《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 42



Storm's POV

"Hey mom!" Josh and Caleb say to their mom and gives her a hug. We were dropping the kids off because we had to catch our plane for Vegas. Hopefully this trip takes my mind off of everything that's been going on. I need a break.

"Hi babies. Storm honey you look beautiful" She says and then hugs me.

"Hi Halona. And thank you. You look wonderful as well" I said to her and give her a warm hug. This is very much needed.

"Everything ok with you?" She asks me.

"Yes" I said to her and she smiled at me.

"Ok guys, we'll see you in two days" Josh says to the twins and Lola. They just looked at us. They really haven't been talking to us and I don't like it.

"Come on guys you won't be mad forever" I said to them and they continued to ignore.

"We'll bring you something back" Josh suggests.

"Bribing us will not fix things" Marcus says and the three of them walk away. Chelsey looks at them and follows them.

"They really don't like y'all right now" Caleb jokes and Josh hits his shoulder.

"Can you talk to them for us?" I asked Halona and she nods.

"Yes of course" She says and I sighed.

"Well, we should get going now. Bye mom" Caleb and Josh says. She hugs them and then they walk out, I then hug her.

"Everything is gonna be fine ok?" She says to me while rubbing my back.

"Yea I hope so, call if you need anything ok?" I said to and she nods.

"Bye honey" She says pulling away.

"Bye Halona" I said back and walked out as well. I walked to the car and got in the front seat.

"You ok?" Josh asked me.

"Yea I'm fine, let's go" I said as I buckled my seat belt. He nods and pulls out of the driveway and drives off.

"Yo Josh, did you get my message last night?" Caleb ask his brother.

"Yea what about it? He asks.

"She's bad ain't she?" Caleb says smiling. Josh then glances at me and scratches his head.

"S-She's aight..." He says.

"Man you know she's bad. And she got her own shit going on for her" He says to Josh. I sat there in deep thought really not paying attention. I don't care about their conversation.


"Shoot your shot then" Josh says to him.

"She's gonna be in Vegas so we shall see" He says. Soon enough we arrived and we seen our friends boarding the plane.

"Let's go" Josh says and we got out the car. I grabbed my purse and walked towards the plane. The workers will put our luggage away for us. I walked up the stairs to the plane and see everyone talking and Star popping a bottle of champagne.

"Finally you guys are here" She says and blows a kiss at me. The reminds me, I had to talk to her.

"Hey guys" I said to all of them and they greeted me back. I looked up and tried to put my bag in the compartment. But I couldn't reach it. Shit, why am I so short.

"Let me help you" I heard someone whisper behind me and rest their hand on my hip. I looked behind me and seen Kai putting my purse in the compartment for me.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him.

"You're welcome" He says smiling back.

Josh's POV

As I walked onto the plane, I dapped up my boys and put my bag down.

"Road trip!" I yelled and Jalen started laughing.

"I can't wait till we get to the hotel. I'm finna go exploring" He says.

"Yea me too. Find some girls that wanna be my sugar mama" Dior says.

"Ain't nobody want you Dior. How much times do we gotta say this" I said rolling my eyes.

"Your girl ain't want you" He says and I glare at him.

"Bro what?" I said at his stupid comeback.

"She over there with Mr.Billionaire" He says pointing, we all turn around to look. We see Kai helping her out her bag away and has his hand rested on her hip. I rolled my eyes and turned to Dior.

"You see that ring on her? That's from me, that's my wife at the end of the day" I said and took a seat beside Shaqir.

"You're not gonna say anything about that?" Sharife asks me.

"Nah, Kai knows his limit with Storm. If he crosses that, my fist is gonna meet with his face" I said to him and looked back at him and Storm. I'm not gonna let myself get jealous or mad about it. I trust Storm and know she won't do anything to hurt me like that. But for Kai, at least he has enough money to relate his face after I deal with him.


As I watched her, I noticed that she was kinda down. She's been real quiet lately and every time I ask her about it, she says she's fine. Which I know isn't true. But I can't force her to talk about anything she doesn't wanna talk about. I just gotta be there for her when she needs me. She sat there with her friends as they were all hype and excited for the trip. There sat a quiet Storm who would smile from time to time. I hope she's ok.

Storm's POV

"I heard the parties in Vegas are to die for. We have to go to one" Maya says to us girls. They were all going on and on about what we're gonna do when we arrive. While I was just here because I didn't feel like talking. I looked around and seen Star sitting at the back by herself on her phone. I got up and went to go sit beside her.

"What's wrong?" She asks without looking at me. What the f-

"Why do you think there's something wrong?" I asked her.

"You've been way to quiet these past few days. I know when there's something wrong with you" She says and puts her phone down.

"I'm fine, but I came over here to talk about you. What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Why do you think there's something wrong?" She asks me and takes a sip of her champagne.

"Yesterday I felt the feeling that there was something wrong. I was meaning to ask you about it" I said to her. She then looks at me and her eyes start to fill up with tears. Star crying? Is this real?

"Wanna hear something crazy?" She says chuckling. I nod and wait for her to answer.

"I can't have kids" She says shrugging. Huh?

"What?" I said. I need to hear that one more time.

"I, can't have kids" She says. I blink a couple of times trying to comprehend what she just said.

"What do you mean you can't have kids?" I asked her.

"Jalen and I thought it would be a good idea to get checked and see if we were able to have kids. The doctor called me in and she told me that I was infertile. And if do happen to get pregnant, my body won't be able to carry the baby for long. My chances of having a miscarriage is very high" She says. My mouth falls open as I see a tear fall from her eye.

"It's funny that I kept saying I didn't want kids. Now I know for sure I can't even have one if I wanted one" She says chuckling to herself. She looks at me and I pull her into a tight hug. My eyes start to tear up as well. Poor Star.

"I'm so sorry Star" I said to her as I rubbed her back.

"How does Jalen feel about it?" I asked her as we both glanced at him. He was laughing with Josh and Sharife.

"Well after we found out I was pretty upset but he's completely understanding about it and comforted me through it. He said we will figure something out but no matter what he isn't leaving me and he loves me" She says. That made me smile.

"It's just sad because it's something he's always wanted, and I can't give it to him" She says sighing.

"I'm here for you Star, all of us are. I'm pretty sure if we do our research on this then we can definitely find out what we can do. A lot of people are told they can't have kids, but get blessed with one anyway" I said as I held her hand. She looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you Storm. Really" She says and looks down. She then turns my hand and looks at my bracelet.

"You got the bracelet" She says.

"Yea, wait what do you mean got it?" I asked her in confusion.

"I was with Melo when he was talking about getting this for you. It costed a fortune" She says and I looked down at it...

"A fortune huh...."

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