《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 47


Storm's POV

"I'm so hungry. I can eat a house right now" Luzzy says which causes us to laugh. We were in a car on our way back from shopping. Vegas is a very nice city and there's so much to see. I definitely have to come back here.

"When we get back, it's dinner time" Heaven says to her.

"Why are you guys on your phone like that?" Maya asks us.

"Checking on our kids" Heaven says as she referred to me, her, and Peyton.

"We are on a trip, y'all playing mommy right now?" Star asks.

"Girl we play mommy everyday" Peyton says. I put my phone down as I just finished texting Halona. The kids are good and are having a fun time with their grandparents. She said they don't seem to be mad at Josh and I anymore but it could change once we get back. I hope everything will be fine once we get home.

"What are we doing after dinner?" I asked them.

"Club?" Star suggested.

"YES!" Maya yelled clapping.

"What are the boys doing?" Peyton asked.

"Who knows and who cares. I've been having a blast just being with you girls. We should've made this into a all girls trip" Star says.

"I agree" I said as I grabbed my phone from my lap. Seconds later, I'm being mentioned on comments from The Shaderoom. What's going on?

"Oop, Storm you better head to Instagram right now" Star says. I clicked on one of the notifications and the app opens. Then it brings me to the post. Oh...

"Josh Christopher catches referee at game in Vegas, is he a hero or what? Swipe to see video" I read out loud to them. I then swiped to see the video. She was running down the court when a basketball player bumps into her and she falls back. Josh leans forward from his chair and catches her.

"You ok soul?" He asks her.

"Yea, good catch" She says and they smiled at each other. Ok...

"So this is Soul. Interesting" Luzzy says.

"Very" I said as I watched the video again. Somethings about the way they looked at each other...I didn't like.

"Don't think to much of it Storm. You know Josh is just a friendly guy. He caught her because he didn't want her to get hurt. That's what anyone would do right?" Peyton says.

"Ummm I wouldn't" Maya says.

"Yea me either" Star says fake yawning. I tell you about these two.

"Don't listen to them Storm, Peyton is right. Josh did the right thing by catching her. The way that guy bumped her, she could've seriously injured herself" Heaven says.


"I guess you're right" I said shrugging. I then went to the comments to see what people were saying.

"She's pretty🤩"

"Is Josh cheating on Storm?"

"She looks better then Storm🥱"

"Josh fell in love at first sight😍"

"Josh is just perfect!"

"Finally, Storm is getting replaced🙄"

"Y'all ThunderGup 4L. Storm ain't going no where"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. People are gonna say what they want regardless. Soon enough we arrived back at the hotel. Our security opened the door and we all got out and walked inside.

"Shareef said that the boys are on their way, so we should head up to our rooms and get ready" Heaven says as she looked at her phone.

"Ok, well see you guys soon" We said to each and took the elevator to our rooms. When I got to mine I seen a cd at my door. I picked it up and looked side to side. No one around. I quickly grabbed my key card and opened the door. I put my bag down and put the cd in the tv. I then turned it on. The girl popped up and she had her arms folded.

"Hello Storm, you must've been wondering when you were gonna hear from me again. After hearing you cry your eyes out for hours, I decided that you completed your first step. Good job! If you complete this next step, you'll be rewarded with some valuable information. This next step goes along with what's going on right now. I'm pretty sure you're familiar with Ms.Soul. You must be wondering, who is she and where did she come from. Well I have some information for you" She says smirking. She grabs a folder and looks inside.

"Soul Rivera. 21, African American and Egyptian, 5'9, nothing much about family, she lives in LA, studied at Stanford, ooo she's a smart one" She says and laughs a bit. I just stand there rolling my eyes. Of course she lives in LA...WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO LIVE THERE?!?

"She's a part time savage x fenty model, part time referee, part time physical therapist, and a full time dog lover. And she likes kids, hey Storm you have kids" The girl joked and started laughing.

