
"Babe see what you did, you scared mom and dad away." Little snakey pouted and layed down on the coach annoyed. Yibo smiled and started caressing little snakey back. "Don't be upset, here place your head on my lap." Yibo added and let little snakey sleep on his lap, yibo caressed little snakey small bump, little snakey hissed silently loving the feeling.

Wang yibo took little snakey to his room. He then knocked at his parents room, yibo dad opened the door, he relaxed seeing his son but he started looking around still worried about the snake.

"Don't be worried, little snakey is asleep, i came here to talk to you and mom. Can I come in?" Yibo said with a smile on his face. Yibo dad nodded his head and came inside his parents house.

"Mom, dad I'm sorry about little snakey behaviour earlier, he didn't mean to hurt anyone but he was only playing around, he only gets vicious when he feels threatened that's all." Yibo started talking hoping to calm down their parents.

"R-really? Is he the same cobra that traumatised you during your cousin's wedding?" Yibo mother asked yibo who blushed remembering that day, he almost died, oh poor him.

"Y-yes, since then he has been following me, and now I'm actually in love with him, i love little snakey so much." Wang yibo answered while smiling like a little baby, lin xi who was Looking at his son shook his head, his son is a gone case, he has completely fallen for that beautiful snake charms.

"Are you sure baby? You know well that he's a snake not human, we know it's your choice, we will always support you, even if you fall in love with an ant, daddy and I will be here to support you." Lin xi said while smiling. Yibo was beyond excited, he's sure his parents will always support him, he's sure of his feelings, little snakey is the person he will love forever.


"Thank you mom and dad, I know i have the greatest parents in the whole world. Actually i have something else to tell you." Yibo parents got curious seeing their son uneasiness.

"What is son?" Yibo dad asked.

"Little snakey. ..is. ...is pregnant, and. ...i. ...im responsible, I'm the father." Wang yibo answered while playing with his fingers, he's still studying, impregnating someone while he still studying it's. .its.

"You impregnated a snake!" Yibo mom shouted, yibo dad rubbed his husband's back to calm him down.

"Y-yes mom, i didn't know it will happen, I. ..,.i slept with him. ...then. ...then it happened." Wang yibo answered while blushing. Yibo dad smiled, going to closer to his son, he patted his son's shoulder.

"I'm proud of my son, your now having your own family, don't go fucking everyone that you see because you will end up dead with by that snake." Yibo dad said, wang yibo nodded his head, atleast his parents accepted little snakey.

"But I'm confused, how will little snakey give birth. Will he lay eggs like other snakes? Then boom your kids will be little snakes." Yibo mother said making wang yibo and Mr lan to frown.

"Baby your now making fun of our son, whether they will have small baby snakes, they will still be our grandchildren." Mr lan said and he found himself laughing. Yibo left the room leaving his dad and mom laughing. So what if he has small little snakes, they're still his kids.

Imagining of that, it seems like the house will only be filled by hissing sound only if they were to be snakes. Yibo arrived at his room and found little snakey slithering away through the window, if he's not mistaken he must be going out to hunt again, his appetite has increased a lot. Yibo layed down on bed and his phone vibrated, checking it's a new number.


He checked the message and realised that it's from Stella, she has been disturbing him every day, he's not sure how many numbers he has blocked and changed but Stella seems to get his number, yibo was about to block the number when another text message.

Wang yibo was shocked. Getting out of his bed yibo rushed out of his parents house and decided to go meet the crazy Stella.

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