《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 49


Storm's POV

"Damn ma, I like your dress" This handsome man told me as he and his friends sat with us girls in the VIP area.

"Thank you Blue" I said to him. We were at the club and the boys thought it was ok for them to go hang out with the hoes that Caleb got. So we thought it was ok to find some guys to hang with. They were gentleman and even bought us drinks. How sweet.

"You guys from Vegas?" Green asked. These men were nicknamed after colors. I don't know why and didn't really care to ask either. It was pretty dumb though.

"No we're from Cali" Heaven says.

"Ooo Cali. So y'all boujee bitches" Red says and we all laughed.

"I wouldn't say boujee. More like classy bad bitches" Star says and earns a snap from me. Period.

"Ok ma'am. So what brings y'all here?" Blue asked.

"Just to have some fun" Luzzy says shrugging.

"Wanna have some fun with us?" He asks. We share looks with one another before looking back at them.

"What kind of fun?" Stars asks.

"Let's head to the dance floor" Green says. We got up and made our way there.

"I need some water, I'm gonna go join Peyton and Maya at the bar" Luzzy says to me.

"Ok" I said to her.

Josh's POV

"Really?" I asked Soul as we both laughed.

"Yes! It was so bad. I was so embarrassed" She says and I started laughing again. Her and her group of friends came to us and we all sat on the balcony of the club. Of course we didn't engage in the group conversation because they were just talking about something dumb. We were getting to know each other and I must say, she's a down to earth kind of girl.

"Wow, if that was me I'd just wear a hat everyday" I said to her. She was telling me about the time a girl embarrassed her back in high school by shaving the back of her head in class.

"I did. That whole year so no one would see it till

It grew back" She says.

"That's so mean" I said shaking my head.

"It is. But the crazy part is when we got to college, I forgave her for what she did" She says.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I don't have a bone in my body to hate someone. I feel like hating someone just brings negativity to your life that you don't need. So don't onto the grudge, just let it go" She says. I take in what she says and nod. Wow.

"You seem like a very positive and happy person" I said to her.

"I try to be. Life gets hard, but no matter what you gotta see the positive side of it right?" She says smiling. I smiled back and looked towards the end of the balcony. I see Storm, Star, and Heaven walking to the dance floor with these guys. Who are they?


"Is that Storm?" She asks.

"Yea" I sighed.

"Quick question, that Storm is the Storm Nova right?" She asked and I nodded.

"The one and only"

"I used to look up to her when I was in high school. She made me wanna get into modeling and live the best life possible. She's so inspiring" She says. I looked at Storm, then her.

"Really?" I asked in shock. I knew that Storm was a role model to many people over the years and still is. Besides the people that hate her. I didn't think Soul was one of them.

"Yea, she was such an idol and so motivating to others. To me. But after she went ghost, it felt like she's changed" She says sighing.

"Yea, she's been through a lot. She's not the same person she was before" I said looking back at her. As her and the guy start dancing. His hand slides to her hips as she rocks side to side. She's letting him touch her?!?

"Situations change people. But I have a feeling deep down Storm is still there. Good people just don't vanish. Maybe hiding, but not gone. Even though she maybe see things in a negative way, that positive mindset that she's always had, is still there" She says. I looked at her and couldn't help but stare. She looks at me and starts to blush.

"W-what?" She asks.

"Your mind is just....beautiful" I said in amazement. It's not often when you come across people like Soul. Everything about her was just....beautiful.

"Thank you. I guess your mind is beautiful too" She giggles and I smiled at her.

"Woah! What are they doing!" Jalen says as he looks at Star. All of them are acting up.

"Oh look Jalen, you were replaced" Dior says and starts laughing. Rj and Bronny laugh with him.

"Is that Heaven?" Shareef questions.

"Josh get your girl! I know this was her idea" Jalen says and I give him a look.

"Storm?! Why do you think this was Storm's idea?" I asked him. He points and I look down. She whispers something to the girls and they all smiled at each other. When they get back to dancing, Storm whispers to the guy and bends over and starts shaking her ass on him.

"Oh fuck no!" I said standing up. The other girls start acting the same and Jalen and Shareef stand up.

