《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 51


Storm's POV

"I'm gonna go get the kids now, The girls still coming over?" Josh asks me as I laid on the couch.

"Yea, can you bring back pizza?" I asked him and he nods.

"Yea" He says. I leaned forward to kiss him goodbye but he flinches back.

"Woah, what are you doing?" He says.

"I'm saying bye" I shrugged.

"You're on punishment, no kissing remember" He says and I rolled my eyes. He can't be serious.

"You were serious?" I asked him and he nods.

"Yes ma'am" He says and grabs his keys. He walks out and I rolled my eyes and laid back down. I then hear a buzz and look at the table to see he left his phone. I got up and grabbed it, walking towards the door. It then buzzed in my hand. I looked at it and seen a message from Soul. When did they exchange numbers? And why are they texting?


Meet? Where the fuck are they meeting. The door then opens revealing Josh.

"Forgot my phone-oh. Thank you baby" He smiles and then walks out. I stand there in shock and started to get mad. He didn't even let me speak. I then hear a knock on the door. I opened it and seen the girls.

"Hey Stormy- woah. What's wrong?" Star questions as her, Heaven, Peyton, and Luzzy walk in.

"I'll tell you guys in the kitchen" I told them as I closed the door locking it. Peyton held LJ in her arms and I steal him from her.

"LJ my boy, aunty Storm missed you" I said to him as I kissed his cheek. He smiles and patted my back. Melo's little twin.

"I missed you too. Mommy said we are coming back home soon" He says. I then looked at Peyton and she smiles at me.

"We'll talk later" I said smiling at her and she nods.

"Do you have any wine?" Luzzy asks as we walked to my kitchen.

"You can't drink wine when you're pregnant Luzzy" Peyton says to her.

"Fuck. I need something to make this stress go away" She says sighing.

"What's stressing you?" Star asks her.

"Mikey. He's been acting so weird since we've gotten back from Vegas. And he's so clingy now. Like literally he's under me every chance he gets" She says as she takes a seat on one of the high chairs.

"Isn't he always clingy?" Peyton asks.

"Yea, but now it's like an annoying type of clingy. I know I'm pregnant and certain things that I liked I don't like anymore, but this is different" She says.

"Remember when Dior was coming for him and Josh. Maybe something happened" Star shrugs and opens my cabinets to grab some snacks. Hmm...Josh and I had more then one conversation about Mikey cheating on Luzzy. But would he actually?


"You think Mikey would do something to me? Especially in the state I'm in?" Luzzy asks her.

"I don't think so, but just remember the kind of guys we are with. They're all capable of cheating. Even us" She says and opens up my bag of chips. This girl.

"You're always eating off my snacks. You, Dior, and Caleb. Y'all better start going grocery shopping for me" I said to her and she laughs.

"Don't worry about it to much Luz, just ask him about it" Heaven says.

"I try to but he always dodges it. I don't want to think he's up to something or maybe doing something, but it's hard not to because of the kind of person he is" She says sighing.

"Luzzy is right. I'm starting to think the same about Josh too" I said looking down.

"Josh, as in Josh Christopher? As in Jaygup? You think he's up to something?" Star asks and Heaven laughs.

"Yes, him and Soul been texting" I said. It's then quiet.

"Soul, as in that girl from Vegas?" Heaven asks and I nodded.

"What the fuck" Star says looking at me.

"Yea, when he left to go get the kids, he left his phone so I went to go bring it to him. He got a text from her and it said something about meeting somewhere" I told them.

"Do you think he's cheating?" Luzzy asks me.

"No..." I said looking down. I didn't want to think of those kind of things.

"I don't think Josh would cheat on you again. He worked way to hard to get you back and built so much with you" Peyton says.

"I disagree. He's cheated on you before, with multiple women. You guys have been building a life together since we were teenagers. He worked so hard for it but yet torn down that building down already" Star says.

"He's done it before, he can do it again" She says. She was right.

"But also, look at the state Storm is in" Luzzy says.

"Just another reason for him to do it" Star says shaking her head.

"I don't wanna think he's cheating but it's so hard not to" I sighed.

