《A Long Strange Journey》The Gathering of Clouds
Now we will return to Bilbo and the Dwarves. All night one of them had watched, but when morning came they had not heard or seen any sign of danger. But ever more thickly the birds were gathering. Their companies came flying from the South; and the crows that still lived about the Mountain were wheeling and crying unceasingly above.
"Something strange is happening," said Thorin. "The time has gone for the autumn wanderings; and these are birds that dwell always in the land; there are starlings and flocks of finches; and far off there are many carrion birds as if a battle were afoot!"
Suddenly Bilbo pointed: "There is that old thrush again!" he cried. "He seems to have escaped, when Smaug smashed the mountain-side, but I don't suppose the snails have!"
Sure enough the old thrush was there, and as Bilbo pointed, he flew towards them and perched on a stone near by. Then he fluttered his wings and sang; then he cocked his head to one side, as if to listen; and again he sang, and again he listened.
"I believe he is trying to tell us something," said Balin; "but I cannot follow the speech of such birds, it is very quick and difficult. Can you make it out Bilbo?"
"Not very well," said the hobbit (as a matter of fact, he could make nothing of it all); "but the old fellow seems very excited."
"I only wish he was a raven!" said Balin.
"I thought you did not like them! You seemed very shy of them, when we came this way before."
"Those were crows! And nasty suspicious-looking creatures at that, and rude as well. You must have heard the ugly names they were calling after us. But the ravens are different. There used to be a great friendship between them and the people of Thrór; and they often brought us secret news, and were rewarded with such bright things as they coveted to hide in their dwellings.
"They lived many a long year, and their memories are long, and they hand on their wisdom to their children. I knew many among the ravens of the rocks when I was a dwarf-lad. This very height was once named Ravenhill, because there was a wise and famous pair, old Carc and his wife, that lived here above the guard-chamber. But I don't suppose that any of the ancient breed linger here now."
No sooner had he finished speaking than the old thrush gave a loud call, and immediately flew away.
"We may not understand him, but that old bird understands us, I am sure," said Balin. "Keep watch now, and see what happens!"
Before long there was a fluttering of wings, and back came the thrush; and with him came a most decrepit old bird. He was getting blind, he could hardly fly, and the top of his head was bald. He was an aged raven of great size. He alighted stiffly on the ground before them, slowly flapped his wings, and bobbed towards Thorin.
"O Thorin son of Thráin, and Balin son of Fundin," he croaked (and Bilbo could understand what he said, for he used ordinary language and not bird-speech). "I am Roäc son of Carc. Carc is dead, but he was well known to you once. It is a hundred years and three and fifty since I came out of the egg, but I do not forget what my father told me. Now I am the chief of the great ravens of the Mountain. We are few, but we remember still the king that was of old. Most of my people are abroad, for there are great tidings in the South—some are tidings of joy to you, and some you will not think so good.
"Behold! The birds are gathering back again to the Mountain and to Dale from South and East and West, for word had gone out that Smaug is dead!"
"Dead! Dead?" shouted the Dwarves. "Dead! Then we have been in needless fear—and the treasure is ours!" They all sprang up and began to caper about for joy.
"Yes, dead," said Roäc. "The thrush, may his feathers never fall, saw him die, and we may trust his words. He saw him fall in battle with the men of Esgaroth on the third night back from now at the rising of the moon."
It was some time before Thorin could bring the Dwarves to be silent and listen to the raven's news. At length when he had told all the tale of the battle he went on:
"So much for joy, Thorin Oakenshield. You may go back to your halls in safety; all the treasure is yours—for the moment. But many are gathering hither beside the birds. The news of the death of the guardian has already gone far and wide, and the legend of the wealth of Thrór has not lost in the telling during many years; many are eager for a share of the spoil. Already a host of the Elves is on the way, and carrion birds are with them hoping for battle and slaughter. By the lake men murmur that their sorrows are due to the Dwarves; for they are homeless and many have died, and Smaug has destroyed their town. They too think to find amends from your treasure, whether you are alive or dead.
"Your own wisdom must decide of course, but thirteen is a small remnant of the great folk of Durin that once dwelt here, and now are scattered far. If you will listen to my counsel, you will not trust the Master of the Lake-men, but rather him that shot the dragon with his bow. Bard is he, of the race of Dale, of the line of Girion; he is grim but true. We would see peace once more among Dwarves and Men and Elves after the long desolation; but it may cost you dear in gold. I have spoken."
Then Thorin burst forth in anger: "Our thanks, Roäc Carc's son. You and your people shall not be forgotten. But none of our gold shall thieves take or the violent carry off while we are alive. If you would earn our thanks still more, bring us news of any that draw near. Also I would beg of you, if any of you are still young and strong of wing, that you send messengers to our kin in the mountains of the North, both west from here and east, and tell them of our plight. But go specially to my cousin Dáin in the Iron Hills, for he has many people well-armed, and dwells nearest to this place. Bid him hasten!"
"I will not say if this council be good or bad," croaked Roäc; "but I will do what can be done." Then off he slowly flew.
