《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 55


Storm's POV

"Beautiful! Wake up!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes and seen a blurry face close to mine. I punched the person in the face and they fall back.

"Fuck!" I heard. I rub my eyes so they are focus and see Kai.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I said and pull the covers off of me. I help him up and sit him on the bed.

"It's ok. The view is making everything better" He says smiling at me. I looked down and blushed. Kai is such a flirt.

"How'd you end up with someone like Josh? Damn" He jokes and we started laughing.

"I ask myself that all the time" I laughed and stood up. I walked over to my bathroom and sat on the toilet to pee. I've been close friends with Kai for so long, I could careless if he seen me pee.

"Why are you here by the way?" I asked him.

"What if I just wanted to see you?" He asks me as he goes on his phone.

"You could FaceTime me" I suggested.

"Seeing you in person felt like a better option" He shrugs.

"Deadass, what's up?" I asked him. Kai was a pretty busy guy. With all the money he had, he was doing a lot of good things with it. Handsome and rich.

"Your shoot is today with Savage X Fenty" He says.

"Really!" I yelled.

"Yea, it was supposed to be later on in the week or the month but Rihanna has a tight schedule and she wants to meet you so it's today" He says.

"AHHHH!" I yelled in excitement. After I got off the toilet, I washed my hands and started washing my face and brush my teeth.

"I got you coffee by the way because I know you don't like to eat before a shoot" He says once I was done.

"Kai, I literally love you" I said as I walked out the bathroom.

"Don't say that in front of Josh, he'll beat my ass" He says and we started laughing again.

"He won't do that. He might tease you all the time and threaten you. But he sees you as a very good friend. All of the boys do" I told him. He looked at me and started smiling.

"It feels great to have a group of guy friends. I was stuck with you girls for years. What I talk about with the guys, I can't always talk about with you guys" He says. I rest my hand on my hip and look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I can't really tell you guys about my sex life. That's like uncomfortable to you guys. And I definitely don't wanna hear about your sex lives either" He says and scrunches up his face.

"I don't know about the other girls, but you can definitely tell me how good you gave it to a girl one night. I won't be uncomfortable, and I don't judge either" I shrugged.

"I know you won't be uncomfortable only because Melo was like that with you" He says.

"You're right. But if you don't wanna talk about those kind of things with me it's fine. Some things are only meant for the guys, and some things are only meant for the girls" I told him and he nods.

"Definitely" He says. I giggled and grabbed my towel. I walked into my bathroom and stripped from my clothes and turned the shower on. I got in and let the warm water run down my body. Ahhh this felt amazing. As I grabbed the soap, a pain strikes me in the chest.


"Fuck!" I yelled and stepped back.

"You ok?!" I heard Kai yell.

"Y-Yea I'm ok" I said. I took a deep breath in and slowly breathed out. It's like he keeps getting worse and I don't know why. I reached for the soap and cleaned myself. Just take your time Storm, everything is going to be ok.

When I was done, I got out the shower and turned the water off. I wrapped myself in my towel and walked to my closet.

"Have you been on your phone all morning?" Kai asks me from my room. I started to look for a outfit and get dressed.

"No, why?" I asked him.

"Well while you were in the shower, your mom called a few times, and your phone is blowing up" He says. I made a face and hurried up and put my clothes on. I put on a bralette with black sweatpants and put my black ugg slippers on. I then walked out of my closet and walked to him.

"Pass me my phone please" I said and he reaches for my phone on the table beside my bed. He gives it to me and the first thing I see is 5 miss calls from my mom. Why did she call me so much? I slide her name across the screen and call her back.

"Hello?" I said.

She asks me.

"I'm good mom, is everything ok? You called me like 5 times" I told her.

She says. That caused me to smile.

"That's great mom. I'm excited to see you. When I get back home, I'll prepare the guest room for you" I told her.

She asks me.

"Yes I am, so I'll talk to you later ok? Or tomorrow" I told her.

She says.

"Bye mom" I said and hung up.

"Ok let's see what's going on" I said as I kept getting notifications from Instagram left and right.

"Let's not do that and let's go" Kai says and instantly grabs my phone. I look at him weirdly. Ok...

"Why?" I asked him.

"B-Because, we can't have Riri waiting can we?" He says.

"You're right, we can't. Let me just grab my bag and let's go" I told him.

Kai's POV

While Storm was on the phone with her mom, I went to go look at what's going on because the boys were talking in the groupchat and Josh and Caleb were arguing. Shareef sent a screenshot of a post The Shaderoom made about Josh. He was seen out with Soul last night while they were in Atlanta. And there was a picture of them holding hands. Josh is in some shit now.

This is going to be a very successful day for Storm and I don't want Josh's drama to ruin it. Storm really needs this shoot. She really needs a day of joy and doing something she loves.

"Ok I'm ready, let's go" She says smiling. I smiled back and stood up.

"Let's gooooo" I dragged out as we walked out of her room. We walked downstairs and she seen her coffee on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you Kai Kai" She says and kisses me on the cheek. My face instantly turned red. Oh my gosh.

"Girl you better stop. I might steal you from Josh" I said and we started laughing.

