《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 35


Josh's POV

"That's enough for today boys, see you at tomorrow's game" My coach says as we finished practice. I yawned for about the 10th time and sat down on the bench. I was so tired, after Storm and I got home, we stayed up and just talked about random things until the sun came up. Even though I loved every second of being with her, I should've toke a nap. I'm suffering from it now and I did not do good in practice today.

"Christopher you good?" My coach asks me.

"Yea coach I'm good. Just tired" I said trying to prevent my yawn again. I need to sleep!

"You should head out now" He says and I nodded. I grabbed my towel and water bottle and walked to the locker room. I walk to my locker and grab my shirt and throw it on. I then grab my bag and my phone. I don't feel like showering here. I'll shower at home.

"Later y'all" I said to my teammates. They said bye to me and close my locker and walk out.

"Bye Gup" People say to me as I walk past them. When I'm finally out, I walk to my car and throw my bag in the backseat. When I finally sit down I sigh and lean back in my seat. I wonder what Storm is doing. I grabbed my phone and went to her contact and pressed her name. It started ringing and I looked at myself in the camera.

"Man I'm fine" I said to myself. Her face then pops up and she's smiling, which causes me to smile. She's so beautiful.

She says as she fixes her top as she drove.

"Wassup baby?" I asked as I watched her.

She says and runs her fingers through her hair. Again, she's so beautiful.

"What happened at the meeting?" I asked her.

She says all excited. I smiled and cheered with her.

"That's amazing Storm! I'm so happy for you" I said to her.

She says smiling. Seeing her smile really made me happy.

"So who you going out to lunch with?" I asked as I looked at her outfit. It was a white bodysuit with high waisted ripped jeans and a ripped jean jacket. She looked good.

She asks me. Kai and I were cool. When he got back he had a boys night with me and the others. He's a cool person to be around and is very laid back. I just loved teasing him because I know he used to have a crush on Storm. But I know she'd never do something behind my back with him, if she did I'd find out.


"Yea that's ok. As long as you're back by curfew" I said to her and she twists up her face.

She says and I started laughing.

"Grown with kids and a husband. Find your ass home by 8 o'clock" I said pointing at her.

She says and I gasp. She's gonna get her ass dragged home if she don't listen.

"Whatever Storm. I might invite the boys over later after I wake up from my nap. I'm tired" I said sighing.

She asks me.

"Yea, I should've toke a nap earlier. How come you're not tired?" I asked her. I'm surprised she isn't cranky, she doesn't play about her sleep.

She says and I nodded.

"Ok well I'll let you drive, bye baby. Be safe" I say to her.

She says and blows a kiss at me.

"Love you too" I said and put my peace sign up and smiled widely. She giggles before hanging up and I smiled and started my car.

"Home time" I said to myself as I drove away from the gym.

Storm's POV

"Is this place new?" I asked myself as I parked the car in front of the Italian restaurant. I got out the car and put my glasses on as I spotted paparazzi on the other side of the street. They are everywhere I swear! I walk into the restaurant and to the front desk.

"Hi, do you have a reservation?" The lady asks me.

"Yes, for Kai" I said to her. She looks through the computer and then nods.

"Ahh yes. This way please" She says and motions for me to follow her. I nodded and followed her outside. It looks like only their patio was open. She leads me to a table and I see Kai sitting their on his phone. He looks up and instantly smiles when he sees me. Still has a nice smile.

"Hi beautiful" He says as he stands up. We share a hug before sitting down.

"Hi handsome" I said back to him. I set my bag down and lean back in my seat.

"How are you today?" He asks me as he plays with his braids he got his hair braided and I must say that they looked good. His hair was long.

"I'm doing fine today. How about you?" I asked him.

"I guess I'm doing good today, how was your meeting?" He asked me.

"It was good. I'm back to working tomorrow" I said to him and he smiled.

"That's amazing. I know you were having trouble before with booking some jobs, so I pulled a few strings for you" He says and hands me over a envelope. An envelope?


