《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 41


Storm's POV

It was the next day and I couldn't stop thinking about what Lola said. I didn't mean for them to feel like that. But I didn't expect them to understand either. It hurts to know my kids are mad at me but they won't be mad forever right?

"You ok?" Josh asked me as he walked inside. We had all of our friends over and they were all in the backyard playing basketball or just chatting. All the kids were upstairs playing games. I pulled myself from everyone so I can have time to think.

"Yea I'm fine" I told him. He walks over to me and kisses my cheek.

"I'm here if you wanna talk ok?" He says.

"Ok baby" I said to him. He walks away and I look down as I played with my nails.

I guess I feel fine now, I stop letting certain things get to me. But the comments and posts that are made about me still make me feel a way. And after I got jumped by Cali, it seems things have gotten worse. I get over a thousand dm's everyday that say things like "I wish I jumped you" "finally you got what you deserved" "Cali should've killed you" "You should've ended up in the hospital". Seeing things like that and being told everyday really, really hurts my feelings. I decided not to say anything and stop complaining because what is that gonna do. Not a damn thing.

Things did lift up lightly because after the pictures from my shoot with Fashion Nova released, other brands have been contacting me to work with them. Just wait till I model for Savage X Fenty, everyone is gonna wanna work with me again. I hope things get better very soon for me, because holding on gets harder everyday.

Melo...Not a day goes by where you don't cross my mind. I miss all of you every single day. Your laugh, your smile, your dumb ass jokes. I wouldn't be feeling like this or going through what I'm going through right now if you were here. And it's like anything I do just makes things worse for me. I no longer know what to do and I just wish you were here to tell me what to do...


"Storm!" I heard my name being called from the backyard. Do I wanna go out there? I rather be alone then put up a fake act.

"Storm! Come here!" I sighed as I got up. I grabbed my phone and walked to the backyard.

"What?" I asked them.

"Youngboy or Durk?" Dior asks me. I made a face and looked at them. This is what they called me out for?

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him.

"I'm just playing but we planning a trip and you needed to be out here" He says. I nodded and walked over to where Peyton and Luzzy were sitting. I sat on Peyton and put my legs up, which lays in Luzzy's lap.

"You couldn't sit on a chair, or Josh?" Peyton asks while laughing at me.

"I wanted to sit with both of my besties" I said to her and Luzzy laughed.

"We must look like chairs Pey" Luzzy says to her.

"Must" She says and laughs with us. I wrap my arms around her and she hugs me back. All I need is a hug.

"So where are we going?" I asked them.

"Vegas!" Kai yelled and the boys yelled. I just realized he was here. I waved at him and he winked at me while smiling, which makes me crack a smile.

"So why are we going to Vegas?" I asked them.

"Because why the fuck not!" Shaqir says all excited. He sounds like me...

"We are going because it's been a minute since we've went on a trip all together. And plus a few of us got games out there. The season is almost done" Shareef says.

"Ok...when are we going?" I asked them. They all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Tomorrow?" Mikey asks us.

"Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?" I asked.

"Cause why the fuck not Storm? Why are you questioning everything?" Shaqir asks me.

"I don't know, just asking" I said shrugging.


"Hold up, are we bringing the kids with us?" Heaven asks. I looked at her, then looked away. I don't know if I'm still mad at her. Well I was mad at everyone. So I guess I'll just let it go.

"Ew no" Dior says which made me start laughing. Here we go.

"Why not? I would love to bring LJ to Vegas" Peyton says.

"Yea and I want my kids with me" I said and Heaven nods.

"Y'all are with them everyday! Plus Vegas ain't no place for kids" Sharife says.

"When you have kids you'll understand" Jalen says.

"Do you got kids?" Dior asks whipping his head at Jalen.

"N-No" He stutters. I then look at Star and she looks down. Hmmm.

"Why you stuttering? Star you're pregnant?" Dior asks Star.

"No" She says. I know that tone, something is wrong.

"So Jalen, shut the fuck up. Respectfully" Dior says. Jalen then lifts his hand to slap him and he shrieks.

"Anyways, so are the kids staying back or we bringing them?" Josh asks as he ate some watermelon candy.

"They're staying back. So leave them with whoever you leave them with and pack yo bags" Caleb says. I just realized he's here too.

"Hey Caleb?" I said to him and he looks at me.

"Wassup sis?" He says.

"Sorry for punching you the other day" I said laughing a bit. Everyone then started laughing.

"Girl you got hands, almost knocked me out" He says and we all laughed.

"You should've been knowing Storm got hands" Star says shaking her head.

"Oh I knew, you see how she be doing Josh" He says and everyone laughed again.

"Ahem" Josh says being dramatic. We all turned to him. Now here we go.

"What?" I asked.

"I think I deserve an apology too" He says smartly. I looked at him then looked at the girls and they started snickering. I got up form Peyton's lap and walked over to Josh. I'll play with him.

"I'm sorry...daddy" I whispered the last part in his ear and he started smiling.

"For?" He asks.

"For kneeing you in your balls" I said and all of the boys laughed.

"She did him baddd" Shaqir says.

"Bad bad" Mikey says.

"You're forgiven, but you gotta make it up to me" He says looking up at me. I looked at him and started smirking. I can read his mind. Josh you dirty boy.

"How can I make it up to you?" I asked him and he licks his lips.

"What do you have in mind?" He asks and pulls me to sit on his lap. I looked at our friends to see them continuing the conversation so they aren't listening to us. I then turn back to Josh.

"It's been a minute since you got sum don't you think?" I whispered to him and kissed his ear.

"Can we leave and get started on that?" He asks with a big smile on his face.

"Later, or in Vegas" I said to him. He nods and wraps his arm around me.

"Deal" He says and we turn back to our friends.

"So the kids are staying here?" Shareef asks.

"Yes!" Dior says rolling his eyes.

"Don't get popped in yo shit Dior. Before you're left to watch them on your own" Josh says to him.

"Pshhh. If you leave your kids with me, they'll come back to y'all with half shaved heads and missing fingers. And they'll start talking like me" He says smiling. We all shared looks with each other then I looked at Josh.

"Remind me to never ask Dior to watch our kids" I said to him.


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