《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 52


Josh's POV

"Mike you did what?" I whispered yelled as I was on the phone. It was about 6 in the morning and I was getting ready to leave because I had away games. I was supposed to leave in the afternoon because I had a game tonight but it got moved. Now I'm on Group FaceTime with the guys because some of them are leaving too.

"You dumbass. Was it good though?" Dior says laughing loudly. I reach over for my phone and turn the volume down. Laughing so damn loud in my headphones.

"That doesn't matter Dior. What am I gonna do?" He asks sighing. Mikey finally told us what he did back in Vegas. One of the girls that Mikey was with, gave him head in his car. Not once, but twice. He fucked up real bad.

"Shit, just tell her" Shareef says as he drove.

"I can't tell her now. She's pregnant" He says sighing. He sat there in his bus and rubbed his face.

"How'd it even happen?" I asked him as I went downstairs to grab my snacks.

"Well the first time in the car we were just in conversation and she kept touching on me. I told her to stop but honestly I didn't want her to. Luzzy and I haven't had no physical touching since I convinced her to stay. I be in the mood for it but she never is. Just cranky and hungry. So you know shawty was feeling on me and I just let it happen afterwards" He says.

"What about the second time?" Jalen asks him.

"I just let it happen the second time" He says sighing.

"Damn..." I said. I grabbed my bag and then went over to the front door to pack my shoes.

"You fucked up" Sharife says laughing.


"Not funny man. She's gonna leave me" Mikey says sighing.

"Nigga you sound like you wanna cry" Dior says laughing. I looked at Mikey's face and he was very upset. I can tell he didn't wanna lose Luzzy and just for him messing up, she's gonna leave. Luzzy doesn't tolerate this kind of bullshit.

"I really love her. I can't believe I let my sexual needs get the best of me. I can't believe I let myself cross her like that. I'm so mad at myself" He says sighing.

"What if you just told her it was an accident" Dior says. I instantly roll my eyes. This dumbass.

"Yea Dior, he can just say I cheated on you twice by accident. I got my dick sucked twice by accident" Shaqir says sarcastically causing all of us to laugh.

"Yea it's that easy. Ask Josh" Dior says. Dumbass.

"Josh I'm outside" Caleb says.

"Alright, gimme a sec. and Dior when I see you at one of these games, just know it's on sight" I said to him. I hung up the call and ran upstairs.

I walked into the twins rooms and kissed them both on the head. I then walked to Lola's room and kiss her on her head. Next was Chelsey's room. I smiled as I heard her little snores. I kissed her on her head before walking out. I walked into Storm and I's room and stood there. She's still on punishment. Why in the world did I say I can't touch or kiss her for a week? I can't even go a day. I walked over to her and gave her a long kiss on her forehead. When I was about to pull away, she pulls me in for a kiss. I loved kissing her.

"I thought you were sleeping" I whispered to her.


"Your loud ass laughing woke me up" She whispered back and started giggling.

"Caleb is here. I have to go now" I said to her and she nods.

"Ok, do you have everything?" She asks me.


"Did you make sure all of the clothes you packed were clean?" She asks me.


"Do you have your schedule?" She asks me.


"Do you have your snacks?" She asks me.


"Do you have your phone?" She asks me.


"Are you going to miss me and the kids?" She asks me.


"Do you love me?" She asks me.

"Yes" I said as we started laughing. I smiled at her and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What would I do without you?" I asked.

"Probably have your life all over the place and have hoes running around" She says and I laughed.

"Definitely not" I said and she laughs.

"Go win some games for us Gup. Do what you do best" She says smiling. I smiled back and nodded.

"Yes ma'am" I said as I stood up.

"I love you" She says as I walked through the door.

"I love you more" I said looking at her. She smiles and lays back down and closes her eyes. I closed the door and couldn't help but feel happy inside. She makes me so happy. I walk down the stairs and grab my stuff. I open the door and see Caleb sitting in the car.

"Why do you always take so long!" He says groaning.

"I was saying bye to everyone" I told him and put my bags in the trunk. I then walk over to the front seat and get in. I noticed he was still in the call with the guys.

"Gup here!" I said as Caleb started to drive off.

"Oh Mikey I forgot to tell you. Yesterday Storm asked me if I think you were cheating on Luzzy" I said to him.

"Shit they suspect things. They probably know" Mikey panicked.

"Oooo you're in troubleeeeee. See this is why I stay single" Dior says.

"Dior, all you do is fuck these girls and let them take your money" Shareef says. Caleb and I started laughing. It's true.

"Dior I'm gonna beat your ass at one of these games. Mark my words" Mikey says.

"Ahhhh I'm so scared" Dior says. He has all of this energy now but when he sees Mikey he's gonna be begging for forgiveness. As we continued to talk, my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Soul.

"Wassup Soul" I said. Caleb and the others look at me and give me a weird look. What?

She says, which caused me to smile.

"Yes I did, I hope you did as well" I told her and she giggles.

She says.

"Wow really?" I asked.

She says.

"Wow that's crazy. We should hang out" I shrugged.

She says.

"Yea, well I'll see you at tonight's game then" I told her.

She says.

"You as well" I said and then hung up. I looked at Caleb and he shakes his head at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You just don't learn" He says sighing.

"What'd I do?" I asked him.

"Josh you're in for a roller coaster" Jalen says.

"Guys it's not even like that" I said rolling my eyes.

"It's not like that till it's like that" Shareef says and we started laughing. Dior laughs loudly then speaks.

"I know your dumbass be stressing Storm out. She's finna have a heart attack"

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