《Interracial Love》Chapter 1


Warning ⚠️ there will spelling and grammar errors




⚠️ warning this book is gay asf


In Lyrics case he was born with a vagina and boobs

And his sister diamond has boobs and a dick

Lyric's Room ^

Lyric Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm it Saturday morning so it's about 10:00am I get out of bed putting on my adorable teddy bear slippers

I walk to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and I'm hungry so I DoorDash some Ihop I waiting for it to get here so I can start my day

Tristan Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing it 7:00 in the fucking morning who could be calling at this damn time

In the call 📞

Hey bro


What the fuck do you

want Kyle It's 7:00 in the fucking morning

What could you possibly want


Well I'm was DoorDashing and I just so happen to end up at your door


Why the fuck are you doordasher were rich

(Kyle ) you some times get free food and you get discounts and sometimes DoorDash get food for you

(Tristan) ok I get that but why

are you at my house

(Kyle) cause your coming with me

(Tristan) Fine if I come with you leave me alone

(Kyle) yea come on

..... time skip


where are going to drop off this ihop at

(Kyle) On 2347 Carlton street

(Tristan) oh ok

(Kyle) This doesn't look like our neighbor hood

(Tristan) cause this the hood part of our city stupid

You have arrived at your destination

(Kyle) I'm not getting out the car I got my both of my Rolex on and (Tristan) how you gonna be a DoorDasher but be scared of the area you suppose to be delivering too


(Kyle) Can You do it man I'll own you one

(Tristan) well since you're gonna own me one after I deliver this food I want for you never to ask me to do this ever again

(Kyle) ok

(Tristan) gets out the car walks to the door and knocks on it

(Lyric) coming

This is lyric's natural hair

His body type is exactly like this ^ except he's brow skin

What he's wearing

(Lyric) looks through the peep hole and opens the door

(Lyric) Srry about that

Tristan Pov

The door opens and beautiful petite brown skin girl with a big Afro and very curvy body opens the door

(Lyrics) snap his fingers in his face

(Lyric) white boy can I have my food damn a bitch hungry

(Tristan) blushes I'm srry

(Lyric) you ok you was staring mighty hard

(Tristan) you very beautiful

(Lyric) blushes (but he can't see cause he black)

(Lyric) thank you your not to bad yourself

(Lyric) I forget to tip you on the app so I'm gonna give you cash is that ok

(Tristan) yes that's cool

(Lyric) Walks to couch to get this purse

(Tristan) damn she has big butt

(Lyric) ok here $10

(Tristan) thanks

(Tristan) what's your name

(Lyric) my name is Lyric and your is

(Tristan) Tristan

(Lyric) well it was nice meeting you have nice day bye

(Tristan) Bye

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