《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 54


Josh's POV

"Another dub man! That's just how we do!" I yelled as I walked into my hotel room. I just won my game and decided to come back to my hotel room and just vibe by myself. The team went out to celebrate. Right now I was laying on my bed scrolling through social.

I was liking stuff I was tagged in and even reposted some of the edits fans have made of me or Storm and I. It really pained me to see after so long people still made their comments about her and continue to send nasty and disrespectful stuff to her. Social media may not be real, but the people on it are and their words and actions hurt.

Hmmm I should call Storm. I thought to myself. I went to her contact and clicked the FaceTime button. It rang for a few seconds until she answered.

She says. She was in the bathroom and was in her bra and underwear, looks like she was finishing up her skin care.

"Hi Stormy" I said as I watched her. She is so beautiful.

She says smiling.

"You already know. When you love the game, it loves you back" I said to her and she laughs.

She says and I laughed.

"How was your day baby girl?" I said as I rolled over so I was laying on my stomach.

She says.

"That's good to hear, I honestly missed her being around. We help each other out" I told her and she nodded.

She says.

"That's good to hear. I know you did a way better job then I did, they wouldn't even talk to me" I said and we started laughing.

She says.

"That's true" I said. She then steps back and turns around. My eyes lead down to her ass and I lick my lips. Damn.

She says posing in the camera frame. I take a screenshot of her and smile. I'm gonna make this my new wallpaper.


"Yea and taste good too" I smirked and she rolls her eyes. I started laughing and she shakes her head.

She says. I laughed and continued to watch her.

"I know, but it's one of the things we love about each other" I shrugged.

"If I'm extra, you're loud" I told her and she gasps.

She says loudly and I start laughing again.

"Yessss" I said nodding.

She says laughing.

"The only person that was louder then the both of us, was Melo" I told her.

She asks me.

"Honestly I think you should. You were so closed to the family and after he died, you guys fell apart. I feel like we all had to be together to deal with the lost of him. And you guys weren't. What I didn't like about the situation was how they treated you and made it seem like it was your fault" I told her. After losing Melo, everything changed. For Storm, it was the worst. Not only was she already getting hated on by everyone, the Ball family treated her the same. I hated it.

She says and leans against the wall with her hands down.

"What?" I asked.

She frowns. I frowned as well and sigh.

"Don't beat yourself up about it Storm, it happened already and we can't do anything about it now" I told her and she nods.

She says then walks away. I lay there waiting patiently. I wonder what it is. She then comes back with a box in her hand.

She says. She then opens the box and it was a number 1 with wings on the side.

"Is that Melo's chain?" I asked her. It looked exactly like his but smaller.

She says. She looks at it and smiles as her eyes get watery.

"Babe don't cry" I chuckled and she shakes her head.

She says.

"I think they'll like it too" I told her. She then walks away and I get a text. I look up and it's a message from Soul.










Storm says as she comes back.

"Can I go out for some drinks with a friend?" I asked her.

She says.

"Ok ma" I said chuckling.

She says and picks up her phone.

"I love you more ma" I said smiling, which made her smile.

She says.

"Always" I said to her then hang up. I stood up and grabbed my suitcase. I opened it and was looking for an outfit to wear.

"I'll wear this" I said as I took off my shirt. As I was about to put on another, I hear a knock at my door and turn around. I walk towards it and open it to see Caleb.

"Wassup bro" I said to him and close the door.

"Just came to see what you been up to. Everyone is back now" He says and lays on my bed.

"Where are you going?" He asks watching me get dressed.

"I'm going out with Soul" I told him. He rolls his eyes and sits up.

"Why?" He asks me.

"To celebrate the dub. Why are you asking why?" I asked him confused.

"Because you have a wife at home?" He shrugs.

"What does me having Storm gotta do with anything?" I asked him sighing.

"You're going out with a hoe while you have a wife, and kids at home" He says.

"Soul is not a hoe. She's not like your girl or her friends" I told him and he gives me a look.

"You calling Selena a hoe?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Bro, that doesn't matter. Soul isn't like the others" I told him.

"So, all your friends are hoes but you aren't? Your a basketball player and all of your friends are gang bangers? You like to make money and hustle but all of your friends are bums? People fit in their crowds Josh. They all have something in common at the end of the day to be sticking with each other" He says. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"So what? I just don't go?" I ask him.

"Yes. That's exactly what you do. Don't go" He says.

"Look you're making it seem like she's gonna do something" I told him grabbing my phone.

"I don't know her but I know you. And I know Storm. You've been on thin ice with Storm for many years. Why does she always gotta question your loyalty Josh? Because you do shit like this" He semi yells at me. I never liked when my brothers were mad at me or cussed me out like this. Pissed me off just a bit.

"I told Storm already that I was going and she's ok with it. And we already had a talk about everything" I told him. I took a seat because I was now irritated.

"Why do you guys keep having those kind of talks Josh? If your ass just fixed up and stopped stressing ole girl, everything would be cool" He says.

"Bro I'm going to bed. Can you just leave me alone" I told him and he chuckled standing up.

"Stop being a bitch about this Josh. And cut Soul off now while it's still fresh. She's a hoe, I'm telling you" He says and starts walking.

"How do you know she's a hoe? Name 5 guys she's been with" I told him.

"How do you travel to different states with your group of friends, who are all hoes and you just aren't. It's not adding up" He says. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Look man I'm just trying to look out for you. Don't go" He says before leaving. Once he closes my door, my phone rings.


"I'm coming"

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