the others against the walls.
Toby Savannah: What happened?
Jacqui: Samuel Hillsford thought it was a good idea to let our children fight Draconites, turns out they can blast fire out of their nostrils.
Patricia: JACQUI- He isn't here for a lesson of draconites... remember the prophecy, he isn't even meant to be here.
Edna, Patricia and Jacqui almost get into an argument which for a split second sends Otis with rolling his eyes and Angel walking away from the scene. Before a brown haired and rat-looking man rushes into the room with a dark-haired woman who appears to have been from Indochina.
Edna Berthelle: What is it?
Man and Woman: They took her.. the girl!
Cat squeals to herself as she picks up the pace of recognition of where she is and what is happening. She catches up to her present and runs away from the man holding the suitcase; she definitely has seen him from somewhere but cannot depict from where. Miss Harridan's words repeat in her head.
Miss Harridan: You have to leave now.
But she doesn't, instead she reaches towards the curtained area containing warmth. She ever so fragilely opens up the layered and soft red curtain to see a large crowd of mouth-opened people standing in a semi-circle motion. Allowing the giant beast in front of them to make them frozen at the spot. Among them are also innocent children that seem to stand like statues, the people almost look like robots waiting to be instructed and the beast is their master. In front of the people stands a blazing, red phoenix with the deepest blue eyes. Its feathers appear angry and abused while it attempts but fails to compliment an iron chain leading up to its neck. Its head is in the shape of a cone and on the top of it stands a formation of feathers that creates a fire symbol.
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