《The Untold Stories - Season 1》New Best Friends (Episode 7)
Winter Anderson is forced to sit on her knees as a brown haired girl stands behind her holding onto her shoulders. Winter's hands appear to be wrapped together with a rope glistening in green. As the two stand there in deep silence surrounded by the red walls of a barn, a tall man enters from a silver door further into the barn. His long hair and mischievous brown eyes along with hammer in his hand that appears to have a clown smiling tells Winter that he wants her killed. As soon as she notices these details, she starts screaming and attempts to say some spells against the two until the man speaks.
Man: There is no use in speaking your tongue in these walls, they are enchanted so no spell from a foul witch can breath their sins, and you have casted a very powerful sin.. sister. And for this I take you thee to the place where Witches will burn.
He lifts up the hammer that evolves into a bright silver sword.
Man: Hear my word and let it sink in, you shall enter the worlds of fire and water and return a rock, in His name!
The man lifts his sword and slits Winters throat. All at once, she falls onto the floor while blood squirts out of her neck and she gasps for air. The camera goes towards the man who wipes the sword with a towel.
Man: Arise!
An angelic sound appears and an eerie sound echoes around the room as a white soul enters into Winters mouth, within seconds Winter rises with white eyes and stares into the camera as all the blood soaks back up into her wound and her breathing calms.
The camera flies into the floorboard of the barn's attic and then through the roof while it aims towards the sky. The stars form into 'The Untold Stories' before the rain takes over and it rubs off onto the floor.
The camera opens up on a tall and luxurious bricked university. A bell rings in the distance and the camera goes through a window while wind affects appear. Inside the building stands two tall marble statues of Gods. One holds a lightning hold and another one blowing two souls away. Below this states 'Zeus' and 'Hades'. Below them, spectating is a fox-haired girl walking with a curly brown haired girl and a taller boy next to her. The ginger haired girl stares at the two souls in awe before taking a sharp left, walking down a hallway decorated with the colors of the rainbow and origami in shapes of planes and birds twinkle above them.
Kieghan South: This is so cool, I never knew non-magicals could be so festive.
Toby Savannah: What is the magical Halloween?
Kieghan sighs.
Kieghan South: Well, Halloween is more about a witch goddess called Hallo who set upon the world foul beasts who would challenge mankind. The celebration is that witches prevented these "beasts" from attacking nons although some still managed to creep through like ghosts. That's how 'ween' came in because it felt as if she won in some aspect.
Toby Savannah: Dark but fun.
Sophie McDonald: I still can't believed I convinced you to join, all the others didn't get the idea.
Kieghan South: No, i'm up for new ideas.
Kieghan, Sophie and Toby push over a small brown door that reveals an almost theater type room. On stage is Cat, Smithie and a black hispanic girl standing and kneeling on a table. A funky and slow beat steps in and a spotlight lights up.
Smithie Evans: Now!
Cat Montreddins: Some fun now!
All: Hot damn!
Hispanic Girl: Ain't he having some fun now!
All: Yes ma'am!
Smithie Evans: He's a-havin' some fun now!
All: All boy! Ain't he having some fun now!
The three break into a dance around the table as the Hispanic Girl points at Kalani. Kalani sits in his kitchen while Chance re-enacts as a plant.
Smithie Evans: Some fun now!
Cat Montreddins: Ain't he having some fun now!
Hispanic Girl: He's a-havin' some fun now!
All: Ain't he having some fun now!
The scene cuts to people walking down a street, more noticeably Carly, Spookey, Plastique, two identical twins and a rather tall boy. While this happens Toby breaks into a clap and everyone smiles towards the three.
Toby Savannah: Break! Kieghan let me introduce you to some of our actors.
He takes Kieghan and Sophie towards the two identical twins in which the girl chews the gum as loudly as possible and the boy continuously looks within a mirror fixing his hair.
Toby Savannah: This is the lovely and indulging Lizzy and Zack Black. They will be acting out as Beatrice and Matthew, two wonderful teenagers who want to buy the finest plants with their family fortune.
Lizzy makes a weak smile at Kieghan as they pass on to the tall boy who portrays the biggest smile Kieghan's ever seen. His warm handshake and muscly built body tells Kieghan he's part of the soccer team being forced to play in the performance. They both look at each other for a split second before he looks at Smithie and back at Sophie.