"You still don't trust him?" Peyton asked.

"I do, it's just-"

"So don't assume the worst Storm. Just ask him about her. That's all. You can tell when he's lying to you" Heaven says.

"Ok" I said sighing. I then thought of something.

"You think he'd bring my kids around her?" I asked them.

"No" They all said.

"Cali was a different situation because that's their mom. I really feel like Josh wouldn't disrespect you like that" Heaven says. I then put LJ down.


"Ok" I said sighing. I walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle when that pain in my chest came back again, which causes me to drop the bottle.

"Ow" I said.

"You good?" Peyton asks me as she picks up my water bottle.

"Yea, I've just been getting these weird chest pains" I said to them.

"On your left side or right?" Heaven asks me.

"Left" I told her. She gives me a look of worry.

"Did it start out small then get worse every time?" She asks.

"Not really before, but I think so now" I said.

"You should go see the doctor about that" She points at me.

"I'm sure I'm fine-"

"No! Are you forgetting you have a weak heart? It can get very bad Storm and you shouldn't wait till it gets worse for you to go to the hospital" She says.

"Ok I'll look into itttt" I dragged out.

"You think I'm playing. Just for that, I'm sending Shareef to make sure you do" She tells me and I groan. Now I actually have to go.

Soon enough the door opens and I hear the kids talking. They all walk into the kitchen.

"Hey guys-" I said but Lola, Marcus, and Kevin walk past me.

"They're still feeling a way" Josh says.

"I'll talk to them later about it" I said rolling my eyes. I then looked at Chelsey and smiled.

"Hi mommy's girl" I said as I picked her up.

"Hi mama. I missed you" She says smiling.

"I missed you too baby" I said to her and kissed her cheek. I then put her down and she sees LJ.

"Wanna go play?" She asks him and he nods. She grabs his hand and they run off.

"They're so cute, imagine if they get together when they're older" Star says and Josh starts laughing.

"Nope. She's not dating until she's 30" He says and places the box of pizza on the table. I walk over to the cabinets to grab plates for everyone.

"30? She can start dating when she's 17" I told him.

"25" He says as I walked over to place the plates down on the table.

"17" I told him.

"31" He says and I rolled my eyes as everyone laughed.

"You guys wash your hands and help yourselves. I need to talk to Josh alone" I told them. I motioned for him to follow me and we walk out to the backyard and sit on the patio.

"What's up?" He asks as we sit down. Listen to Heaven, and just ask.

"When I was giving you your phone earlier, I seen a message from Soul. It made me feel uncomfortable and I wanted to ask if there is anything going on with you too" I asked him. He looks at me and I sit there fiddling with my bracelet waiting for an answer.

"Storm do you trust me? You say you do but...." He asks me.

"Yes I trust you" I said.

"Then don't think I'm doing something behind your back. It's you, only you, and will always be you. Soul is just a friend and nothing more. And will never be anything more" He says looking at me. I stared at him as he looked me in the eye. He's not lying.

"Ok, sorry for assuming" I said sighing.

"Let's pause your punishment. C'mere" He says and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me, as he rubbed small circles in my back. After all these years, he still does it.

"I lost you before, I can't lose you again. I would never jeopardize what we have for anyone or anything" He says to me. I nodded as I frowned. I still felt uncomfortable about them being friends and texting each other, but as long as he's honest with me, that's all that matters. I can't say the same for me as you can see.

"I feel like we have this kind of conversation to many times" I said chuckling.

"It's because you always think I'm doing something. We have a life together and we have kids. No matter how many girls come my way, or throw themselves at me, they will never compare to you. You have this ring on your finger for a reason" He says and picks up my hand. I smiled at my diamond ring that shined on my finger.

"I guess you're right. But what did you go meet Soul for?" I asked him.

"Well I'm back on the road tomorrow and needed a NormaTec boot. She's a physical therapist and had one and decided to give it to me. I went to her to grab it and then went to get the kids" He says to me.

"Oh" I said.

"Storm, you have nothing to worry about" He says and pats my leg.

"Another question, do you think Mikey is cheating on Luzzy?" I asked him. He looks away and scratches his head.


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