《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 40


Storm's POV

I walked into the house and sighed as I closed the door. What a day.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I heard voices all around.

"Mama!" Chelsey yelled running up to me. I smiled and slightly bent down to her height.

"Hi baby!" I said as she smiled at me. I pick her up and kiss her all over her face. She giggles and smiles at me. My pretty girl.

"You look pretty mama" She says. Awww.

"Thank you baby. So do you" I said as I looked at her fully. Josh definitely dressed her. He brushed her hair into a puff. The only hairstyle he can do. And she wore a vlone shirt with smiley face sweatpants. I told Josh to stop dressing her in this brand and he ain't listen to me!

"Where are the others?" I asked her and she pointed towards the dining room. I put my bag down and carried her in my arms as we walked to the dining room. There I see Lola and the twins doing their homework.

"Hey guys" I said to them. They don't answer and continue to write down in their notebooks. I tilt my head and my lips turn. Ummm..

"Hello?" I said and they continued to ignore me. Ok...I walked away and walked to the kitchen and seen no one. Where's Josh?

"Josh!" I called out.

"In the living room!" He yelled. I walked to the living room and put Chelsey down. She walks over to her toys that were on the floor and sat down to play with them.

"Hi baby" He says and pushes his glass up as he lays back on the couch. He laid their just scrolling on his phone.

"Hi" I said to him and sat down beside him. I leaned down and pecked his lips. When I pulled away, he pulled me back and kissed me once more.

"How did today go?" He asks me.

"It went good. They took a lot of breaks so I can rest and do whatever I gotta do to feel better. They were also so sweet to me and just supportive throughout the whole thing" I said to him. He smiled and nodded his head.


"That sounds good. I'm happy to hear that everything worked out for you" He says and I nodded.

"I'm happy too. I feel my best when I'm working and just on the go" I told him.

"I know that feeling. That's what happens when you love your job" He says to me and I nodded.

"And I don't need to braggggg or nothing but my job is better then yours" I said shrugging. He looks at me and starts laughing loudly. Like very loudly.

"Ok Storm" He says and goes back on his phone.

"What? You don't believe me?" I asked him.

"Nah, not at all. Please tell me how your modeling is better then basketball" He says and laughs again.

"Well I mean, your job has paid you millions and you have met some celebrities" I said shrugging.

"Yea, I've met a lot. And it pays me enough to support you, my family, your family, our kids, our kids kids, and many more" He says. Ok buddy you don't gotta brag.

"So does mine. Buttttt for as long as you've been in the NBA, you can't say that you've played for or met Riri...." I dragged out and turned around. Josh instantly sits up and turns me to him.

"You met Riri?" He says very fast and his face is serious. Oh wow...


"DID YOU MEET HER? Stop playing with me Storm, my hearts beating" He says and his leg bounces. I looked at him and started laughing. This guy.


"You know I love Rihanna Storm. I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember" He says and I give him a look.

"You love her more then me?" I asked him. He twists up his mouth and scratches his head.

"Can you answer my question?" He asks me.

"Nooo answer mine first" I told him as I folded my arms. I wasn't feeling no way if he loved Rihanna just a little bit more. I'm the one he's married to right?

"I-I love you both e-equally" He stutters shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever Josh" I said laughing at him.

"But did you actually meet her though?" He asks me again.

"Not yet, but I will when I model for her lingerie line" I told him. His jaw drops and I can tell he's trying so hard not to freak out.


"I'm coming to that photoshoot" He says and I laughed.

"No you're not" I said to him and he gives me a look.

"I'll be in the same room with my wife, while she's taking pictures in lingerie, and Rihanna will be there. This is like a dream come true. Do you know how happy I am Storm?" He asks me with a big smile on his face.

"I can see that wide ass grin on your face" I told him and we both laughed. I then turned to look at Chelsey and see her brushing her dolls hair. My cute baby!

"Oh that reminds me, why aren't the kids talking?" I asked him. He then sighs and scratches his head. Oh this can't be good.

"I told them how they couldn't see Cali anymore and they didn't take it well" He says and I groaned.

"What'd they say?" I asked him.

"They think we made this decision without considering their feelings and that we are being selfish" He says.

"I know Lola was the one who said all that, wasn't she?" I asked him and he nodded. Lola was the voice for her and her brother's. Only she would say something like that.

"So now they aren't talking to us" He says. Not talking to us? Excuse me?

"What do you mean not talking to us?" I asked him as I stood up. Josh stood up as well and we walked into the dining room and looked at the three.

"Excuse me?" I said as I looked at them, but they ignored me. What the fu-

"I am speaking to the three of you!" I said sternly, they all slowly looked at me.

"Don't be mean" Josh whispered in my ear. Josh has never let me hit the kids or get to rough with them. But the more mouthy they get...it might end up happening.

"So, it was brought to my attention that Josh has told you guys that you can longer see your mother" I started.

"Well it's true. Your mother and I don't get along and I don't think she's a good influence and in the right state of mind to be around you guys" I told them.

"Her or you Storm?" Lola says. Josh and I eyes widen as we looked at her. What did she just say?

"Repeat that" I told her as I folded my armss.

"Are you in the right state of mind? Is everything better with you now? Cause for our mom it is. Yea she had to deal with a lot and had to take time to get better. But she's better now and us being around her makes her happy" She says to me.

"We hear about the stuff that goes on with you Storm, we don't think it's ok that you won't less us see our mom because of your guys issues" Marcus says.

"Yea that's selfish" Kevin says. I looked at Josh and he looked at me. He looked at me and gave me a look. He wants me to stay calm. I sighed at took a seat at the table.

"Guys look, I thought about how you would feel about this. And I know I got a lot going on with myself right now and I'm working on it. But something you need to know about your mother is that she isn't a good person at all. Yea she might be better health wise, but her actions and the kind person she wants to be isn't good. I'm not gonna allow you three to be around someone like her and see that was she does is ok. Because it's not" I said to them. They frowned and stayed silent.

"I know you love your mother. But I'm your mother now and I'm doing what I think is best for you" I said to them. They share looks and the twins nod at Lola. They then pack up their school work from the table.

"You're doing what you think is best for you" She says and they all leave the dining table. Oh my goddddd. I stood up about to follow them but Josh pulled me back. Ugh.

"So now what?" Josh asks me. I looked at him and sighed.

"I don't know"

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