《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 45


Storm's POV

"What time is breakfast?" I asked Josh as we both walked out of the bathroom. We just took a shower together.

"In a couple of minutes, so we should get ready fast" He says. I nodded and looked at the outfit on the bed. I put my undergarments on before grabbing my clothes and putting them on. I then walked to the bathroom to do my hair. I've been a bit quiet because I kept replaying that girls words in my head. It was stuck in my mind and it was making me feel a way. I don't even want to be around or talk to anyone right now.

"What are you wearing?" Josh asks as he looks at me. I looked down to my grey supreme tracksuit and looked back at him. Excuse me?

"What do you mean what am I wearing?" I asked with a bit of an attitude. Storm why are you getting mad?

"It's just a question. You always like to dress up so I just thought you'll dress more fancier" He says shrugging. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my brush.

"Do you want me to dress up? Is this not enough for you? Am I worthless?" I questioned him as I flung my arms up. He looked at me and froze. He looks to the side and then looks back at me.

"It was just a question Storm, why are you snapping at me?" He says in confusion. I looked at him and huffed. This girl was really getting to me and I was starting to get mad at myself because I really let her words get to me. And I'm taking it out on Josh. Sorry Josh...

"Just never mind" I mumbled. I brushed my hair and styled my edges. I then did my makeup and brushed my lashes. As I was about to pick up the comb, Josh grabs it which causes me to flinch. He looks at me weirdly.

"What the hell is going on with you?" He asks. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Nothing. Just hurry up and use the comb" I said looking down.

"You were ok just a few seconds ago in the shower. What's your problem?" He says looking at me. He was looking at me like I was crazy and I didn't like it.

"My problem is you don't like my outfit" I said looking at him. Maybe this will make me forget about the girl.

"I never said I didn't like your outfit Storm, you even look like me right now. I just thought you'd maybe put on some jeans, or maybe some heels you know?" He says shrugging.

"So I'm supposed to wear heels all the time? You want me to change my outfit?" I asked him. He looks at me chuckles.

"This conversation is done. You're bugging" He says and walks out of the bathroom. I followed him as he put his shoes on.

"No conversation not done. Do you want me to change?!" I said loudly.

"No Storm I don't want you to change. But what I don't want is for you to step back with all of this yelling. You being like this is gonna piss me off" He says sighing.


"So you don't like my outfit and now you're pissed at me" I said. He ignores me and grabs our phones.

"Are you ready?" He asks me. I ignored him and went to slide on my red yeezy slides. He gives me a look before looking away.

"What now!" I yelled. Now I'm irritated.

"I didn't even say anything. I'm not gonna say a word when you're in one of your moods. Mad for no reason" He says rolling his eyes. I opened the door and walked towards the elevator. I folded my arms as I stood there. As I waited for this annoying ass guy named JoShUa, I was thinking to myself. When am I going to hear from that girl again? Will she follow me to LA? Did she really mean she'll hurt everyone around me if I say a word about her and that video?

"Here's your phone" Josh says as he closes our door and walks up to me. I snatch it out of his hand and put it in my pocket. He reaches back for it in my pocket and looks at me.

"Let's try that again, here's your phone Storm" He says sternly. I look at him and grab it nicely and put it in my pocket.

"Don't get put in your place so early in the day. You know I'll do it" He says. The elevator door opens and we walk in. He presses the rooftop button and we stand there in silence as we go up.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. I ignore him and stand there with my arms crossed.

"Storm, what's wrong?" He asks again.

"Just leave me alone" I mumbled.

"No I'm not gonna leave you alone when you're acting like this. Something is clearly going on and you're not telling me" He says. I sighed and looked down. My phone buzzed and I glanced at it.

"Give me your phone" He says with his hand out.

"Why?" I asked him weirdly. What does my phone have to do with anything?

"Just give it to me" He says.

"No" I said.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Why do you want my phone?" I asked him. This situation took a turn because I really don't see why he wants my phone. Josh what are you up to?

"Why can't I just have your phone? Are you hiding something from me?" He asks. I then look at him. This dumbass.

"Why would I hide anything from you?" I said but instantly looked away. If I looked directly at him he'd know I'm lying.

"You clearly are since you don't wanna tell me what's wrong. And you're refusing to give me your phone" He says shrugging. Dumb ass reasons.

"Move with that bullshit Josh" I said rolling my eyes.

"So give me your phone if you're not hiding anything. Why's it so hard?" He asks.

"Because my phone doesn't have anything to do with anything" I said frustrated. Now I was completely angry. I'm not even hungry anymore.

"So give it to me" He says. I grab my phone and toss it at him.

"Take it! Fuck!" I yelled at him. The door then opens and I stormed out of the elevator. I see our friends at a table and I walk over and take a seat beside Star.


"Hey guys-" Heaven says but then looks at Josh and I. Everyone looks at us and Josh sits across from me.

