《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 44


Josh's POV

"Cmon guys let's just go" I whined as the guys sat their in the lounge area. We got back from dinner and Mikey suggested we went to the rooftop bar. There was many thirsty women out here tonight and let's just say, they were basically raping me with their eyes. I know I'm fine but damn, y'all making me a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Can your fish lip looking ass stop complaining and just sit down? Damn, you're making me uncomfortable" Dior says and flips his imaginary hair at me. This nigga.

"Josh lighten up. We're basically having a boys night. Let us enjoy our time away from our girls" Mikey says.

"I agree. You don't get tired of Storm?" Dior asks. I still need to slap the shit out of him from earlier.

"No Dior, I don't get tired of my wife" I said to him rolling my eyes.

"Just chill man. Have another drink" Caleb says. I looked at the drink he was offering me and sighed. I grabbed the drink and drank it. Maybe I should calm down. It was just getting late and I didn't want Storm by herself for to long. I made Maya bring her back food so I guess she should be fine.

"That's better now" Shaqir says chuckling.

"Josh, remember that girl I was talking to you about" Caleb says.

"Yea why?" I asked. He points and all of our heads turn to where he's pointing. It was the girl he was talking to and a group of her friends.....Damn.

"It's like looking at Angels. They're so fine" Dior says and leans forward with a big smile on his face.

"They're ok I guess" Kai says shrugging. We all whipped our heads to him. What did he just say?


"Ok?" Jalen questioned him.

"Yea they're alright. Girls who are more on the natural side and have real bodies is what I find attractive" He says. I agree with you Kai.

"Bro it don't matter if the ass is real or not. It still gone bounce when I hit it from the back" Dior says and humps the air. We looked at him and started laughing. This dumbass. The girls then smiled at each other before standing up. We watched as they walked over to us. Oh no...

"Hi Caleb" This lightskin girl says. Caleb licked his lips at her and opened his arm for her to hug him.

"Wassup Selena. Why don't you and your friends sit with us?" He says. They nodded and took a seat in between us. This other lightskin girl sat beside me but didn't say anything and looked down.

"Wassup ladies, the name is Dior. If you spend a night with me, I'll Prada you" He says smirking. He wraps his arms around two girls that touched all over him. These women looked grown as hell, almost 40. As everyone talked to one another, I looked at the girl beside me. She was quiet and held onto her purse tightly.

"You look very uncomfortable" I said to her. She looked up at me and I was amazed by her eyes. I've never seen eyes like hers before. They were exotic.

"I am. I wish I was back in my suite" She says rolling her eyes.

"So do I" I said rolling my eyes. Look like we're on the same page.

"Your friends kept you here too?" She asked.

"Yea, sadly. You?" I asked and she nodded. I looked down and she sighed looking the other way.

"Soul" She says. I turned to her.



"Soul, that's my name" She says. Even her name was exotic. Wow.

"Josh" I said to her.

"I'm kind of familiar with who you are" She says shrugging. I nodded and looked towards my friends and seen them engaged in a conversation with the girls. I looked towards Jalen and Shareef and seen them keeping conversation short. At least they're smart. Unlike Mikey, his arm was wrapped around one of the girls. He better be careful.

"I think I'm gonna leave" I said as I stood up.

"Me too. You think they'll notice us leaving, or just go" She says standing up. We looked at them and they didn't even acknowledge us.

"Let's just go" I said. We walked away and walked down the stairs that lead towards the elevator. I clicked the button and let her walk in first.

"Thank you" She says.

"You're welcome" I said to her. She clicked the 6th floor and the elevator door closed.

"Looks like we're on the same floor" I said.

"Interesting" She says and looks away. I looked down and rocked side to side as I waited for us to get to our floor. Damn, it's awkward.

"Nice outfit. I see you dress differently from your friends" She says glancing at me.

"I am the drippest out of my group. This is sum slight though" I shrugged smirking. She then starts laughing which made me laugh a bit. She had a nice laugh.

"Ok Josh" She says giggling. I then looked at her outfit and shrugged. Not bad...

"That's a nice dress. If you wear it again, pair it with a creme colored pair of heels" I said to her. She then looked at her dress and smiled. She had a nice smile too.

"Thanks for the fashion tip, I'll definitely keep that in mind" She says.

"Glad I could help" I said chuckling. We finally reached our floor and we both walked out. Since my door was right in front I walked to it.

"It was nice meeting you Soul, have a nice night" I said to her.

"You as well. Bye Josh" She smiled and waved at me. I waved back and she walked down the hall. I watched her for a little bit before grabbing my key card and opening the door. When I walked in, it was kind of dark and cold. I looked towards the bed and didn't see Storm. I looked towards the bathroom but she wasn't there either. I was about to walk towards the kitchen when I seen the curtain from the balcony blowing. I walked towards it and seen Storm standing out there in a hoodie and shorts.

"Babe come inside, it's freezing" I said to her as the wind blowed.

"I just need some air" She says as her voice cracked. My face turns as I looked at her weirdly. I walked up to her and looked at her face. It had dry tear stains and tears currently falling. Her eyes were red which meant she was crying for a long time. Storm...

"Baby C'mere" I said as I pulled her into my arms. She wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my chest.

"What's wrong Storm? You've been upset for days, I don't like seeing you like this" I said as I rubbed her back.

"I don't wanna talk about any of it Josh. Just hold onto me ok?" She says as she cries. I hug her and hold onto her tightly.

"I won't let go, I promise"

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