《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 46


Storm's POV

"Ohhh this is cute!" I said to Maya as she walked out of the change room. After breakfast the girls and I parted away from the guys and went shopping. I guess spending time with my girls was something I needed to get my mind off of everything, I was feeling much better now and felt like myself.

Maya and Luzzy were in the middle of trying clothes on because they couldn't decide on what they wanted. We were also getting treated very nicely here, the owners brought us champagne to sip on.

"It isss. It makes me look scandalous" She says as she posed in front of us. Luzzy then walked out in a puffy dress.

"Girl you look like one of the cartoon characters" Peyton says waving her hand causing all of us to laugh.

"This dress makes me look big! And it doesn't help that I'm pregnant. I'm going to get bigger in it over time" She sighed.

"The color is nice...?" I said unsure as I looked at it. I'm just trying to make her feel better.

"It's ugly. Next" Star says and the both of them walk back in the change room.

"Did you guys hear about what JT said about me on The Shaderoom?" Heaven asks as she was on her phone.

"No, what'd she say?" Star asks as she sipped on her drink.

"She tried to say my edges are dry and my hair ain't never done right" Heaven says rolling her eyes.

"Pshhh please. Let's not talk about her hair" I said rolling my eyes. Some of these other women always had something to say about us. We were labeled as Wags and Basketball wives to them.

"Isn't her boyfriend like...4'11?" Peyton says which makes all of us laugh.

"Yea, with 6'6 energy" I said laughing.

"I don't do this social media shit but I will gladly put her in her place on live" Heaven says.

"Ooo ooo ooooo let me do it. I live for drama" Star says all excited.

"Y'all have fun with that" I said to them as I grabbed the champagne bottle to pour some more in my cup. I already got to much drama going on with me.


"Ok how about this one?" Luzzy says as she walked out in this white silk dress.

"Oh this is definitely you" I said nodding my head.

"You look sexy" Peyton says and Luzzy sticks her tongue out.

"How about this?" Maya says and comes out in a nude two piece.

"This is very nice" Heaven says.

"Twerk check. If you can't dance in it, then it's not worth buying" Star says. Luzzy and Maya start dancing and we hype them up.

"Ayeee ayeee ayeee!" I said as I clapped my hands.

"Twerk master get in that" Star says to me and starts recording. I stand up and start shaking my ass side to side.

"Get it Storm!" Peyton yelled.

Josh's POV

"Are my hickeys noticeable?" Dior asked for the 5th time. I rolled my eyes and continued to look at my phone. Right mow we were at a stadium because our boys Bronny and Rj had a game. We wanted to see them and then maybe go to the club later.

"Nigga who cares" Mikey says to him.

"Don't get salty with me now. You're the one who's about to be on The Shaderoom" Dior joked causing Mikey to put him in a head lock.

"If you open your mouth I swear to god my foot will be down your ass" He threaten him.

"Hey boys, none of that back here" We heard behind us. We turned around and there we saw Soul.

"Soul?" I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Josh" She waved.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. I wonder why she was in the back of the stadium. She didn't seem like the type to try and get with the ballers back here. But then again, I didn't know her like that.

"I'm one of the referees so I just came to grab a water bottle before I head to the court" She says. We looked down and noticed her outfit. She was a referee.

"You're one of the most sexiest referees I've ever seen in my life" Dior says walking up to her. Jalen then pulls him back by the back of his shirt.

"Um ok.....anyways I'll see y'all out there" She says to us and walks away. We then continued to walk towards the court as well.


"Damn Josh if you don't take her, I will" Dior says rubbing his hands.

"Take her man, I'm happy with Storm" I said to him. Dior is the type to make you cheat on your girl but rat you out saying that you cheated.

"Where was loyal Josh a few years ago?" He joked. I jumped up and slapped him hard at the back of his neck. Strike one.

"Shit!" Shaqir says laughing, as well as the other guys. Dior glared at me as we finally go to the court. The seats were full of people and I was seeing a lot of familiar faces on court side. Everyone must be in Vegas this weekend.

"Ima sit beside you. Dior is chatting off my ear" Kai says and takes a seat beside me.

"He doesn't have a off button" I said shaking my head. As I was going through Instagram stories, I came across Star's. She was recording Storm, Luzzy, and Maya dancing together. At least she's having fun now.

"Everything ok with you and Storm?" Kai asks me. I looked around the court and spotted Soul with the other referees. She was the youngest one there.

"Yea we're good. She's been going through something but won't talk to me about it. It's kind of frustrating" I told him. After everything Storm and I been through, this is a time where we need to be very open with each other because so much is going on. I want to able to help her and comfort her in any way I can, but she's not letting me and that's what frustrates me.

"Give her some space. You know Storm always been the type to things on her own. When she's ready she'll come to you" He says. He was right.

"You're right. But with her, it's a routine. She breaks down, doesn't speak about it for a while, then comes back like she's ok when she's not. I don't wanna do that no more. I don't want her to put up a fake act when she comes around me or anyone. I want her to be genuinely happy" I said to him. The last time I seen Storm's real smile is when we snuck out and went to 7/11. Before or after that, they were all fake. Storm's mental health is one of the most important things to me. If she isn't doing good mentally, the rest of her isn't going to function properly.

"She's gonna break that routine eventually. I feel like with Storm, she choses to heal alone. Her process is just slower then ours. And I really think she is starting to work on her mental health, she's trying to get herself better and get her life back" He says.

"You're right" I said nodding. I'll just continue to pray that Storm stops hurting and becomes happy again. Happy her is my favorite side of her.

"Let's get it!" We heard Sharife say. As the teams walked onto the court. I looked at Soul and seen her tie her hair up and walk to the side of the court. Looks like she's on this side.

"I heard Rj's team plays rough. Always falling and shit" Kai says and I nodded. The referee throws the ball in the air and Bronny's team gets the ball and passes it to Bronny. He dribbles it down the court and shoots it making a three and the first basket of the game.

"Green!" I yelled as I smiled at him. The ball is then inbounded to Rj and him and his team run down the court. Oh yea they do play rough. As they played roughly, Soul runs down to our side and as she's about to stop, someone on Rj's team bumps into her hard and she falls back. I lean forward a bit and catch her. The whistle is then blown.

"You ok Soul?" I asked her. She looks up at me and we smiled at each other. Damn...

"Yea, good catch" She says giggling. I then help her stand up and she runs to the other referees who huddle at the table.

"Yea....Storm isn't gonna like this" Jalen says. I looked at him and his eyes motion around us. I looked around and seen everyone with their phones in their hands and paparazzi around.


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