
Little snakey calmed down but kept a distance from wang yibo, whenever wang yibo tried to touch or get close to him, he will always move away.

Night came, yibo already informed Bijun, Stella mother that he has no idea where Stella is, but he knows well Stella mom won't believe him and she will surely come to check, luckily everything that Stella brought to his house which was her clothes and other necessities, he made sure to discard all of em, it looks like Stella meant to come and live in his house and he knows well that is a bad idea especially with a possessive vicious snake and now heartbroken in the house.

Wang yibo was the one who prepared his dinner, little snakey went out, yibo guessed he went out to his normal hunt. Yibo felt lonely since he is used to eat with little snakey beside him, speaking of that, he is already used to eating little snakey cooking because he's such a great cook and his cooking is excellent, maybe little snakey has a secret ingredient which he always add whenever he cooks. Yibo who was done eating heard movement in his room and he guessed little snakey must be back, yibo left the food which looks untouched, he headed to his room and found little snakey packing his clothes.

Yibo stopped little snakey. "Babe please don't leave me, I'm sorry babe, you can't do anything to me but don't leave me." Little snakey hissed angrily at wang yibo and pushed him away. Yibo was about to move closer to the standing snakey when he was pinned down by even a more bigger snake, his legs and hands were wrapped by the snake, yibo couldn't even move, little snakey packed all of his clothes and left without looking back, yibo shouting to beg him not to leave him fell in deaf ears. Yibo who couldn't move even his body found his tears falling down freely.


The snake that caged him slithered away and left through the window then dissapered in the woods, yibo didn't bother with the snake, running out of his house, yibo walked for hours searching for the gone little snakey, but it looks like little snakey decided to really leave him, exhausted yibo collapsed on the ground panting hard.

"Babe please don't leave me, I'm sorry i let Stella kiss me." Wang yibo whispered before he fall asleep without realising.


Little snakey ran out of the house promising himself never to return to that house ever again, the human he decided to love betrayed him and kissed his Stella when he showed him that he loves only him. Humans are just the same, they're all betrayers, no one should be trusted. He will never trust wang yibo again, he trusted him but he decided to break his trust and kiss someone else when they're already together.

Snakey knows that his stomach will become more bigger sooner or later and he will not be able to transform to his original self since he couldn't move. Getting to where he used to live, this is his home, this is where he used to live since he was just a small snake and now he is already older and he is not even sure how he transformed to a human when he's just a snake, little snakey got inside his cave, it was dark but with his sharp bright eyes, he was able to see without much difficulty, he knows the clothes will come in handy when he will no longer be able to transform.

Placing the bag in a good place, little snakey hissed happily when he felt the feeling of home again, he was away for months and he now realised how much he missed his home, transforming to his cobra, little snakey hissed happily while getting out, hearing the noise of the water hitting the rocks, gave him this warm and homey feeling, heading to the water, little snakey moved in the water happily, how he missed having fun, he couldn't tell for how long he has been under the water, but he decided to go rest since he feels tired, it looks like carrying another being in his body made him really slow and tired, he really hate it, if he knew how he could really get rid of that betrayer being that is growing inside him.


Little snakey coiled himself and decided to rest, within minutes little snakey was already asleep, it is far much better being here than at that betrayer house.

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