"Damn, what happened to y'all?" Dior says laughing. I glared at Josh as my arms were crossed. Josh rolled his eyes and puts my phone down. He didn't even look at it.

"Nothing guys, Storm is just being childish" He says looking at me.

"Fuck you Josh" I said rolling my eyes. His eyes widen a bit but then he nods to himself and looks away from me.

"Well anyways, we ordered for you guys already" Star says beside me. She looks at me and sighs.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"Nothing" I mumbled as I looked around. The view up here was beautiful. Made me feel a bit calm.

"The girls and I are going shopping after breakfast and you're coming. Please change your attitude" She says and holds my hand. I nodded and looked at her.

"Ok" I said sighing and she gave me a small smile.

"Here's the food" The waiter says and about 5 of them come over with food in their hands. They place all of the food down and I looked at it in amazement. This looked delicious.

"Oh this is what I'm talking about" Shareef says and rubs his hands together.

"Let's dig in guys" Kai says. Everyone starts to eat and I look at the plate in front of me. Blueberry pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, porridge. Man....it looked so good but Josh made me lose my appetite.

"Eat, you know you want to" Josh says across from me. I looked at him then looked back down. Storm you know he's right....you really want to.

"Look, I'm sorry for being rude earlier. But can you please eat Storm? I'll lean over this table and feed you myself" He says. I sighed and grabbed my spoon and toke a bite of the porridge. This is so good.

"Thank you" He says and continues to eat.

"You're not welcome" I said and he chuckles.

"Where did y'all go last night?" Shareef asks the boys. I wonder what they're talking about...

"I left with Selena" Caleb says smirking.

"Who's Selenaaaa?" Luzzy smirks at Caleb.

"This girl I met a few weeks ago" He says.

"Oooooooooo" All of us girls say. It's about time Caleb got a girl. I know he's tired of always seeing Josh and I. When's the last time he's been with a girl?

"I left with Shareef and Shaqir" Jalen says, Shaqir then pouts.

"Y'all are some cock blockers man" He says folding his arms.

"Boy we saved you, you're welcome" Shareef says and hits his brothers arm.

"Mikey where'd you go?" Dior smirked. Mikey glares at him and glances at Luzzy.

"I-I went driving around then headed back" Mikey says scratching the back of his head.

"Since you're asking so many damn questions. Where'd you go Dior?" Mikey asks giving Dior a look. Why does it seem like they're hiding something.

"I was actually having the time of my life with those two girls. Might have to take them on a shopping spree to Fashion Nova to reward them on their hard work" Dior smirks causing Josh to laugh.

"Aye fish lip, don't think I forgot about you. Where'd you gooooooo?" Dior says leaning against the table. I just continued to eat this delicious meal. Man, can I get breakfast like this every morning?

"I left and went straight to my room"Josh says shrugging.

"By yourself?" Dior asks.

Josh's POV

I glared at Dior as he smirked at me. You know lately he's been trying me and I should really beat his ass. He's trying to get me in trouble because I got him in trouble last week at the gym.

"Dior shut up" I said rolling my eyes. Not only is he putting me in the hot seat, he put Mikey in it too. Mikey texted our all guys groupchat this morning telling us he messed up. He didn't say exactly what he did but he definitely did something he wasn't supposed to do. Dior was the only one telling him he needs to tell Luzzy. We all thought we should talk about it first before he tells Luzzy what he did. But of course Dior had other plans.

"Answer the question Gupppp. Don't think I didn't see you and Soul" He says. Everyone stops eating and I look at Storm and she looks at me. Fuck.

Storm's POV

"Who's Soul?" I asked him as I put my fork down. Who names their child Soul...is it a stripper name?

"Just this girl I met" He says.

"So y'all were chilling with some girls last night?" Maya says folding her arms.

"It was Caleb's fault" Sharife says.

"My fault? Ain't no body said you guys had to hang with them. Y'all could've left if you wanted to" He say rolling his eyes.

"Josh was the first to leave" Dior says. I looked at Josh and he rolled his eyes.

"Where'd you and Soul go?" I asked him.

"We just left because neither of us wanted to be there. We didn't do anything or go anywhere, I came straight to you" He says looking at me. He didn't smell like another women so I guess he was telling the truth. But then in the back of mind, what the girl said about Josh cheating came back. He wouldn't cheat on me again...would he?

"We'll talk more about Soul later" I said to him.

"That's one explanation out of the way. Your turn Mikey"'He says.

"Bro I'm about to punch you in your face" Mikey says looking at Dior.

"What's the issue here?" Luzzy asks him looking at the two. Dior was about to open his mouth until Jalen threw one of the biscuits at Dior and it landed right in his mouth.

"Nothing Luzzy" Mikey says. She nods and continues to eat. I then look at Mikey and Jalen and see them do their secret handshake. Something is definitely going on...

"Damn, y'all tryna kill me" Dior coughed out as he almost choked of the bread.


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