"Well now you know the girl, it's time for step 2. You're going to make Josh jealous at the club tonight. You need to remind him the kind of woman he comes home too. A little flirting here and there when he gets back, some touching, that'll make him go crazy. And I think you know the one way to get under his skin tonight so I'll leave that to you. By the way your outfit is in the closet. You're welcome" She says. I looked at the closet then back at the screen.


"I'll leave you to that then. Remember not to say a word, or you'll suffer the consequences. Bye Storm, see you on The Shaderoom tonight" She says before the video turns off. I walked towards the closet and opened it to see the outfit on a hanger, a purse, and some heels. Well she definitely has good style.

"I haven't dressed like this since I was 20" I said as I looked at it up and down. It was a cute dress and it was a beautiful color so why not. Let's do this.

I put it down and stripped from the clothes I was wearing. I then walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I grabbed a hair tie, tied my hair and got in. As I cleaned my body, I heard the door open. I hope that's Josh and no one else.

When I'm finished, I step out and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around me and said a little prayer to myself. Please be Josh. I opened the door and seen Josh in a different outfit. He looks at me and smiles.

"Hi baby" He says as he looks back at his phone.

"Hi, nice outfit" I said as I scanned him. He wore a white supreme hoodie with a brown denim vest, matching ripped jeans and Travis Scott 1s. He looked good!

"Thank you, I seen the color of your dress and thought we'd match" He says. Awww. I smiled and walked towards my bag and grabbed a thong. I put it on then grabbed my dress. I put it on and then walked to the bathroom to do my makeup. Once I was done, I looked at my hair. Hmm I kinda like it up like this.

"Hey I was wondering if we can talk about-" Josh started but then looked at me.

"Woah" He says looking me up and down. I smirked to myself and looked back in the mirror. Let's get on with this little plan.

"Talk about what babe?" I asked him innocently. He rubs his chin and finds his hand on my lower back.

"You look......like a piece of chocolate cake" He says and I couldn't help but laugh. Of course I look like food, he's hungry.

"Moveee, I need to finish getting ready" I said pushing him back a bit. He comes back and his hand slides down to my ass. He then leans down and gives me small kisses behind my ear.

"Let's skip dinner, let me eat you instead" He says in my ear then kisses it. Oop!

"Noo I'm hungry" I said laughing.

"I'll give you something to eat" He mumbles and I continued to laugh.

"I'm good boo boo. But I see you playing superhero today, for Soullll" I smirked and he kissed his teeth.

"That's what I was about to talk about but I rather talk about you right now" He says wrapping his arms around me. Let me give him a reminder of what he has.

"Let's talk about me then" I said turning to him. He smirks and picks me up and sits me on the counter.

"My beautiful, fine, sexy ass wife" He says and I giggled.

"Don't forget" I said and leaned in to kiss him. He slides his tongue in my mouth and we start to french kiss. It was slow and sensual. Mmm he smelt so good... Storm remember the plan! I slid my hand down to his pants and grip him. I feel him get hard in my hand and I start to smirk in my head. Yea I got it like that. His hand starts to make his way up my dress and I pull away.

"Ok let's go!" I said and pushed him back. He looks at me in shock as I walk out the bathroom and grab my jewelry and put them on.

"You just- but you can't- No!" He yelled and ran behind me. I glanced at him and spray some perfume on.

"What?" I said.

"You can't just turn me on like that and walk away, let's finish what we started" He says and I giggled. I grabbed my phone and purse.

"Josh let's go, our friends are waiting" I said as I walked towards the door. I bent down to put my heels on but feel him bend me over and hold onto my hips. Oh my gosh!

"You bringing this side out of me now" He says laughing.

"Josh! Stop playing" I laughed as I stood up. He then stomps like the big kid he is and I couldn't help but laugh at him. Only Gup.

"You really gonna do me like that?" He pouts.

"Yes" I said and opened the door. We walked out and the first face I see is the last face I thought I'd see. Damn.


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