《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 61


Josh's POV

"Another three from Josh Christopher! That's his 7th one for the night!" The announcer yelled as I ran down the court. The buzzer goes off and the crowd chants my name. I slide down and do my signature air guitar move as my teammates laugh at me.

"You putting on a show tonight man" My teammate Kyle says.

"I got to, Rihanna is in the building" I said looking towards her. She sat there laughing with Storm as they were eating popcorn. When she told me she had a surprise for me, I was thinking she got me something and was gonna apologize for what she said. But instead she brought Rihanna to watch me play. The best surprise I've ever gotten in my life!

After what she said last night, I felt my heart break into two. I felt a pain in my stomach and my chest. I was so angry and upset at her. She made me feel like I wasn't enough for her and didn't appreciate the things I've done for her. I don't do things for her because I'm her husband, the father to her kids, or because we share the same friends. I do the things I do because I love her and promised myself that no matter what I got her always. She made it seem like I never did.

I understand I've made mistakes in the past and I'm not perfect. And I may sometimes do things she doesn't like, but I'm trying. I'm trying to change and be better for myself, our kids, and especially her. Besides the whole Mikey thing, I've been nothing but honest to Storm. Anything she comes to me about, she can't tell me how she knows or when she found out. And she's always assuming I'm lying to her. That gets fucking annoying over time. I don't care what she says, she doesn't trust me, at all. And I don't know how I feel about it anymore. If we don't talk things out and get to the bottom of whatever this is, I'm done. For real this time.


"Christopher!" I heard someone yell. I turned and it was Anthony.

"Focus, we got two minutes left. Stare at your crushes later" He teases. I rolled my eyes as he laughed at me. I walk back onto the court and roll my shorts up. I take a glance at Storm and see her staring at me. I look down and try and focus on the game. Don't think about her right now Josh. Finish this game just like how you started it.

Storm's POV

"So that's why you guys keep looking at each other. Looking like lost puppies" Rihanna says to me. So I told her what's been going on with Josh and I, just to see what she'll say.

"I honestly think you guys should just talk things out, have some great sex, and you'll be fine" She says and I started laughing.

"Whatttt, that's how I fix my problems. It works every time" She shrugs and laughs with me. I was about to say something, when my phone started ringing.

"One second" I told her and she nods. It said unknown caller.

"Hello" I said lowly.

She says.

"I totally forgot, I'll do it later. I'm kind of busy" I said to her.

She says. I look up and look around to see if anyone is on their phone. Why are they're actually so many people on their phones?

She says. What does that mean?

"Look I'm trying to watch this game, so do you mind?" I asked.

She says before the call ends I sighed and put my phone down.

"You're husband is a star you know that?" Ri says as we looked at him with the ball.

"Yea he is" I said as I watched him. He dribbled the ball in between his legs before charging in. He crosses three of the other players and dunks the ball in. The buzzer goes off and we jumped up and started clapping. Josh laughs and stands over the player he dunked on before stepping over him and walking away.

"Ok Josh!" I yelled as I clapped. His teammates jump on him as they all celebrated their win.


"That was an amazing game. We should come to these more often together" She says. I then looked at her with my eyes widen.

"You wanna hang out with me again?" I asked her.

"Of course, you're fun people Storm. And you have a good vibe" She says.

"Awww Rihannaaaaa" I said hugging her and she laughs. I pulled away from her and we look at Josh talking to one of the reporters. When he's done, he then walks over to us. He looks at Rihanna with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hi, you must be Josh" She says and shakes his hand.

"Yes I am, and you're Rihanna" He says smiling at her. He looks like he's gonna explode.

"Nice to meet you" She says.

"You as well. So, did you enjoy the show?" He asks smirking. Here comes cocky Josh.

"Yes I did actually. You're very good at what you do" She says.

"Well when you love the game, it loves you back" He says shrugging and I couldn't help but laugh.

"When you come to other games, you'll see the kind of performer I am" He says to her.

"I'm coming to more games huh?" She says and looks at me and I giggled.

"We can arrange that" I said to her then looked at him.

"You have a great woman on your hands Josh, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her" She says looking at me.

"Yea I do, thank you Storm" He says.

"You're welcome Josh" I said to him.

"Ew that was dry. Make out or something" She says. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. He wraps his arms around me as we hugged.

"Thank you ma" He whispers in my ear and pulls me closer.

"You're welcome Josh" I said as I rubbed his back. His hugs were my favorite thing! When we pull away we stand a part and keep distance.

"Well I think it's home time, Josh it was nice meeting you" She says and they share a hug. Oh yea I won't here the end of this.

"You as well Riri" He says.

"I'll see you soon Storm, I'll text you" She says and we hug as well.

"Yea of course, bye Ri" I said to her and then she walks off with the security's.

"We need to talk" I said to Josh.

"Yea we do" He says sighing.

"I'll go change and then we can leave" He says and I nodded. I sat down and went on my phone as I waited for him. You know what, I should call that detective now. I look for his contact and and tap it. The phone rings until he answers.

"Hello?" I said.

He says.

"So do I, but you go first" I told him.

He says.

"Who was it?"

He says. I bite my lip as my blood started to boil. That bitch!

He says.

"That bitch, she's been after me for so long. I have information on her too. She's still on drugs, after getting better and being on her own again, she continues to use them and I think you should look into that" I said to him.

"You as well" I said before hanging up. My phone then buzzed.

I sighed at the message and put my phone away once Josh came back.

"Ready?" He asks as he held onto his bag.

"Yea, let's go" I said standing up. He nods and we start to make our way out of the stadium. Paparazzi is around taking pictures left and right.

"It's so bright" I mumbled. As I bring my hand to cover my eyes, Josh grabs a hold of it. He pulls me to him and walks us to his car, covering my eyes from the flashing. Once we're away, and at his car, we get in.

"Thank you" I said to him sighing. He starts the car and looks away.


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