《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 57


Storm's POV

"Yes Storm!" Rihanna yelled as she clapped for. We just took the last picture and I must say. I FUCKING KILLED THAT.

"Storm that was amazing!" The photographer said and the staff members clapped for me.

"Thank you so much guys. This shoot wouldn't have been so successful without you guys. So give yourselves a round of applause" I told them and we all clapped once more. I walked off the set and Annie handed me a robe and a water bottle.

"Storm, your back and better then ever. This shoot is gonna turn everything around for you" She says to me all excited.

"I know it is. It's about time things went back to normal" I said to her. We then walked over to Kai and I sat beside him.

"Sooo what did you think?" I asked him. He looks at me and tries to cover his face while he leaned back in the chair.

"Storm I can't say the certain thoughts in my head right now but just know, you killed that"' He says and I started laughing.

"Man, I know Josh wishes he was here" He says shaking his head.

"Oh I know he does. Speaking of, I should call him" I said and grab my phone from Kai. as I was about to call him., Rihanna walks up to me.

"Hi Stormy" She says and we shared hug. I'm more calmer now then I was earlier. I was freaking the hell out and was close to fainting when I first saw her. I can't believe I met Rihanna!

"Hey Riri" I said to her. We are already on nickname level!

"I just wanted to thank you again for being my main model for my brand. Kai was right, you are amazing at what you do" She says. Rihanna just called me amazing.....AHHHH!

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me!" I told her.

"I have a meeting I have to get to but before I go, can we take a picture together?" She asks me. My eyes widen and I look at Kai and he laughs.

"Yes! Of course" I told her as I stood up. She gives Kai her phone and we posed. He takes a few pictures of us before handing Ri back her phone.


"Thank you again, we will be in touch" She says. Before she walks away, I grabbed her arm.

"Hey Riri, I wanted to ask you a favor. Can we talk?" I asked her and she nods.

"Yes of course. What's up?" She says

"My husband Josh is a big fan of you and he has been for many years. He has a basketball game tomorrow afternoon and I wanted to ask if you could come and watch him. He's always wanted something like this and I was hoping we can make it happen" I said to her.

"Sure why not, I love a good game of basketball. And if it makes you happy, I'd come to Josh's game" She says smiling at me.

"Thank you Rihanna. I owe you one" I told her and we shared a hug.

"Kai, give Storm my number. I have to go now but we'll definitely talk" She says and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am" He says and then she walks away. I sit back down beside Kai and squeal to myself.

"I just met Rihanna and we are like, friends now!!!!"I said and he laughs.

"You look like a child" He says and I giggled.

"Kai, thank you again. I literally wouldn't be here without you" I said to him.

"Anything for you Storm, you deserve it" He says. I smiled and pulled him into a hug. As we hugged, my phone rang. I picked it up and it said Unknown caller. I looked at it confused before answering.

"Hello...?" I said.

She says. I then rolled my eyes. Oh it's her. I looked around the room and seen everyone occupied. How did she know I was confused?

She says.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

She says before hanging up.

"Kai what's going on?" I asked him.

"W-What do you mean?" He stutters. I press Josh's contact and wait for him to answer, he answers on the last ring and I see him sitting in a gym.

"Hi baby" I said to him. He looked kind of down. Once I smiled, he smiled back at me.

He says.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I asked him.

He says.

"Yea of course, let me go somewhere more private" I said to him. I got up and walked away from everyone. I walked to my changing room and closed the door, and sat down.


"Ok, ready" I said to him.

He says. I sat there a bit nervous. What is he gonna say?

He says. I nodded at him.

"I'll be honest, I haven't seen anything on social media yet. I've been working all day. But I'm glad your being honest with me and telling me what happened, social media does make things look bad and take things out of proportion" I told him and he nods.

He says sighing.

"Why are they on your case?" I asked him.

He says.

"I personally don't trust Soul. I think there's no point in her trying to be your friend and get close to you like that. Plus, isn't she a hoe?" I asked him and he groans.

He asked.

"She came from Caleb's girl....her whole group of friends are hoes.... and she isn't? Let's use our brain hun" I told him.

He says.

"Yea I guess she is. But we really don't know her like that. Ok, ask her something so outta pocket and see what she says" I asked him. He rolls his eyes and then lifts his head.

"Look Josh, it's just you're very friendly and you don't see what we see and it's ok. But I'm warning you now, if something happens, I'm done" I told him.

Josh's POV

Hearing Storm say that brought a pain in my stomach. Just the thought of losing her made me feel sick. When Soul walks into the gym, I call her over.

"You're in my airpods, but don't say anything" I told her and she nods. I put my phone down and Soul sits beside me.

"Hey, what's up?" She asks smiling.

I heard Storm say. I quickly do it and it's showing just Soul.

"I wanted to ask you something but didn't know how to ask?" I said to her.

"Ok, what is it?" She asks.

"D-Do you wanna fuck?" I asked her. This was so uncomfortable to say.

"Umm sorry....what?" She says giving me a weird look.

"Do you wanna fuck?" I asked her again. She gives me a look and then slaps me. Fuck!

Storm says in my ear.

"Why would you ask me something like that? I thought we were friends? Do I look like one of these hoes?" She shrieked. I hear Storm laughing in my ear. I think I just lost a good friend.

"Soul I'm sorry-" I said and she stands up.

"I thought you were different Josh, but your just like these other athletes. And if I said yes, you'd actually cheat on Storm with me. She's such an amazing women and any man would be lucky to have her" She says shaking her head.


"Fuck you Josh" She says, then walks away. I sighed and turned my phone around and Storm looked at me.

Storm shrugs.

"I'll talk to you later, I have to get ready for my game" I sighed.

She says.

"Mhm" I said and hung up. I can't believe I really listened to Caleb and Storm about Soul. I knew for myself Soul wasn't like the other girls, yet I treated her like one and lost her. She was a good person and a good friend to me. I should go and apologize. I stand up and walked in the direction she went in. I seen her sitting down on one of the chairs in the halls, on her phone.

"Soul can we talk?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Leave me alone Josh" She says.

"I wanna apologize, what I said was rude and outta pocket. I just wanted to see if you were one of these girls that try to get with me" I said to her.

"Have I ever made you think I wanted to get with you Josh?" She asks looking at me.

"No" I said.

"So why on earth would you think of something like that?" She asks.

"I can't tell you the exact reason, but just know I'm sorry" I said to her. She looks down and then I walk away. She got up and turned me around, before I knew it...

She kissed me. Fuck!

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