" Back to the Mountain!" cried Thorin. "We have little time to lose."
"And little food to use!" cried Bilbo, always practical on such points. In any case he felt that the adventure was, properly speaking, over with the death of the dragon—in which he was much mistaken—and he would have given most of his share of the profits for the peaceful winding up of these affairs.
"Back to the Mountain!" cried the Dwarves as if they had not heard him; so back he had to go with them.
As you have heard some of the events already, you will see that the Dwarves still had some days before them. They explored the caverns once more, and found, as they expected, that only the Front Gate remained open; all other gates (except, of course, the small secret door) had long ago been broken and blocked by Smaug, and no sign of them remained. So now they began to labor hard in fortifying the main entrance, and in remaking the road that led from it. tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarries of old had used; and at such work the Dwarves were very skilled.
As they worked the ravens brought them constant tidings. In this way they learned that the Elvenking had turned aside to the Lake, and they still had breathing space. Better still, they heard that three of their ponies had escaped and were wandering wild far down the banks of the Running Rover, not far from where the rest of their stores had been left. So while the others went on with their work, Fili and Kili were sent, guided by a raven, to find the ponies and bring back all they could.
They were four days gone, and by that time they knew that the joined armies of Lake-men and the Elves were hurrying towards the Mountain. But now their hopes were higher; for they had food for some weeks with care—chiefly cram, of course, and they were very tired of it; but cram is much better than nothing—and already the gate was blocked with a wall of squared stones laid dry, but very thick and high across the opening. There were holes in the wall through which they could see (or shoot) but no entrance. They climbed in or out with ladders, and hauled stuff up with ropes. For the issuing of the stream they had contrived a small low arch under the new wall; but near the entrance they had so altered the narrow bed that a wide pool stretched from the mountain-wall to the head of the fall over which the stream went towards Dale. Approach to the Gate was now only possible, without swimming, along a narrow ledge of the cliff, to the right as one looked outwards from the wall. The ponies they had brought only to the head of the steps above the old bridge, and unloading them had bidden them return to their masters and sent them back riderless to the South.
There came a night when suddenly there were many lights as of fires and torches away south in Dale before them.
"They have come!" called Balin. "And their camp is very great. They must have come into the valley under the cover of dusk along both banks of the river."
Indeed it was just as Balin guessed. The host of Elves and Lake-men had come upon Dale in the waning daylight.
"Is something the matter?" Hannah asked Bard when she caught him staring up at her. She was riding with Legolas on his horse, and the grim-faced bowman had been marching alongside them for some time.
"Forgive me, I did not mean to stare. But I couldn't help but wonder why you are here," said Bard. He knew she was not from Lake-town, and he found it strange for a lone girl to be in the company of Elves, and wondered why they had brought her along. "I have a daughter your age, so I cannot help but be concerned. Would it not have been better for you to remain behind with the other women and children?"
"I appreciate your concern," said Hannah, "but this is something I must do. Those Dwarves, and the hobbit traveling with them, were friends of mine, and I cannot give them up for dead so easily. I am holding out hope that we will not find Erebor as empty as expected."
"You need not worry. No harm shall come to her so long as she remains under my charge," added Legolas. His father had allowed Hannah to come along provided she remained always within their sight and did not try to run away. The king had made the prince responsible for keeping watch over her for his part in advocating for the girl's freedom.
"Even so this venture could prove more dangerous than planned. We do not know who else may be marching on the Mountain," said Bard grimly.
"Yes, I've no doubt you will prove right about that," said Hannah, "but I trust Legolas. And, though I've enjoyed a very peaceful two years, I'm used to being in the thick of things. I am not as helpless as I appear. And I have some idea as to what sort of foes we may have to face before the end."
"What is it you know?" asked Bard. She spoke with such conviction that he found it hard to dismiss her words.
"Nothing for certain. It is only what I fear may come."
"There is one thing you need not fear," said Thranduil, who had overheard much of the conversation, riding just ahead of them on a great deer. "It would appear your wish has been granted: the Company of Thorin Oakenshield has survived." They came to a halt and followed the Elvenking's piercing gaze up to the Mountain. In the fading light they could see that the braziers of Erebor, long left cold and dark, had been lit and now burned brightly in the dim distance.
All were amazed to discover that the Dwarves, against all odds and all hope, might have somehow managed to survive the dragon after all. None were more relieved than Hannah, whose smile lit up her whole face with the radiance of a small sun, and she let out a joyful cheer and allowed herself to dare hope that all fourteen of her friends could still yet be alive and well. But not everyone was so eager to find the Mountain occupied. There were many who still coveted and desired the treasure that lay within, and not a few began to mutter and grumble among themselves.
"I shouldn't worry," said Bard in an attempt to calm them. "There's gold enough in that mountain for all." This seemed to appease the men a little, but Hannah noticed there was still a grim and guarded expression on the Elvenking's fair face. He did not share the bowman's optimism when it came to the generosity of Dwarves.
