《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 63




Storm's POV

"Storm wake up" I heard someone say. I groan and burry my head into the pillow. When Josh and I got back home, he packed a bag with his clothes inside and went to Caleb's house. I locked myself in my room and cried all night while Peyton and my mom tried to comfort me. I can't believe Josh and I are getting a divorce. After everything, this is what it results to. I should've known we'd end up like this.

"Get up Storm, we're going to be late" I heard again. The person sighs and soon enough the covers are ripped off of me and I'm picked up. My eyes open and I see how far away I am from the ground.

"Oh my gosh!" I shirked in fright. My heart starts to race and I start to breathe faster.

"Woah woah woah calm down. It's just me. Breath" I heard. I looked up and seen it was just Shareef. Oh thank god. I start to breathe slower and calm down.

"Are you ok?" He asks and I nodded. He puts me down and I look up at him.

"W-What are you d-doing here?" I asked him.

"Heaven scheduled an appointment with the doctor so they can take a look at your heart and see what's wrong with you. When we're done, We can get a smoothie and I'll bring you back home" He says.

"Ok" I sighed. I rubbed my eyes and quickly mentally prepared myself for today. Storm just suck it up and treat today like any ordinary day.

"I'm gonna get dressed" I told him. As I was about to walk past him, he pulled me back.

"Josh told me" He says. I looked at him and he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and fight the tears that wanted to spill.

"You can't really believe you guys are getting a divorce Storm. Josh is just upset and needs some time to his self. You guys can't live without each other" He says.

"We've done it before, we can do it again" I told him sighing.

"You really wanna give up on him?" He asks me.

"No, but he's willing to give up on us. Who am I to hold him back if he wants to go" I shrugged. He pulls away and looks at me.

"You don't mean that" I don't answer and just walk over to my closet. I'll take a shower later.

I grabbed a white tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. I put them on and then walked over to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I'm done, I tie my hair up and look in the morning. I wanna stay home and be with my kids and my mother. Josh put me in such a mood. My eyes then avert to my ring that lays beside my Melo bracelet. I looked at the both of them before grabbing my bracelet and putting it on. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my purse and phone.


"Let's go" I said to him. He nods and we walk out of my room. We walked downstairs and I seen my mom and Chelsey in the living room. Chelsey was drinking her bottle.

"Morning" I said to my mom. She looks at me and instantly gets up. She pulls me into a hug and hugs me tightly.

"Are you ok honey?" She asks me.

"Yea I'm fine" I shrugged. Even if I wasn't fine, what could she do.

"Mama" Chelsey says. I smiled and picked her up from the couch. She hugs me and gives me little kisses on my cheek. My baby!

"Mama loves you so much" I said to her and kiss her cheek.

"Love you too" She says smiling at me.

"The others went to school?" I asked my mom and she nodded.

"Yea, and Peyton went over to the ball family" She says. Omg! That reminds me. I have dinner with the ball family today. Oh today is gonna be some day.

"Ok, well Shareef and I will be out for a bit but I'll be home soon" I told her and she nods.

"Ok honey, you guys stay safe" She says.

"We will, bye mom" I said as I put Chelsey down.

"Bye Ms.Nova" Shareef waves and she waves back at him. We walk to the door and put our shoes on before walking out and to his car. Once we got in, he starts it.

"Thank you Shareef" I said to him. He looks at me before driving.

"What for?" He asks.

"For really be consistent and concerned about my heart problem. I'm not alone" I said. He smiles and grabs a hold of my hand.

"I do this because I care about you Storm. And I'm the only one who can really understand your heart condition and what your going through. It can be scary" He says and I nodded.

"Very scary" I said to him.

"But I think you'll be fine, and whatever it is you can fight it. You've always been a strong person" He says.

"You're right" I said nodding. I looked out the window and started to gaze. I couldn't help but think, I wonder what Josh is doing.....obviously not thinking about me.

