
Yibo helped the little baby feed the formulated milk. The baby looks like he loves the milk a lot, yibo was surprised when he realised that the baby has a great appetite.

"Little guy, you really have a great appetite." Wang yibo said, the baby giggled and moved both his hands and legs happily, someone might think he actually understands whatever wang yibo has said, yibo smiled with how active the little baby was. The little baby slept off immediately after he was done drinking milk prepared by wang yibo. Yibo placed the little boy on his bed, he was about to get out of bed when the little boy started crying, yibo returned to bed and the little boy stopped crying and grabbed wang yibo shirt tightly with his small hand, yibo chuckled, this little boy is really very smart.

Wang yibo decided to take the kid to his parents house the second day and he will allow his parents to decide what to do with the baby. Maybe they will adopt him, it will not be a bad idea adopting such an adorable kid.


Little snakey went out to get new clothes for his little baby, the baby didn't have any clothes apart from one pair of clothes. Little snakey was able to work as a cook in one of the hotel for two hours, getting paid, little snakey bought some clothes for his baby and a small bracelet he found to be really cute. Returning back to his cave, little snakey was surprised when he didn't hear his baby's voice, arriving inside, little snakey dropped the things he was carrying in his hand when he found the cave was empty the place where he placed his baby was no longer their.

Little snakey got closer, his baby's scent was getting weaker, but he also captured someone else's scent, and if he's not mistaken it's the man who betrayed him. Little snakey hissed angrily, getting out of the cave little snakey decided to go get his baby back, even if it means killing that betrayer, he will surely not allow him get so near or attached to his baby. Little snakey arrived at the house and he could smell his baby's scent very well, imagining what that betrayer might have done to his baby, it made him even more furious.


Little snakey knocked at the door continously. The little boy who was asleep woke up and started giggling when he captured his mother's scent, though he couldn't speak but you will clearly know that whoever was knocking at the door has made the little baby to be so happy. Yibo was awakened with the little boy hitting his chest. Wang yibo decided to go check who was, he opened the door and was frozen seeing little snakey who was boiling in anger, little snakey didn't waste time but pushed yibo away, but lost balance when wang yibo held him and they both fall down with wang yibo ontop of little snakey.

Little snakey eye's went wide when wang yibo lips touched his, little snakey felt sparks run down his spine, coming back to his senses little snakey tried to push wang yibo away, but yibo started moving his lips against that of little snakey, little snakey at first didn't give in and tried to resist, but he ended up relaxing and returned the kiss, little snakey wrapped his hands around wang yibo neck and enjoyed the sweet sensation of wang yibos soft lips, it has been months since he last kissed or be so close to a human apart from today when he decided to work.

Yibo stopped kissing little the heard the little baby's cries. Yibo was suddenly pushed away and little snakey ran towards wang yibo room, the first thing that came in wang yibos mind was that little bit will kill the little baby when he gets near him, getting up quickly yibo ran towards his room, yibo was surprised seeing little snakey carry the baby in his arms and took off the shirt he was wearing then he started breastfeeding the baby, yibo was at first confused, how comes little snakey is breastfeeding a baby? Then it hit him, if he's not mistaken this baby might be his and little snakey must be his mommy. But little snakey has been only gone for six months, did he give birth premature? Of course not, the baby looks very healthy! Where did he give birth? Who helped him when he went into labour? How did the baby survive in that cold cave without getting sick?.

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