《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 53


Storm's POV

"You're really moving back in with me?" I said as I smiled at Peyton. She was over this morning and we were working on some business stuff. The kids were in the living room playing. I decided to let them stay home today because I wanted to spend some time with them. The three musketeers still weren't speaking to me and it's time I get to the bottom of this. But after my conversation with Peyton.

"Yes. I thought long and hard about it and I wanna come back. For many reasons of course. For LJ, he sees Chelsey, Lola, Marcus, and Kevin as his siblings. He's not alone and loves being around them. They grew up together and I'd hate to take him away from them. For us, you've been my best friend since high school and we've always been there for each other. I'm so thankful for everything you and Josh do for me and I wanna return the favor and do more for you guys as well. Losing Melo was one of the hardest things for me as well as you. I was so happy that I was able to be with you guys and we all just connected and supported each other in a time like that" She says. I smiled as I held her.

"I'm getting emotional by just saying his name" She chuckles as she starts to wipe her eyes.

"Girl don't cry! You're gonna make me cry!" I yelled as my eyes started to get watery too. She started laughing as she held my hand back.

"Even though I didn't know him for so long, nor were we together for that long. We got so close in such a little amount of time and really connected. I knew he was serious when he took me to meet his family" She says and I smiled at her. I missed his family.

"After finding out I was pregnant. I was like, fuck. What am I gonna do? I was so scared. But you and Josh took me in and was there with me through it all. I say thank you all the time but I just feel like it's just not enough" She says.

"Peyton you have no idea how much you help out Josh and I. You watch our kids without being asked, you cook, you clean, you help us out with work, you help us solve our problems. You do so much for us, I feel like saying thank you isn't enough" I said and she laughed.

"How about we just continue to do things for each other and just be there. That's us saying you're welcome" She says.


"I agree. I love you Peyton, I really do" I said to her.

"I love you too Storm" She says. She then jumps on me and gives me a big hug. I hug her head and we rock side to side.

"Also, I'm sorry I got mad and walked out on you after I found out about you and Melo. It was before him and I so I can't get mad" She says.

"I should've been honest with you and told you that I've done things with Melo. I know the kind of person you are and how you think. It's just, if I told you, you would love missed out on a great guy" I told her.

"You're right on that one" She laughs and and we hug again. I squeeze her and she shrieks.

"Ok Damn! You're gonna break my glasses" She says and I started laughing as I let go of her.

"By the way, I had something to tell you" She says as she sat down.

"What's up?" I said to her as I closed my computer. At least my work is done.

"The ball family is inviting you to dinner on Friday. They wanna speak to you about what happened" She says my eyes widen as many thoughts came to my mind. They wanna speak to me about what happened? After 2 years....are they still mad? Omg, Lavar is gonna kill me!

"I don't think that's a good idea" I laughed nervously.

"Oh Cmon Storm. It's time you guys talked after so long. You guys were so close" She says. I sighed and looked down at my Melo bracelet. That's what I called it hehe.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll come to support you" She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll be there to hold your hand and also hold you back in case things get aggressive" She says.

"Ok. I'll go" I said sighing. I hope I made the right decision. As she was about to say something, Lola walks in the dining room.

"I wanted to ask if the others and I can make cookies in the kitchen" She says avoiding eye contact, with her arms folded.

"Walk out, change the attitude in your voice, fix your posture, and walk back in please" I asked her. She rolls her eyes and walks out.

"Time to set things straight" I said to Peyton and she laughs.

"Ooo Storm playing strict mommy. This I have to see" She says and leans back in her seat. Seconds later she walks back in with her hands at her sides and she looks at me.


"Can the other's and I make cookies in the kitchen please?" She asks.

"Have a seat first, let's talk and then I'll give you an answer" I said and point to the seat beside me. She sighs and pulls the chair open and sits down. She looks down and fiddles with her chain. The one Cali gave her when she was little.

"Lola I want you to know I'd never take you away from your mother on purpose. What I did wasn't only because me and her don't get along, it was for your guys safety. Your mother has a lot going on and I just don't want you guys to get tangled up in it. I as well have a lot going on but it's my job to love and care for you guys, make sure you have everything you need, and keep you safe. Not only me, but Josh. We love the three of you and we are so sorry that we didn't talk to you guys first and made the decision on our own" I said to her. She looks at me and her eyes get watery. Then she starts to cry.

"Awww Lola" I sighed as I pulled her into my arms. She held onto me as she cried. Lola wasn't a crier, just like Chelsey. They were very strong young girls and didn't let their emotions get the best of them. I always told them it was ok to cry and sometimes you just have to let it out.

"It's just, the last time me and my brothers saw my mom was when she was getting dragged out of our grandparents house. Now seeing her after all this time and seeing how happy she was to see us, made me really happy. Just like you and Josh, she did whatever she can to make me and my brothers happy. Spending time with her felt like old times. When Josh told us we couldn't see her again, we felt like you guys did it for you and not for us" She says. I lift her head up and wipe her tears.

"I'm so sorry for making you and your brothers feel the way that you did. I know that feeling of having someone you love around all the time, then leave, they come back but it's not a permanent stay" I told her.

"I was talking to my brothers last night and we were saying that we can't be mad at you guys forever. Maybe what you did wasn't selfish and you did consider our feelings. It was just sad that we couldn't see her anymore" She says.

"Wanna know what my mom said?" She says.

"What?" I asked her.

"She said she was happy that you and Josh were the ones to take us and be better then she was for us. Her only dream was after she was gone, she hoped we lived the life we deserved and you and Josh are the ones that can give us that" She says. I smiled and kissed her head.

"Josh and I would never do anything to hurt you guys. We love you all dearly" I told her and she nods.

"Do you forgive us?" I asked her.

"On behalf of me and my brothers, we forgive you. And we're sorry for how we've been treating you guys. It was rude" She says.

"Yes it was. But I forgive you guys as well" I told her and she smiles at me.

"I love you Storm" She says.

"I love you too Lola" I said and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Awwww you guys are gonna make me cry" We heard Peyton say. I looked at her and started laughing.

"Your ass is emotional for no reason" I said shaking my head.

"Can we go make cookies now?" Lola asks me.

"Hmmm only if Peyton and I could help" I said to her.

"Deal" She says laughing. She then got up and told the others we are making cookies.

"Let's go Peyton" I said as I stood up.

"Yayyyy cookies. I hope it's chocolate chip" She says. I looked at her and we started laughing.

"Everyone wash their hands before we start" I announced. When we walked into the kitchen we saw all of them ready and they had all the ingredients and tools out. Oh wow.

"We washed our hands already, we were waiting for Lola to ask you but you guys were taking so long" Marcus says.

"We were having a discussion" I told him.

"Storm is forgiven" Lola says to her brothers.

"FINALLY!" Marcus says and races over to me to gives me a hug.

"Yes! You know how hard is what to ignore you. You know I like talking" Kevin says and hugs me as well. I laughed and hugged them back.

"Alright guys....." I said and looked at everyone.

"Let's make some cookies!"

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