They decided to make camp there and find what shelter they could in the ruined city, and a great many fires were lit; and it was decided that a small scouting party would be sent out at first light. Hannah had of course wished to go with them at once so that she might speak with Bilbo and the Dwarves and see them with her own eyes, but this the Elvenking would not allow, and he forbid her from straying too far from the camp. It was heavily implied that if she did not obey, then he would not hesitate to tighten the long leash on which they had let her out. So for the time being Hannah had to be content with the knowledge that at least some of her friends had indeed survived and instead busied herself helping about the camp. That knowledge, however vague, seemed to have given her some peace of mind, for after supper she slipped into a more restful sleep than she had had for days since the news of the slaying of the dragon and their supposed deaths had first reached her ears.
That night the Dwarves slept little. The morning was still pale when they saw a company approaching. From behind their wall they watched them come up to the valley's head and climb slowly up. Before long they could see that both men of the lake armed as if for war and elvish bowmen were among them; and very great was their surprise to see the pool before them and the Gate blocked with a wall of new-hewn stone.
As they stood pointing and speaking to one another Thorin hailed them: "Who are you," he called in a very loud voice, "that come as if in war to the gates of Thorin son of Thráin, King under the Mountain, and what do you desire?"
But they answered nothing. Some turned swiftly back, and others after gazing for a while at the Gate and its defenses soon followed them. That day the camp remained in Dale. The valley and rocks echoed then with voices and with song, as they had not done for many a day. There was the sound, too, of elven-harps and of sweet music; and as it echoed up towards them it seemed that the chill of the air was warmed, and they caught faintly the fragrance of woodland flowers blossoming in spring.
Then Bilbo longed to escape from the dark fortress and to go down and join in the mirth and feasting by the fires. Some of the young Dwarves were moved in their hearts, too, and they muttered that they wished things had fallen out otherwise and that they might welcome such folk as friends; but Thorin scowled.
Then the Dwarves themselves brought forth harps and instruments regained from the hoard, and made music to soften his mood; but their song was not as Elvish song, and was much like the song they had sung long before in Bilbo's little hobbit-hole.
Under the Mountain dark and tall
The King has come unto his hall!
His foe is dead, the Worm of Dread,
And ever so his foes shall fall.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong;
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.
The dwarves of yore made mightly spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.
On silver necklaces they strung
The light of stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, from twisted wire
The melody of harps they wrung.
The mountain throne once more is freed!
O! wandering folk, the summons heed!
Come haste! Come haste! across the waste!
The king of friend and kin has need.
Now call we over mountains cold,
'Come back unto the caverns old'!
Here at the Gates the king awaits,
His hands are rich with gems and gold.
The king is come unto his hall
Under the Mountain dark and tall.
The Worm of Dread is slain and dead,
And ever so our foes shall fall!
This song appeared to please Thorin, and he smiled again and grew merry; and he began reckoning the distance to the Iron Hills and how long it would be before Dáin could reach the Lonely Mountain, if he had set out as soon as the message reached him. But Bilbo's heart fell, both at the song and the talk: they sounded much too warlike.
The next morning Hannah found herself being woken by the sound of raised voices, and venturing out into the main part of the king and the prince's tent, she found them engaged in a heated discussion with Bard.
"You will go to war over a handful of gems?" asked the bowmen grimly.
"The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken," answered Thranduil coldly. Hannah's eyes widened upon hearing this, and she cast a worried glance at Legolas, who stood silently by his father's side. The look in the eyes of the prince warned her not to interfere. But she could not remain idle with talk of war brewing.
"Wait! Please wait! There is no need for war," she said earnestly stepping forward. "Let me speak with Thorin. I think your claims would be heard better if delivered and backed by a friendly face. Let me at least attempt to negotiate with him."
"Very well, and I shall go with you," said Bard, who was of the same mind as Hannah.
"You would try to reason with the Dwarf?" said Thranduil.
"To avoid war? Yes," answered Bard grimly.
Later that day a company of spearmen was seen crossing the river and coming up the valley. They bore with them the green banner of the Elvenking and the blue banner of the Lake, and they advanced until they stood right before the wall at the Gate.
Again Thorin hailed them in a loud voice: "Who are you that come armed for war to the gates of Thorin son of Thráin, King under the Mountain?" This time he was answered.
A tall man stood forward, dark of hair and grim of face, and he cried: "Hail Thorin! Why do you fence yourself like a robber in his hold? We are not yet foes, and we rejoice that you are alive beyond our hope. We came expecting to find none living here; yet now that we are met there is a matter for a parley and a council."
"Who are you, and of what would you parley?"
"I am Bard, and by my hand was the dragon slain and your treasure delivered. Is that not a matter that concerns you? Moreover I am by right descent the heir of Girion of Dale, and in your hoard is mingled much of the wealth of his halls and town, which of old Smaug stole. Is not that a matter of which we may speak? Further in this last battle Smaug destroyed the dwellings of the men of Esgaroth, and I am yet the servant of their Master. I would speak for him and ask whether you have no thought for the sorrow and misery of his people. They aided you in your distress, and in recompense you have thus far bought ruin only, though doubtless undesigned."
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