Josh's POV

As I threw the ball around, I couldn't help but think about Storm. Do you really wanna get a divorce Josh? I kept asking myself that question over and over again. I don't want to get a divorce but things just aren't the same. And the trust obviously isn't there. As I sit here and think, we've had this issue since we were 18. Why are we having the same issue for years? What if it's me? What if I'm the only problem and I'm really not good enough for Storm?


Something I'll never forget is when we said this.

"When are we going to realize we are no good for each other"

"When are you going to realize that no one else can compare to us. Whether you like it or not we were sadly built for each other"

What if...what if we weren't meant for each other? What if I'm holding Storm back from something amazing? All I ever wanted was to make Storm happy, she says I do, but now I don't believe it.

"Are you gonna cry again?" Dior says and I rolled my eyes.

"No" I said and threw the ball at him. Mikey then walks in the gym with his head low and his headphones in, blasting music.

"Man, he's going through it" Jalen says sighing. He walks past us and grabs a ball, going on the side of the court to play. He shouts the ball and misses. Poor Mikey.

"Yea, he's been trying to get a hold of Luzzy but she completely cut him off. And he has no idea where she lives now" Shaqir says.

"Damn, poor guy. Do the girls know?" Caleb asks.

"Of course they know, but they're not fucking with y'all so y'all won't find out" Dior says laughing, we all looked at him.

"So what? You know?" Jalen asks him.

"Ah duh. I'm basically one of the girls" He says posing.

"Yea, you act like one" I mumbled.

"Don't come for me when your ship is currently sinking. What's going on with you and Storm?" He asks. Now all eyes are on me. I looked at them before sighing.

"We're getting a divorce" I said sighing and they all gasped.

"Wait...who's idea was this?" Sharife asked.

"Mine" I mumbled. Right I after I said that, they all started jumping me. Especially Caleb.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled as they punched me.

"You told her you wanted a divorce? Are you a fucking idiot?" Caleb says pulling my hair.

"If you let my fucking hair go I'll explain" I said trying to block some hits. Damn this hurts.

"Fuck your explanation!" He says while hitting me.

"Ok....ok....OK DAMN" I said now getting frustrated. I pushed them all off of me and huffed.

"How could you get a divorce with Storm? After everything you've guys been through?" Caleb says.

"The trust isn't their man. I don't care what she says or does, she doesn't trust me. And she doesn't communicate with me. You know how big I am about communication. If you can't tell me what's wrong or be open with me then what's the point of us being married. She can't even tell me how she knows that D are the kids real father, she promised someone she wouldn't say anything. What the fuck? I'm your husband" I said to them.

"What if she's treating this situation like last time. Like when she hid what D did to her from us cause she didn't want us to get involved" Jalen says.

"That's completely different. The difference is this is something I have to be involved in too, those are my kids as well. And we already had a situation about her waiting to tell me things before it's to late" I told him.

"Well it's definitely to late now, you guys are getting a divorce" Sharife sighs.

"They're not getting a divorce. Rife is gonna talk to Storm about it. We all know she doesn't want to" Shaqir says.

"Where is he anyway?" I asked him.

"Oh you didn't know, he went to the doctors with Storm this morning" He says. The doctors?

"The doctors? For what?" I asked him.

"Remember when Storm had that mini heart attack and they said her heart was weak? She's been having some weird ass chest pains lately and they seem to be getting worse. Heaven and Shareef were worried so he brought her to the doctor" He says. I looked down in shock. I didn't know she was having chest pains like that? I witnessed it happen once but didn't think much of it because she convinced me that she was fine. Another thing she didn't tell me.

"You see what I mean, another thing she didn't communicate to me about. I should be the one at the doctors with her right now, not Shareef" I said to them. This frustrated me, it made me very upset. Storm's health is one of the most important things to me. How could she keep this from me or not say anything? Everyone knows but me. Was I not paying attention?

"I'll see y'all later" I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Dior asks me.

"To see Storm"

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