
Wang yibo was exhausted, within minutes he slept off. Xiao zhan went under the duvet and moved under wang yibo pajamas. Zhan places his head on wang yibo chest, sticking his two forked tongue out zhan enjoyed the warmness emitted by wang yibo.

Wang yibo was having a class at 9 am in the morning. Opening his eyes, yibo shivered feeling the cold sensation on his body, touching his body, yibo sleepiness dissapered immediately.

"You perverted snake how dare you!" Yibo whispered yelled making the asleep xiao zhan to move under wang yibo pajamas, yibo closed his eye's tightly. Xiao zhan tail was wrapped around wang yibo dick. Xiao zhan slithered closer to wang yibo face, he used his tongue to lick wang yibo face, yibo looked away immediately. "I'm telling you, unwrap yourself from my dick, this is sexual assault, were you ever told this is bad manners?" Yibo said while looking at xiao zhan who was only looking at him. Zhan moved away, yibo quickly went to the showeroom, he took off the pajamas to check if his dick is ok, luckily it was safe.

Yibo had a quick shower, getting out and brushing his teeth, yibo applied lotion on his body, putting on his clothes, he placed his backbag on the bed, xiao zhan looked at wang yibo every movement then the black bag on the bed, getting back on the bed, zhan entered inside the bag. Yibo finished preparing himself, getting the bag yibo left the house and found his brother waiting for him.

"It's almost 8am what were you washing?" Xichen asked wang yibo who was entering the car. Wang yibo remembering it's because of that pervert snake who wrapped his tail around his dick and he had to talk to the snake for more than ten minutes before the black cobra finally moved away.


"I over slept, let's order something to eat on the way." Wang yibo answered and looked at his brother.

"Did you leave some eggs for the snake?" Xichen asked again. Yibo nodded his head. "On the table, eight of them, I'm sure that will be more than enough." Wang yibo answered and drove off. Xiao zhan who was still in the bag peeked out and saw wang yibo driving and his brother was just sitted doing nothing.

"Let's eat at the university canteen." Xichen said. Xiao zhan returned back inside the bag when he felt the car stop. Yibo and xichen continued to talk as they walk towards the canteen, zhan looked around the university, tall, funny building's.

Wang yibo ordered his food together with that of his brother. They were about to eat when wang yibo heard his girlfriend voice calling him. Wang yibo smiled and waved at Stella.

"Hi babe, i missed you." Stella said and pecked wang yibo lips. Xiao zhan got curious, hearing a new voice, lifting his head, he looked where the voice was coming from. Looking at the woman closely, zhan silently hissed and decided to just see what they were doing since he couldn't understand a word they were saying.

Yibo headed to class with his girlfriend bid yibo farewell and left to her department. Entering the class xiao zhan started getting irritated with the noise of the people who were talking. Yibo placed the bag on his chair and joined his friends. Zhan who heard enough of the students hissing, getting out of the bag, zhan quckily to one of the groups, looking at the person who was talking, zhan quckily used one of the students leg to get up, getting at the centre zhan hissed at everyone this made all the students on the group to ran away for their life, other students who were also talking ran away following the other students.


Xiao zhan satisfied with what he was done, slithered back and entered back to the bag. Minutes later the whole school knew that in the department of engineering and snake was seen, he even hissed to some of the students, and the snake dissapered into thin air, wang yibo suspected the snake that is at his house, but he's sure he left him at the house.

Yibo didn't worry himself, class started thirty minutes later after the students has calmed down, wang yibo opened his bag to get his notebook when his eyes met the black cobra eyes, wang yibo eye's went wide seeing the snake in his bag. Xiao zhan silently hissed and got out of the, he wrapped himself around wang yibo right thigh. Yibo looked around scared, if people saw this they will surely see him as a demon, now he's not sure how this snake got in his bag.

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