
Xichen seeing the black cobra hissing at them he immediately stood behind wang yibo.

"B-brother, how did he leave the room? You said you locked the door." Xichen whispered while peeking only to see the snake isn't moving but rather looking at them maybe thinking of the perfect way to kill them.

"I don't know, now stop thinking about that, just think how are we going to get rid of that snake, just look at the way he's hissing at us." Wang yibo answered his brother, zhan started slithering closer, wang yibo moved back with his brother. Yibo seeing the snake looking at him, he forced a smile and waved at xiao zhan who stopped his movements.

"Hi dearest snake, please don't kill us, I'm sorry if i did something to hurt you." Wang yibo said loud enough for xiao zhan to hear, zhan didn't move but he didn't stop hissing.

"Dage i think we should kneel down and kowtow to him and maybe he will let us go." Xichen added. Wang yibo and xichen knelt down and kowtowed at the snake. Zhan found it to be really funny, maybe it's a way of saying sorry. Xiao zhan turned around to leave, xichen and wang yibo relaxed, they were about to get up when the snake turned around to look at them, yibo and xichen went back to their knees again.

Xiao zhan slithered towards the kneeling wang yibo and xichen, both xichen and wang yibo lifted their hands up in the air while moving backwards still on their knees.

"Brother yibo please do something i don't want to die yet." Xichen shouted in tears, zhan hissed his eyes looking at xichen who immediately covered his mouth by left hand his right hand left in the air, xiao zhan looked at wang yibo who did the same. Xiao zhan found it to be extremely entertaining, hissing xichen and wang yibo will lift both of their hands in the air, hissing again xichen and wang yibo will cover their mouth. This went on for about twenty minutes with xiao zhan enjoying their every movement. Xichen collapsed on the floor panting hard.


"Dage, i can't do this anymore, this snake is crazy he's taking us as his playing toy's, I've never seen such a snake my whole life." Xichen complained while breathing heavily.

"Don't curse him if you don't want to die." Wang yibo answered. Wang yibo was even more confused, normal snake could never be able to move on a smooth surface but this snake is able to move freely without any problem. He was even able to get up the counter, yibo and xichen got curious moving slowly, they peeked on the and saw him looking at the dirty dishes.

"I think he's hungry." Xichen whispered loud enough for his brother to hear.

"We have eggs in the fridge, go get them." Xichen was hesitant but still did it, getting a tray full of eggs xichen returned back to wang yibo.

"I got them, you go give the snake." Xichen words made wang yibo to faint. Xichen frowned, he's not going to go near that snake, getting a glass of water, he poured on wang yibos face who immediately opened his eyes. "Dage don't even think of fainting because i will leave you here and go away, that hungry snake will have you as his meal." Wang yibo swallowed hard. Taking the tray with trembling hands he walked closer to the snake who was still up the counter and not moving. Zhan got alert and looked at wang yibo suspiciously.

"I-its eggs for you. ...i. ..i meant no harm." Wang yibo said and placed the tray on the counter, zhan looked at wang yibo then back at the eggs, sticking his tongue out, zhan moved closer to the eggs, gulping one egg both wang yibo and xichen could clearly see how the egg moved on the snake body. Wang yibo and xichen left the kitchen and headed to the sitting room.


"Dage what are we going to do with that strange snake? I've never seen such a snake in my whole life." Xichen asked wang yibo while looking around making sure that the snake hasn't left the kitchen yet.

"Your asking me? You know i hate snakes, but now I think my day's are numbered. ..i. ..mmmm" Yibo covered his mouth when he felt cold sensation on his neck. Xiao zhan wrapped his tail around xichen neck, and the rest part of his body was wrapped around wang yibo neck then his face came face to face with wang yibo.

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