"Soul I'm so sorry. I gotta go deal with her" I said to her.

"It's fine. It was nice talking to you" She smiled. I nodded and Shareef, Jalen, and I walked down the stairs. We walked to the dance floor and to our girls.

"Yea I don't think so"' I said as I grabbed Storm's arm so she can stand up straight.


"Don't you seeing I'm dancing with my friend?" She asks me.

"Aye who's the clown Storm?" The guy behind her asks.

"Clown?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about it Blue" She says to him. Blue? This nigga named after a color.

"Storm. Let's go, you're done" I said to her and she shakes her head.

"No, I'm having fun. Go back and hang with Soul" She says.

"No I came to get you because you're acting up" I told her.

"No one is acting up. I'm just getting my groove onnnnnn" She says and whines her hips. The blue guy hypes her up and she starts laughing.

"I'm not playing with you Storm. Let's go" I said sternly. I was getting angrier the longer I stood here.

"Look man, your girl said she don't wanna go" The blue guy said.

"Crayola ain't no body speaking to you. Shut the fuck up and walk away before you get your ass beat. Respectfully" I said to him. He sighed and looked at Storm.

"Thanks Storm" He says and they fist bump.

"Thanks Blue" She says and he walks away. I looked at her confused.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about it. Go run back to your friend though" She says and starts to walk away. I follow her and we make our way outside where Star, Heaven, Jalen, and Shareef are.

Storm's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with y'all?" Jalen asked us.

"What the fuck is wrong with y'all? Don't act all innocent" Star says crossing her arms.

"I just thought we were having fun, that's all" Heaven shrugs.

"Yea me too. Didn't know it would be such a problem" I smirked at Josh. He looked at me with a mad expression with his arms folded.

"What you did was not ok and you embarrassed us" Shareef says.

"Embarrassed you guys? Baby you embarrassed us by sitting up there with other women while they are people around taking pictures and videos of you. All of you" Heaven says pointing at the three of them.

"The same goes for you guys" Josh says.

"It was just a dance. Y'all are bugging out for no reason" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok so if I were to go and dance with Soul, and she's dancing on me like how you danced on that guy. That's ok with you?" He asks me. He did not just say that.

"I wish your big lipped ass would Joshua. I rock you both" I said to him.

"Exactly" He says.

"Wanna come and grab up on me like you didn't have your arm around a next girl a few minutes ago. Fuck you Jalen" Star says rolling her eyes.

"My arm wasn't around her. I don't know what you saw" He says shrugging.

"We all saw it but ok" She says rolling her eyes.

"What's gonna happen is, we are gonna go back inside, get drunk and have fun" I said and was about to make my way inside before Josh pulls me back.

"You guys go, I need to talk to Storm" He says and they walk inside. He looks at me and I look at him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asks me. I look to the side then look back at him. Huh.

"Doing what?" I asked in confusion.

"First you keep things from me, then you make a petty argument over something as little as your outfit, you turn me on leaving me sexually frustrated, which I still am. And now you piss me off by pulling the shit you just pulled. You know what these kind of things lead to Storm! You're already in a bad position and you just keep adding on to the list" He says with his arms open. Damn, I really did all that in the matter of two days? That's a record!

"I did all that? Didn't notice" I said shrugging and he rolls his eyes.

"When is it gonna stop? When are you going to fix things?" He asks. As I was about to say something, both of our phones go off. We grabbed them and I looked to see they were from Instagram. I unlock my phone and go on the app. Oh....

"Josh Christopher seen kicking it with another girl while Storm Is hitting it off with someone else on the dance floor. What do you think this means for the two? Are they still together? Or maybe have separated behind our backs" Josh reads out loud.

"This is the shit I'm talking about!" He yells in frustration.

"When you do dumb stuff it results in false information being posted Storm. I'm tired of having to clear things up all the time" He says sighing.

"Don't make it seem like it's all my fault. You're the one with Soul while you should be with me" I told him. He then walks away and walks inside. I rolled my eyes at him and was about to make my way inside when my phone started ringing. I looked at the unknown caller and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

The girl says and hangs up.

"Well damn"

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