《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 37


Storm's POV

As I sat in the car, my leg bounced up and down. I was FUMING. I was so angry I didn't know what to do with myself. Cali and I fighting was whatever to me, it's the fact that she couldn't fight her own so she and her friends jumped me. I was unable to fight them the way I wanted to because they were all on me. Now it's gonna be four against three. Or maybe just three because Peyton isn't the fighting type. But she'll keep watch for us.

"This bitch messed with the wrong fucking one" Luzzy says shaking her head.

"This beef y'all got has been going on for what to long, we're grown ass women" Star says shaking her head as she drove.

"When I saw that video Storm I was like oh hell nah, I had to leave the studio to come help you out. There's no way I'm gonna let someone jump my sis" Luzzy says.

"Yea me too, I was out getting some stuff for LJ when someone dmed me that video. I was like oh no not Storm" Peyton says.

"Before it was her just being a salty ass bitch, then she wanted Josh, now it's her no longer being a mother to her kids and she sees me just doing better then her. But it's the fact that she threw Melo in my face. That's when I lost it" I said to them.

Cali could've said anything honestly, and I wouldn't be as mad as I am now. She brought up Melo, someone who I deeply cared for, and threw the situation, which she didn't know anything about, at me. She had the nerve to say I killed him. I spent years feeling like I did and it made me feel like shit and I wanted to give up on life. I was at my lowest without Melo, and still is. But as time went by, I started to feel a little better and no longer thought the way I did. But her bringing it back up, especially being the person who she is, just hit a spot.


"Well we're finna deal with her now. Fuck the police, we'll deal with this our way" Luzzy says and I nodded.

"Is this it?" Star asks as we pulled up to Cali's condo building. Finally!

"Yup let's go" I said as she parked the car. We got out and I debated if I should bring my knife with me. Earlier I was really thinking I should stab her. I really wanted to. But after thinking about it, It'll make the issues bigger then what it already is. I sighed and put my knife in the car and closed the door.

"Let's go" Luzzy says to me. I nodded and we walked towards her building. I pressed the elevator button and the door opened. We walked in and I pressed her floor number. When we get to her floor, they follow me to her door. I start banging on her door.

"Open up bitch and fight me 1 on 1" I said to her. I heard shuffling and got madder by the second. Scared ass girl don't wanna open the door!

"Stop hiding Cali" Star says. Luzzy then moves us to the side and sighs. She kicks open the door and it opens breaking the lock. We walk in and see Cali and the two girls sitting on the couch.

"Came back for round 2?" Cali says smirking.

"Yea I did" I said walking up to her.

"Run up then" She says. I smirked and did as told. I ran up to her and Star and Luzzy run up to the two other girls.

"Get em!" Peyton yelled as she hyped us up. I grabbed Cali by her neck and started punching her in the face. She tried to pull my hands away and scratched at me but I couldn't care less.


"Get off me!" She cried out but I just kept hitting her. Her nose started to bleed which caused my hands to get bloody. She kicks me off of her and jumps on me on. She grabs my hair and hits my head against the floor. Fuck that hurt.

"That's what you bitches get for jumping my girl!" I heard Star yell as she fought the other girls.

"I can't wait to get rid of you and take everything from you!" Cali says to me and hits me in the neck. I flip us over and wrap my arms around her neck.

"I'll get rid of you first before I let you take anything from me" I said to her as I choked her. My hands trembled as I looked at her. I was so angry that I didn't care what would happen in the next few minutes.

"I'll take everything from you S-Storm, just like how you did to m-me. You don't know the k-kind of connections that I have" She stuttered.

"Oh really, I'd like to see you try" I smirked at her.

"I'll make sure you never live a day happy ever again. You don't deserve anything good that happens to you. You're a selfish bitch and only think about yourself" She says. That just made me more mad and I squeezed her neck.

"Storm let's go" Star says to me. Cali clawed at my hands as she tried to release my hands from her neck.

"No" I said shaking my head. Cali tried to breathe but her eyes slowly started to roll back.

"Let's go! You beat her ass already, you don't gotta kill her" She says and grabs me off of Cali. Cali starts coughing as she tries to catch her breath.

"Stay away from me, my kids, my husband, and anyone else I love. I promise you Star won't be here to pull me off of you next time" I said to her. I kicked her in her back and she groans. I then walked over to her friends and looked at her friends. Man, Star and Luzzy did their thing!

"This is for kicking me in the face bitch" I said as I kicked the same girl from earlier in her face. She cries and covers her face.

"Let's go guys" I said to them. As I walked out, I remembered something. Wait a damn minute. I turned back around and walked over to a crying Cali on the floor.

"This is what you get for bringing up Melo. You're lucky I don't send you to where he's at. Oh wait I cant, you're going to hell" I said shrugging and kick in the stomach. I then fix my jacket and walk out with the girls.

"Thanks guys" I said thanking them.

"We got you like how you got us"

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