"Speaking of, I should call him or send him a text. I'm about to meet his celebrity crush. Can I have my phone" She asks me. I look to the side then look at her. Uhhh....

"I'll give it to you in the car. Let's go" I told her and she gives me a look before walking away and grabbing her keys.


"I'll meet you in the car" I said and walked to the door. I opened it and walked towards my car. When I got in, I dialed Saweetie's number.

She says and I chuckled.

"How many billionaires do you know?" I asked her as I licked my lips. My shit was dry as hell. I wonder if Storm got some lip balm.

She says.

"That's not true, I always check up on you" I said and she laughs.

She says.

"Ok I do need a favor. Can you log Storm out of her social media accounts for the day? Or at least for a few hours? She has a shoot with Rihanna's lingerie brand and this is something big. And the way social media is looking right now, I don't want Storm to see that" I said to her. She's quiet for a bit before speaking.

She says.

"I know she will. But until then, I want her to stay in a good mood. Storm doesn't need none of this right now" I said.

She says. I look at Storm as she closes her door. I smiled as I watched her walked towards the car.

"All I ever wanna do is be good to her. Good people like her don't deserve the shit she goes through everyday" I said to her.

She says.

"Bye" I said hanging up. I put my phone down and Storm opens the door and gets in. I start the car and we drive off.

"Can I have my phone now?" She asks me. I nodded and give it to her. I glance at her and see her calling Josh.

"Hmm, he's not answering. I'll send him a message" She says. I glance at my phone and seen Josh and Caleb still going back and forth in the groupchat. He's on his phone. Why is he avoiding her?

"Hey, look!" She says. I look to where she is pointing and we see two girls having a lemonade stand.

"Can we stop for a second?" She asks me.

"Uh sure" I shrugged. We drive up to them and park in front of them. Storm gets out the car and I roll my window down.

"Hey guys" She says waving. They look at Storm and their mouth falls open.

"Y-You're Storm Christopher!" They both said which causes Storm to giggle.

"Yes I am. I love your stand, it's pretty" She says smiling at them.

"Thank you" One of them said. She looks like she's gonna faint.

"We are trying to raise money so our mom can pay her college tuition . She never went to college before because she couldn't afford it" The other girl said.

"So we thought it would be a good idea to help our mom afford it. She does so much for us and we wanted to help her too" The first girl says. Storm nods and I smiled at her. Storm is still Storm. I opened the door and walked towards them.

"Your cute" The first girl says.

"Thank you, and you're very beautiful" I told her and she smiles widely. Kids are so adorable.

"What's your guys names" Storm asks them.

"Melanie" The first girl says.

"Mya" The second girl says.

"Melanie and Mya, could you guys go get your mom please?" Storm asks them.

"Sure, watch our stand for us" Mya says to us. They both stand up and run to there house. Storm turns around and grabs something from her bag.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" I asked Storm.

"It's been a long time since I've done something like this. My life hasn't been going good for a while, but if I'm able to make someone else's life better, I'll do it" She says smiling. I smiled and walked towards the car as well. I grabbed my cheque book and a pen and wrote in it. I then grabbed the cheque and walked back to the stand. Storm comes back as well. Melanie and Mya come back and with their mom and she looks at us a bit confused.

"Hi..." She says looking at the two of us.

"Hi, your these girls mother right?" Storm asks.

"Yes that's me...did these two do something?" She asks and we all laughed.

"No no of course not. They been amazing actually. They told me that you wanted to go to college?" She says.

"Yea, I did. But schools are pretty expensive. I'm saving up so I can send my daughters to a good school so they can get a good education. They're very smart" She says as she smiles at her two daughters.

"Did you know why they created this lemonade stand?" I ask the mother.

"For new bikes?" She questions and her daughters laugh.

"No mommy. We really didn't want new bikes" Mya says.

"So, why are you guys doing this?" She asks them.

"Because we want you to go to school!" Melanie cheered. The mother smiles at them and her eyes start to tear up.

"Aww girls" She says to them.

"And we wanna help you too" Storm says. Storm and I hand the girls the cheque's and they give it to their mom. She looks at them and gasp's loudly.

"No- I- No! I can't take this" She says shaking her head.

"Take it, it's enough to pay for your school tuition, their school tuition, and then you can do whatever you want with the rest" Storm says. The mother looks at the two of us and starts crying.

"Thank you so much!" She says and reaches over to hug Storm.

"You're so welcome. I'm so happy I'm able to help" Storm says. She then pulls away from Storm and hugs me.

"God bless the both of you" She says and we smiled at her.

"Storm can we take a picture with you?" Mya asks.

"Oh of course" Storm says as she smiled at the little girl. The little girl gives me her iPod and walks over to Storm. Storm stands beside the mother and the two girls and I take the picture for them.

"There you go" I said to her.

"Thank you" She says.

"We should be going now, but I hope all goes well for all of you" Storm says.

"You as well honey. Thank you so much again. Do you usually go around changing peoples lives for the better?" The mom asks and Storm giggles.

"I try to" She says.

"Mom she's like a superhero with no cape" Melanie says which makes all of us laugh. Storm and I hug them all once more before getting back in the car. Once we are buckled in, I drive off. I look at Storm to see her with a big smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked her.

"That's the happiest I've been in such a long time"

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