"Kai what did you do?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Open it" He says. I gave him a look before opening the envelope. I gasped as I read the note. What the fuck-

"Kai...no fucking way!" I said all excited. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"How did you?! Ahhhh" I yelled and rocked side to side in my seat.

"It was pretty easy. All I did was ask her" He says shrugging. He got me a photoshoot with Savage X Fenty and Rihanna is gonna be at the shoot! Josh is gonna be so jealous that I'm meeting her.

"You're gonna make me cry" I said laughing and he laughed with me.

"Wow, thank you Kai. Really, you have no idea how happy this makes me" I said to him.

"No problem Storm" He says and we share a hug.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna use the bathroom" Kai says and I nod as he stands up. He walks inside and I put the envelope in my bag. Wow...I'm gonna meet Rihanna!

"Having fun on your date bitch?" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Cali with these two girls and instantly rolled my eyes. You've got to be kidding!

"Bye Cali" I said waving my hand and turning around. Next...

"Did you see my live? I said was gonna beat your ass" She says and I giggled to myself. Storm don't touch her unless she touches you.

"Ok, so beat my ass" I shrugged and she chuckles.

"You're acting real calm right now. Where's the energy you had before bitch?" She says. First button pushed.

"I'm acting calm because you're all bark and no bite. And stop calling me a bitch. Watch your mouth with me" I said turning to her.

"I don't gotta watch shit with you. And I can call you whatever the fuck I want. Bitch" She says smiling. I should slap that smile right off of her face.

"Watch how you talk to the mother of your kids. I'm doing something you can't do" I said smirking and she rolled her eyes.

"If I wanted custody of them, I'd get custody of them. You think you're better then me because you have my kids? Pshhh please, try again" She says and steps closer to me.

"I don't think it Cali, I know it. I am better then you. Unlike you, I try to be a better person everyday. While you're still the same girl you were when you were 19. Maybe you should focus on yourself for once" I said standing up. People then started to look at us.

"I'm glad to be the same person I am. I'm tough and don't take shit from nobody. At least I didn't kill someone and walk around acting like I didn't" She throws in my face. Second button pushed.

"Don't speak on shit you don't know" I said to her. She smirks and steps up to me. I side eye our area and see people recording us. Fuck.

"I know more then you think. Don't forget who you are Storm. You're still the depressed, mentally ill, drunkie bitch you've always been" She says. Third button!

"And you're still the crackhead that got beaten by mommy and daddy and don't have have custody of her kids" I said to her. Her face then drops and she glared at me. She looks at the drink in her hand and throws it at me and pushes me on the table. Yes finally! She touched me first.

"I'll do more then throw my drink on you" She says and grabs me by my hair. Baby we're grown, we don't tug on hair.

"Let my hair go bitch!" I yelled and punched her in the face. We start to hit each other and her clumsy ass just flops all over causing a mess. Weak ass bitch. People move out the way and record us. Paparazzi then comes over and takes pictures of us fighting. Josh and Saweetie are gonna be so mad at me. All of a sudden I feel two bodies on me and I open my eyes to see Cali's friends jumping me. I know these synthetic headed, crust ass nails, fake Louis Vuitton hand bag bitches ain't jumping me! These grown ass women are really jumping me. I knew Cali was to weak to fight me on her own.

"Yea bitch, can't stay nothing now" Cali says as she holds me down. Her friend then kicks me in the face and I feel the heat rush to my nose. Oooo ima fuck her up!

"Storm!" I heard someone yell and grab me.

"No! Let go of me! These bitches wanna jump me!" I yelled in anger. How dare Cali jump me with her friends. It was supposed to be a one on one fight. I'm gonna kill her!

"I'm gonna kill you" I yelled loudly as I tried to remove Kai's arms from around me. They're lucky he's holding me back!

"Kill me bitch! Kill me like how you killed Melo!"

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