《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 43



Storm's POV

"We have arrived bitches!" Star yelled as we walked into the hotel. Security guarded us as fans and paparazzi followed us taking pictures and videos. Sometimes I wish they would just give us some space...

"Josh I love you!"

"Shareef marry me!"

"Star you're a bad bitch!"

"Hi Luzzy!"

"Kai you're sexy!"

"Dior let me suck your dick!" Fans screamed.

"Shiii who said that?" Dior says turning around. Heaven grabs him and pushes him in the direction we're walking. I held onto Josh's hand tightly as I put my head down. I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't avoid the flashing lights. They were blinding me!

"You ok?" Josh asked me.

"Yea" I said as I looked at him. Which was a bad idea because my eyes averted to the lights. As it flashed rapidly, a flashback came into my mind....


"Help...Help! HELP!" I yelled scared. As I stood up. Doctors rushed in and I was pushed out of the room. I stood at the door as multiple doctors rushed in. A women brings a machine into the room and then closes the door. Everyone looks at me from down the hall in confusion. I start to shake as I loose feeling in my legs. I tried to hold onto the wall but couldn't feel anything to grab onto. I breathed in out gasping for air. Melo.....just hold on a bit longer...I can't lose you. I slide down the wall as I held onto my chest. Why's it getting so hot???

"S-Storm, what's going on?" Jalen asked as they all rushed over to me. Words couldn't form in my mouth. I was trying to comprehend everything that was going on. Please god...please save my friend.

"Storm breathe" Peyton says as she bends down and holds me up. My chest throbbed and I couldn't breathe. I tried to hold my tears in as I bit my lip. I won't cry. The door then opens and the doctor looks at us with his head down.

"I'm sorry for your guys lost, LaMelo Ball has passed. Time of death, 12:30am" he says. And just like that, everyone bursted out into tears. I couldn't hear anything. It's like after he said that everything went quiet. I looked around and see all of my friends. I looked and Peyton to see her covering her face sobbing, yet I couldn't hear sob. Then it hit me....Melo's gone. He's really gone and it's all my fault. I then felt a piercing feeling go through my chest causing me to groan out. I can't take this anymore.

"I-I can't b-breathe" I breathed out as I gasped for air. Everything started to go dizzy as I looked at the nurses put the white sheet over Melo's body. No....

"Pardon?" The doctor says to me.

"I-I said. I can't breat-" I tried to say. But I fall over and my eyes close.

Flashback over

"Storm!" I heard Josh yell. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"Y-yeah?" I asked nervously. My heart was beating so fast.

"Let's go up to our room..." He says and looks at me a bit weirdly. I nodded and we walked to the elevator. I looked around and didn't see our friends.

"Where's everyone?" I asked him as we walked into the elevator with our security.


"They went to their rooms already, you were standing there for like 5 minutes. Are you sure you're ok?" He asks.

"Yea, I think I just need a nap and I'll be good" I told him as the elevator door opened. We walked out and our door was right there.

"I'll be out here" Our security guard says. We nodded and Josh opened the door and we brought our stuff inside.

"This is nice" I said looking around. This suite was beautiful.

"Only the best for the best" He says chuckling. I put my bags down and plop down on the bed. Oh this bed is comfy.

"Yea I'm gonna take a nap" I mumbled into the pillow. As I laid down, I felt Josh lay down too. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my head.

"I love you Stormy" He says.

"I love you to Guppy" I said as I closed my eyes. As I started to fall asleep, we heard a knock.

"Who is it?" Josh asked.

"It's Dior!" Dior yelled.

"Should we let him in?" Josh asks me. Hmmm.

"Sure why not" I shrugged while my eyes were still closed.

"Open the door for him!" He yelled. I open my eyes and see Dior walk in.

"Get y'all's asses up! We are going out to eat!" He said loudly. Now I'm thinking why'd we let him in.

"Storm wants to take a nap" Josh says.

"Ok...I didn't ask what Storm wanted to do. I said we are going to get food so let's go" He says.

"Fuck you Dior" I said rolling my eyes.

"I know you want to Storm, but Josh would beat your ass. Then my ass" He says and Josh starts laughing.

"You got that right" Josh says.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for y'all" He says groaning.

"You guys go, I'm gonna stay back and sleep" I told Josh as I got off of him.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yea, just bring me back something" I told him. He nods and places a kiss on my lips.

"Love you mama" He whispers against my lips.

"Love you too baby" I said as I smiled at him.

"lOvE yOu MaMa" Dior mocked and made kissy noises. This boy.

"I'm gonna slap you" Josh says as he pulled away and looked at Dior.

"Try bitch!" He says and Josh instantly lunges at him. He chases Dior and they run out the room. I tell you about these two....I laughed and laid back down on the bed.

"Time to sleep" I said yawning. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Hours later...

I woke up to a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It's 10:07 pm. I yawned and sat up. That nap was beautiful.