Boy: Do you think you can introduce me to your friend, Evans?
He gives Toby a light smile before walking off towards the hallways. Toby looks at Sophie and Kieghan in awkwardness before coming out with:
Toby Savannah: And that was Casper Caspian. *whispers* Word has it that he recently came out of the closet to his sister and clearly has a thing for Smithie.
Eventually, they make their way to the Hispanic girl playing keys on a piano with Chance and Carly. The three giggle about something over the piano. She just about catches a glimpse of the three walking towards her before Chance and Carly grab their bags and run off after the others leaving.
Toby Savannah: And this is Malena Hillsford.
Sophie winces for a second and takes a step back. A vision comes to her of Malena Hillsford with silver eyes and floating in front of a crowd of teenagers in the middle of a barn. Winter at the bottom clapping and jumping before Sophie jumps back into the present. Malena wears a cream shirt with two men holding hands with a tractor in front of them.
Sophie McDonald: Hillsford?
Malena Hillsford: Why yes, are you interested in joining?
Sophie McDonald: Like as in the farm accused of being a cult for nearly- was it 40 years?
Malena Hillsford: Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about...
Sophie McDonald: The farm who verbally attacked my friends and acted as if its nothing and ran away when they saw what my friends could really do?
Kieghan South: Woah Sophie, are you okay?
Sophie McDonald: Nevermind.
Sophie grabs hold of Kieghan as they walk away from Toby and Malena.
Kieghan South: What just happened?
Sophie McDonald: Ianuae magicae ad domum approbatione...
Sophie and Kieghan drift up into the air and witness a world in which storm and lightning destructs the world before the wind throws them onto the ground in front of Krakze House. By now, all the previous flowers shown in September are no longer there and the trees all around are now fully dead or with small amounts of leaves stuck to them. In other houses around them lie pumpkins, skeletons and fake webs springing all around their lawns. From one side of the pavement is Cat and Rachel walking together.
Cat Montreddins: How did you get here so quickly?
Sophie McDonald: Nevermind that, we need a group meeting.
The four go to enter the house until a tall and obese woman opens the door before them. She holds a tray of cookies and beams the brightest smile towards the four, the warming smell of home and food fills their nostrils and as if the house had life in it again. With the big blonde wig and the bright colors of makeup, Sophie automatically realises who it is from one of her visions.
Sophie McDonald: You're Jaclynn White?
Jaclynn White: Why yes, your lovely master Llama assigned me to be your new servant.
Sophie McDonald: But he killed you?
Jaclynn White: Poor girl, why would he do such a thing?
Sophie McDonald: I don't know...
After some awkward time of all the five staring at each other, Cat breaks the awkwardness and walks straight past Jaclynn forcing the others to follow in suit. As they stumble their way upstairs, Ethel and Kalani stand cross-armed at the top of the stairs along with Winter humming in her bedroom. Toby and Smithie eventually walk out of Winter's room along with closing it behind them.
Cat Montreddins: What is this meeting about?
Sophie McDonald: A lot of strange stuff have been happening around the house and i'm afraid the house is on our hands now. If you've noticed throughout the years, the numbers of witches and wizards going to this house has gradually dropped to now below 12. That kind of stuff shouldn't happen compared to other approvals that have over 400.
Rachel Poppies: So what do we do about it?
Sophie McDonald: Cat and Toby I want you to join Hillsford Farm, or atleast, make it look like you want to. Ethel I want you to look after Winter as much as possible and make sure she doesn't get further into Hillsford. Rachel I want you to look into what happened to Nikos and what is the deal with Kiri and Russell.
Rachel Poppies: Just this one time.
Toby Savannah: On it.
Cat, Toby, Rachel and Ethel all walk away leaving only Sophie, Kalani, Kieghan and Smithie.
Sophie McDonald: Kalani and Kieghan I want you two to take this and get some information on her.
Sophie hands them Fredilin Samiskowski's monocle, Regina Xedogrina's necklace and Ashley Mahone's tiara. The tiara glimpses in the sunlight at Sophie as she quickly remembers Ashley's echoing voice say;
Ashley Mahone: Who goes there?
Kalani and Kieghan walk away downstairs.
Smithie Evans: That just leaves me...
