
Stella was left preparing food for everyone. Zhan realised that something must be going on with the person he claimed to be his and this other strange human being. Why is she touching his possession? No one is allowed to touch him! Only him deserves to touch him, seeing his possession wrapping his hands around that stranger made xiao zhan to get uneasy feeling. Thinking on what to do, xiao zhan who was on xiao zhan lap transformed into his human form, wang yibo and xichen looked at each other again, but didn't get creept out like the first time.

Xiao zhan whose stomach was against wang yibo thighs hissed getting uncomfortable with the position, yibo had no choice but to carry the naked snake to his room and had him dressed, xiao zhan didn't say anything but looked at how wang yibo was dressing him, his red eye's will scare anyone if he were to see him for the first time.

"Wait for me here, i will get a wet towel to wipe your face." Yibo told the human snake and left, xiao zhan hissed and followed wang yibo by his eye's, licking his lips, zhan lifted his hand infront of him and looked at his fingers, putting his fingers in his mouth zhan tried to bite his fingers, yibo who came back seeing what the snake was doing he immediately stopped him.

"What are you doing little snakey? Fingers are used to hold things not to be eaten." Wang yibo said and started wiping xiao zhan face, zhan loved the feeling, closing his eyes xiao zhan let yibo wipe his face. Yibo wiped the snake neck down to his hands. After he was done zhan opened his eyes and looked at wang yibo. Yibo found himself smiling, the little snakey is just so cute.


Wang yibo who was admiring the little snakey hair yelped the little snakey pinned him down on bed and moved on top of him. Zhan hissed silently and started sniffing wang yibo neck, finding the smell is really nice, zhan licked wang yibo neck, yibo slightly trembled and tried to push the snake away, but his hand was immediately stopped by xiao zhan, zhan assessed wang yibo face closely.

"Little snakey, are you even aware of what you were doing? This is not right, let me go!" Yibo whispered yelled and looked away when xiao zhan tried to lick his lips, zhan got annoyed and hissed, yibo looked at xiao zhan and his eyes went wide when he saw xiao zhan canines elongated. "Don't be angry little snakey, here you can lick me anywhere, i won't look away." Yibo added, zhans canine retracted, licking wang yibo lips, nose and any other place that he thinks of by the time he was done wang yibo face was covered with the little snakey saliva, satisfied with whatever he has done, zhan moved away and started licking his lips.

Stella headed to wang yibo and was surprised seeing someone else on his boyfriend's bed. Stella who was standing at the door slightly frowned.

"What is the meaning of this yibo? Who is this?" Stella shouted catching the attention of yibo who was only looking at xiao zhan. Yibo stood up wondering what he will break this to his girlfriend, xiao zhan looked at Stella his red eye's made Stella to move back.

"Babe don't be scared, actually. ..he. ....he is my pet that cobra snake. ...." Yibo didn't finish speaking when Stella fainted. Zhan only hissed and looked away not bothered with the unconscious Stella. Yibo carried Stella and layed down on the bed, zhan looked at wang yibo then back at Stella, slithering closer to the unconscious Stella since he couldn't walk or even sit. Zhan looked at wang yibo then using his hands he pushed Stella out of the bed, yibo didn't expect that, by the time he realised what has happened Stella was on the floor and groaning in pain.


"Little snakey. ..you. ..." Yibo didn't know what to say, but he pointed at xiao zhan then Stella who is trying to stand up.

"Wang yibo! Why did you push me? It hurts a lot." Stella asked while hissing in pain, wang yibo wouldn't dare scold the little snakey, now if he's not mistaken this little snakey seems like he doesn't like Stella.

"I'm sorry, i tripped and released you by mistake, are you alright?" Yibo asked and helped Stella to get up, looking at xiao zhan yibo slightly frowned seeing the hate in xiao zhan red eye's, it seems like Stella sleeping here is a bad idea, he will wake up in the morning and found a dead Stella.

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