
Wang yibo searched little snakey everywhere but he couldn't find him. He got extremely depressed, he has no idea where little snakey could have been gone, how he is sleeping, or what he's doing especially if something happens especially now that he's pregnant with his baby.

Little snakey on the other hand has given birth to a little baby boy, it has been a week since he delivered on his own without any help, the baby was a pain in the ass because he keeps crying and it always irritate little snakey because he hates noise, especially human noise. Even his warning hissing didn't stop the little boy to stop crying. Scratching his head, he wondered what might have happened to this annoying little human who is so ungrateful even after giving birth to him.

Little snakey left the crying little baby in the cave and decided to go find a solution, transforming to his cobra spirit snake, little snakey slithered away, he carefully checked every other animal that has little pup's, by the time he returned back to his cave, he has an idea of what to do with that annoying baby. He found the annoying baby asleep, transforming back to his human form, he put on a short, and looked at his chest he found the two funny thing's on his chest swollen, he picked the annoying baby who immediately started crying.

Little snakey hissed silently and placed the baby into position, the annoying little baby hungrily started suckling, this made little snakey hiss in pain with how roughly the annoying baby was sucking on his swollen bud. Little snakey breastfed the little annoying baby until he was asleep, since he has something to eat, little snakey ate his food and slept beside the asleep baby, little snakey dressed the little baby with the clothes xichen bought when he knew that he's pregnant, the growing rate of the baby was fast compared to normal human babies, well it didn't really surprise little snakey.



Wang yibo while sitted, he remembered where he first met an injured snake, the place where he met the snake was where the humans were found dead and whatever has killed them, it has never been seen before. Yibo decided to go check the place to find if he could find a clue of where little snakey was. He's sure the snake that he helped that day must be little snakey.

Getting out of the car, yibo carried his phone and decided to go and try his luck, walking through the forest, he came to a waterfall, the place looks really beautiful, he never expected a place this beautiful could be also dangerous, the weather was so cool and the pleasing smell that was coming out from the beautiful flowers, he walked around but didn't find anything intresting, he was about to walk away when he heard baby's cries from a nearby cave, at first he thought he might be imagining his own things.

Wang yibo turned around to leave when the voice was heard clearly of a small baby cries, he looked around to see if he could see any sign of human but no, this place could never be having human because of his horrible stories of humans dying, wang yibo guessed it must be that monster maybe he even kidnapped a small baby and decided to make the little baby his meal, following the noise, yibo entered the cave while being very careful, using his phone light, yibo really found a little baby who was layed down on human clothes.

Yibo walked closer and looked at the crying baby who immediately stopped crying and started giggling when he saw wang yibo, yibo smiled when he saw the baby making grabby hands towards the standing wang yibo. Yibo immediately developed a liking to the unknown little baby bending down, yibo picked up the little baby who immediately started rubbing his head on wang yibo chest. Yibo smiled, the baby was really handsome, yibo decided to leave the place with the little baby, it must be dangerous staying at this place any longer.


Yibo left the cave with the baby. Yibo cooed with how the baby was adorable. Walking away with the giggling baby yibo imagined how his baby could look like after he's born, he or she must be so handsome like this baby or maybe beautiful like his mommy little snakey. Yibo drove off towards his house, he didn't forget to buy baby's clothes and formulated milk for the baby on his way home. Yibo cleaned the baby who was already asleep, he dressed him and took a picture of the baby. He decided to prepare milk for the little baby.

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