Sophie McDonald: Me and you are just going to resume with the performance and act as if nothing is happening. Keeping Llama occupied, y'know?
Smithie scowls before leaving Sophie to herself.
Cat and Toby sit down in two of the theater seats among the many empty ones. Cat holds an empty sheet on a clipboard while Toby pretends to be going through a list of guests to watch the performance. Every now and then, they both raise their heads to watch and observe Malena Hillsford very closely. Malena appears to be by the same piano but no longer with Carly and Chance but now in a deep conversation to Spookey who appears to be nodding at every word. After a while, Spookey eventually walks away in which Cat and Toby very carefully get up and walk towards Malena.
Cat Montreddins: Hey, Malena?
Cat starts to get all teary very quickly and even goes further to act like she's wiping tears, although it is clear towards Toby that there are no tears there. Nevertheless, Malena spins around and grabs hold of Cat almost as if there was an actual problem to be talked about.
Malena Hillsford: What can I do for you?
Cat Montreddins: It's my mom, she's been... gone for all my life and I can't stop thinking about it.
Malena Hillsford: Well, do you want to speak to someone about it? I know the perfect person.
Cat and Toby now stand in a tall hallway with many Hillsford Farm workers sitting at their desks either typing away or talking to people in front of them like in an interview. Small lamps sit to the side of them with perfectly organised pencils, pens, rubbers and lollipops along with small what seems to be 'contracts' of paper stacked on top of each other. In front of the workers are small tablets that they seem to be typing away on and attached to them are tiny small microphones that couldn't be missed. Nearly all of the workers also have the same type of clothing on; that either being red or black. The tall hallway also seems to match their clothing with red/black stained glass with pictures of weeping women or of people praying up above. The noise around the two seemed to be slight whispering or flicking of paper or people tapping on the tablets, above all it seemed to be suspiciously silent. As they both wait for Malena, Toby quickly takes one of the small contract paper and at least 7 lollipops for Sophie to inspect later on and just as soon as he finished, Malena coughed relatively loudly but did not prevent the workers from being distracted. Cat and Toby both turn around and act very surprised to see two men either side of her.
Malena Hillsford: Hello, sorry for startling you.. these are my two brothers. Jason...
Jason appears to be extremely muscular and stands very tall. He looks like he deserves to be a bodyguard for a celebrity or earn the trophy of "world's strongest man".
Malena Hillsford: And Samuel...
Samuel on the other hand does not look at all familiar to Malena or Jason and instead appears to look very nerdy and almost just skin and bones. His messy, long hair and almost-broken glasses implies to the two that maybe he is the weak link and that's where they will start.
Malena Hillsford: They will be your interviewers for today and we'll see from there.
Samuel Hillsford: So tell me, Cat, what are you so troubled about?
Cat Montreddins: To be honest, it's my parents. My mom died when I was a child and my father never forgave me since for something I didn't even control. It's been hard to find a somewhat family and home I can go back to.
Samuel Hillsford: And how would it feel to be able to forgive your father?
Cat Montreddins: Forgive... my father? Oh he's nev-. I mean, it would be simple.
Samuel Hillsford: I need you to be able to forgive your father and your past with him. I truly believe you will be a great asset to Hillsford.
There is an awkward moment when both of them look around their surroundings, not really noticing each other. There is a second when they both meet eye contact and shortly after, Jason breaks the silence.
Jason Hillsford: Toby, why are you here?
Toby Savannah: I'm just here for the moral support of Cat.
Jason Hillsford: That's good. Do you always offer your support?
Toby Savannah: Yes.
Jason Hillsford: I can tell from deep down something is wrong. I truly believe Hillsford could help you recover from that.
Toby Savannah: Well, it's just...
Jason Hillsford: What?
Toby leans in to Jason so that others around him cannot hear.
Toby Savannah: I've been keeping in a secret, a secret I only could confirm with myself until a month ago. I-I'm g-g-g-gay.
Jason Hillsford: Oh. I understand. There are plenty of gay individuals here. They can be a great support group for you. I believe we can help you recover that and make sure you can be the greatest person you deep down want to be.
Jason smiles at Toby for a second before placing his delicate hand over Toby's, but before Toby could react to this, Jason pulls one of the contract letters from the side and hands it over to Toby.