"Who could that be?" I asked myself as I walked over to the door. I opened it and saw the other security guard, Doug.

"Sorry to wake you Storm. I just went to go use the bathroom and came back and saw this at your door" He says in confusion as he held a cd in a piece of paper.

"Let me see" I said to him. He gives me it and I see In bold letters. Hmmm.


"It's for me, maybe a fan left it" I said.

"Want me to get rid of it?" He asked me.

"No no no it's fine. I'll see what it is. It's pretty late though, you should head off to bed" I told him.

"Are you sure? Josh told me to stay until he and the others got back" He says.

"It's fine. You have my word. You've been doing an amazing job watching over me. You deserve to take a nice hot bath and get some sleep" I told him and he smiled.

"Thank you Storm, I guess I'll head up to my room. I'm gonna order some room service and watch the titanic!" He says all excited. Oh wow.

"Have fun with that Doug. Goodnight" I said as I laughed at him. Even though he looked very scary, he reminded me of a big teddy bear.

"Goodnight Storm" He says and walks away. I closed the door and locked it before walking back to the bed.

"I should see what's on this cd" I said as I walked over to the tv. I put the cd in and turned the tv on. I grabbed the remote and pressed play. Creppy music started playing until a girl popped up. She was wearing a ski mask and wore all black in a white room. What the fuck is this?

"Storm, I know you're wondering who I am and what the point of this video is. The name is C. And no, not for Cali. I know you have a little mama drama with her going on right now. I know a lot of things about you Storm and I know you're innocent. But a lot of people around the world hate you right now and wish you were dead. I used to be one of those people until I started looking at your situation differently" She says in a robot like voice. She definitely changed her voice so I wouldn't know who she is.

"I know what really happened that night Melo died because I was there. I witnessed it happen and I know Melo jumped in front of you. I also know that Cali is the mother of your kids and she's trying to get them taken away from you. So, it came to my understanding that you want your life back. You want the life where you were happy and can do things for others without being judged. You wish people wanted to work or be around you again" She says. She wasn't wrong...

"I can help you get your life back. But in steps. First thing you need to do is trust me. Even though I'm a complete stranger, I know what I say will have an affect on you and you will take in anything I say. Second thing I want you to do is let yourself be hurt. I want you to be angry, I want you to be sad, I want you to really feel the pain you've caused others. I can't physically touch you, but my words can hurt you" She says. I then started to get a weird feeling in my stomach. Turn the video off Storm.

"You're worthless Storm. You're nothing without Josh or your friends. They made you who you are today. If you never met them you would've been that same depressed girl from Canada. Your mom is a famous hairstylist but that really doesn't mean much right? If it wasn't for Josh, you wouldn't have what you have today. You became Storm Nova because Josh made you Storm Nova" She says. Well damn...

"Let's talk about you for a second. Remember you used to cry everyday because you were lonely? You had people around you but still felt alone? You felt like you didn't belong and the only thing you could do was cry and hide in a corner for weeks? You were weak for a long time, and still are. Let's talk about LaMelo. He was a sweetheart, America's favorite. And because you got yourself into a little mess, Melo got dragged in it and ended up losing his life because you didn't know how to deal with your situation on your own. Melo was such an amazing person, but lost his life because of a weak person like you" I stared at the screen as tears burned my eyes. This hurts so much but I can't bring myself to turn the tv off. It like my mind wants to keep listening to her.

"You're always protected Storm. You never fight back. People tell you nothing is ever your fault. But guess what? It is your fault. All of this is your fault and your suffering the consequences now. I know it hurts like a bitch!" She says. I bit my lip as tears started to fall.

"You never had a happy moment once since you've became famous have you? Besides modeling for Vogue, you had a horrible time. You had to deal with your mental health, your dad coming around, and oh my favorite, finding out that Josh has been cheating on you for years with multiple women while you guys were engaged" She says. I closed my eyes as tears streamed down my face. How does she know so much about me?

"He could be cheating right now as we speak but I should leave that tea for another day" She says chuckling.

"I want you to cry your eyes out, scream, throw stuff around! I want you to suffer! I want you to feel sorry for what you did!" She yelled. As I opened my mouth to say something, a sob came out.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I tried to say as I cried.

"Be sorry! Be sorry for all the people you've hurt! Be sorry for all the damage you caused! Be sorry for killing LaMelo Ball!" She yelled. I sat on the bed and cried loudly.

"I-I'm so s-sorry" I sobbed. I held onto my chest as it ached. Everything hurt. My body felt hot and my heart beated rapidly. This is the kind of pain I made everyone else feel?

"Now that you feel it. You've completed the first step. I'll come back when I think you're ready for the next one. One more thing before I go, if you say anything to Josh, or your friends, or anyone about this. I'll hurt everyone around you, even your kids. The brick through your window didn't do much but I can cause real damage Storm. You don't wanna cross me" She says. The video then ends and the screen is black. I looked at my hands as it shakes. I'm so scared.

"When is this all gonna stop?"

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