
With how tensed xichen was he immediately fainted, wang yibo seeing his brother has fainted he looked at the snake, seeing the snake fangs wang yibo also fainted. Xiao zhan got confused. Zhan moved around wang yibo face but he didn't get any reaction, getting down on the floor, zhan looked at the two and wondered what might have happened to them? Humans are always complicated, he will never understand them. He was about to move when he felt himself changing again. Looking at his hand and got really confused, he looked like human again. He tried to move but he couldn't.

Wang yibo and xichen who opened their eyes and saw the snake changing to human, they shouted in horror and ran out of the house, zhan who hates noise hissed and looked at the two dissapearing figures, since he was really exhausted, he didn't even know how his eyes closed on his own.

"Dage we have a demon in our house, what should we do?" Xichen asked while peeking through the door only to see the black cobra who has transformed to a human being sleeping.

"Run for it! We can't stay here!" Yibo said and turned around to leave, but xichen stopped him. Yibo gave, why are you stopping me look.

"Remember he found where you were leaving, he even tried to kill you, i mean us, if he found us for the second time, i swear he will swallow us kowtowing won't help at all." Xichen said, wang yibo thought for a while and found his little brother's words made sense.

"Your right. So what to do now?" Wang yibo asked getting completely scared.

"Go inside their and take care of that demon snake, anyway he's obsessed with you, that's why he loves looking at your face, but that doesn't mean he will not kill you after realising that we left him sleeping on the floor without clothes!" The next minute both xichen and wang yibo found themselves standing beside the asleep snake human.


Xichen pushed wang yibo closer to the asleep snake. "He knows you well, go on carry him, that's what an elder brother does right?" Xichen whispered while showing wang yibo that he can do it!.

"Yeah, i can clearly see what kind of a younger brother i have, sending me directly to hell!" Yibo answered sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

Xichen chuckled. "You know Dage, let's call this a treatment therapy." Wang yibo looked at his brother confused.

"I'm not sick, are you trying to insult me secretly?" Yibo asked somehow annoyed with his brother's words.

Xichen smiled widely and patted his brothers shoulder. "I wouldn't dare, he's a strange snake, not just a snake but a snake demon human. Your scared of snakes, if you train yourself with him. You can thank me later."

"Stupid! Since your not scared how about carrying him to your room. You can have a bed mate!" Yibo words made xichen to swallow hard. Who is not scared of snakes! Everyone is scared of snakes!.

"Dage, see he's about to wake up, i will go back to my parents house c'mon carry him to your room."

Yibo had no choice but to carry the human snake to his room, you could see his body trembling, zhan moved and brought his body to wang yibo who was crying, wang yibo was about to shout but xichen was fast enough to cover his brothers mouth. "He only moved Dage." Xichen whispered while laughing lightly.

"You carry him and tell me he only moved bastard! This is a weird creature I'm carrying, I'm afraid next time he might change to something else." Xichen covered his mouth and the walk back to wang yibo room was quite. Both of them glued at the door, this snake really knows how to destroy things.


"Dage i will clean up don't worry."

Wang yibo placed the asleep xiao zhan on the bed, finding some of xichen shorts and a shirt, both yibo and xichen dressed xiao zhan. By the time they were done, the snake opened his eyes, both xichen and wang yibo moved back quickly seeing red eye's that flushed green then returned back to red, if you look closely you could see they're animalistic eye's. Zhan looked at the two then hissed.

"W-what is your name?" Yibo stuttered. Instead of answering xiao zhan hissed again then transformed back to his original form, black cobra. Wang yibo and xichen fall down off the bed on their butts, trying to dress him and he just transformed back to a snake.

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