Jason Hillsford: If you truly want to join, just hand this back in to me.
Toby smiles back and notices a teenage girl that takes him back. Her bright blonde hair takes him away before she turns back with what appears to be teary eyes. Beside her are two younger children, a boy and a girl that both also appear to be teary but all hug each other. Toby, for some odd reason seemed to recognise this girl but could not tell from where.
Toby Savannah: Who is that?
Jason Hillsford: That is Patricia and her two siblings, Vanessa and Lucas. Their parents recently died in a perf- crash.
Patricia... Toby races through his memory to see where he could remember Patricia and at that moment, he remembered. Patricia. The girl accused of killing her mother in 2012. But why would Jason tell him that they both died in a crash, recently? And why would she come to Hillsford?
Sophie types away on her laptop before coming to a page about "Mysterious Deaths in Los Angeles" in which a page comes up written in 2012 and updated last in 2017. As she scrolls down to notice multiple famous missing cases and murders talked about in the news, she comes across the name 'Jaclynn White' in . On the page writes:
Newspaper: "Missing peoples: Awareness charity worker Jaclynn White has been missing since April 1965 and has search teams all around Southern California, however the team has said she possibly has escaped to Soviet Union or has become the latest victim of human trafficking."
Sophie goes back to the Royal Line book she has been told to memorize by Llama MacCarones as part of her new assignment, she flicks through the loyals to see her grandmother ending her loyalty in 1965. For a moment she thinks, did Llama set her up? and is Llama now setting Sophie up? but this thought was destroyed as soon as the door flings open. Standing at the door is Cat with her long blonde hair resting in front of her with her red outfit perfectly fitted and Toby standing behind her nervously.
Cat Montreddins: Hello Lady of the Woods, we made it in. They don't suspect a thing.
Sophie McDonald: That's great news. Hey, I heard that they were doing a tour night tonight and would you mind for going to get a little in-tell?
Cat Montreddins: Sure.
Cat crosses her arms before looking back at Toby with the brightest smile. But Toby remembers the lollipops and contract card from the inside of his jean pocket. He quickly takes them out and lays them spread about on Sophie's bed. Only this time, the lollipops are not exactly the same red, blue or green. They have appeared to of completely melted and have small little access memory cards in them.
Rachel sits on the soft cream couches in the lounge room with Kiri Krakze and Russell Oliwdae on the other side. Jaclynn pours tea into their teacups before leaving to dust somewhere. Around them in the room rests portraits of past royals who all appear to be in strict or sleepy moods. Clearly none of them ever asked for this role. In one portraits sits an elder woman sitting on a chair that appears to be taking the role of a lion. Its mane is where she rests her arms and keeps her warm. This is exactly how Rachel is sitting in front of the two newcomers that the group knew nothing about except their family history.
Rachel Poppies: Why did you two join so suddenly. I mean leaving your approval schools. Much more competition and eyes on you at all times.
Kiri Krakze: We joined here because Llama told us to. "More competition" are the exact words he used. As we are claimed direct heirs to the royal throne.
Rachel Poppies: But I am?
Russell Oliwdae: You see that is where you are wrong. Everyone in this house right now are some of the direct descendants of the royal throne. We both agreed to it. *Whispers* but we think something else is going on.
Rachel Poppies: What?
Kiri Krakze: *Whispering* There's only one reason why someone would group a bunch of "important" people in one place. To eliminate them as much as possible. It must be the only reason as to why he wants to keep his role because he knows no unclaimed magical would overpower him.
Rachel Poppies: Interesting... so why would you join if you think he's gonna eliminate us?
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"I can't love you." I whispered softly. For the first time in my life I was scared, because I did love him, but once he found out about everything...He would leave me. I didn't know if I could handle him leaving me."Just allow yourself to feel me." He whispered.Slowly entering me, he filled me to the brink. He wasn't my submissive, he was my Dominant, the only man I allowed to have full control over me, my body.There were many things that I could revel, but each hard thrust of his body he forced me to take, I relinquished my control to him fully.Because sometimes, it's as easy to take control as it is to give it up.*This focuses on the emotional as well as the physical aspects of BDSM. There will be mature content in most chapters as well as mentions and acts of rape, as well as many others situations that people may not feel comfortable with.
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