
Xiao zhan got uncomfortable in the bag and he slithered out then got up on wang yibos lap, wang yibo felt it, he looked at his girlfriend who was looking at him surprised.

"When did you have a pet snake babe?" Stella asked wang yibo who he knows well he's afraid of snakes.

"W-well i guess since yesterday, this snake is actually very smart, he doesn't hurt people (actually he's the killer of those humans found dead) he's very friendly, (one minute he's calm and the next minute he's so ready to kill you) and very cheerful snake, i....I'm sure you two will get along pretty well, I'm i right little snakey?" Yibo asked the black cobra that was coiled on his lap but his head was looking at Stella, xiao zhan looked at wang yibo, hissed and continued to look at Stella.

"The way i see it, he seems very vicious, but smart too." Stella said and tried to touch xiao zhan head, zhan hissed immediately as a warning, Stella retrieved her hand and looked away.

"He will get used to you, by the way he hates noise, he gets crazy when you make any kind of noise." Wang yibo added to warn Stella, since he doesn't want any trouble, he might leave Stella perfectly fine and the next second he will find a dead body. Xiao zhan went under wang yibo shirt, going up, he wrapped himself around wang yibos neck but not tight enough to suffocate wang yibo, he then hissed at Stella who was surprised with the cobra behaviour, she has never seen such a snake in her whole life.

"Babe are you sure this is just a cobra? Where did you get him?" Stella asked making wang yibo to stop the car abruptly, their's no way wang yibo who was scared of snakes and now here he is very comfortable with a snake who is behaving so possessive, though he couldn't speak but his behaviour shows that he owns wang yibo.


"I told you already, he's a smart snake I found at the back of my house, he is really harmless as long as you treat him write." Wang yibo answered and started driving again. Stella looked at the cobra who was sticking his two forked tongue out from time to time then back at his boyfriend who seems very comfortable with the cobra wrapping himself around his neck. Something is really fishy here and she will find out. Wang yibo and Stella entered in the house and found xichen waiting for them at the door.

"Dage the little snakey dissapered, he didn't even eat the eggs on the table." Xichen said with a worried voice. Wang yibo smiled and pointed at his neck. Xichen swallowed hard, this snake is really something else.

"He got in my bag without me seeing him and i went with him to the university." Wang yibo answered and headed to his room, zhan got down and left the room, going to xichen, he wrapped himself around the standing xichen leg then tried to move with his free body, xichen being understanding, he decided to follow. Seeing the snake slithering towards the kitchen, xichen guessed he must be hungry, getting eggs for the snake, xichen left to go and have a talk with his brother's girlfriend Stella.

Stella decided to prepare dinner for his boyfriend and xichen. She was busy cooking when the bin that has litters fall down messing the kitchen, looking she saw the black cobra looking at him, before he slithered away, Stella guessed it must be a mistake, cleaning the kitchen, Stella went back to cooking when the bin fall down again and messed the kitchen for the kitchen again, she saw the black cobra on the same spot looking at her again. Stella wanted to speak but decided not to, by the time he was done cleaning, the garlic, tomatoes, potatoes and onions that she sliced them perfectly well and ready to cook were all on the floor, looking at the kitchen door she saw the black cobra slithering away.


"Wang yibo!" Stella shouted, minutes later yibo came inside and saw the enraged Stella.

"What's wrong babe?" Yibo asked while looking at the messed floor.

"Your good pet snake did this. I'm not going to cook if you will not keep your so called good and well behaved snake in line." Stella answered while looking away.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm sure he didn't mean to do this, you know he's just an animal like any other, he doesn't know what he's doing." Yibo answered and hugged Stella, but hearing a sharp hissing at the kitchen door, yibo broke the hug and walked away, the snake looked at Stella before slithering away following wang yibo.

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