《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 34


Hours later

Storm's POV

"Babe.....babe.....Storm.....Storm!" Josh whispered yelled. I groaned and turned around. I opened one eye to look at the time 1:05am. You've got to be kidding me.

"What Josh?" I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"Let's go on an adventure" He says. What the fu-

"Josh it's one o'clock in the morning. I have to go see Saweetie tomorrow morning" I said yawning.

"Pleaseeeeeeee. It's been a while since we've done something like this" He says. It's been years! Ever since we had kids we haven't gone on a late night adventure or just gone somewhere with each other like this.

"Josh I'm tired" I said and he sighs. I feel the bed lift on his side, which means he got up. I start to drift off to sleep again before I'm picked up. This boy.

"Josh put me down" I whispered yelled as he throws me over his shoulder.

"Nope let's go" He says. He grabs our phones and the keys and we walk out of our rooms.

"Oh I need my glasses" He says and walks back into the room. When I move my head, I hit it against the wall.

"Ow" I said rubbing the spot I hit. I hear Josh laughing and then we back out the room.

"Wait! Who's gonna watch the kids?" I asked him.

"They're sleeping. Plus, we'll only be gone for a hour" He says and walks us down the stairs.

"What if something happens?" I said now worried. Someone tried to break in before, it can happen again.

"Nothing is going to happen" He says and opens the door. After he closes it, he runs towards his AMG and tosses me in the front seat. This boy.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him as he got in and we put our seatbelts on.

"Honestly, I don't know. But that's what makes all of this fun" He says smiling and starts the car. I sighed and leaned back in the seat. I'm so tired. He drives out of our driveway and we are soon on the main road. There wasn't many cars around and most places were closed.

"Everything is closed Gup" I said while yawning. Man I wanna sleep.

"Not everythinggggg!" He says loudly as we came across this 7/11 that was open. It's way to late for him to have so much energy. He drives to it and we park in the parking lot.

"Let's gooooo" He says.

"I wanna sleeepppp" I said whining. He turns to me and turns my head to him.

"If you come I'll buy you ice cream" He says smiling at me. Tempting offer.....ugh fine.

"Fine" I said taking my seat belt off. He cheered as we got out of the car and walked towards the store. He opens the door and we walk in and see this guy at the counter.

"Woah, you're Jaygup! And you're Storm Nova!" He says while fixing his glasses. We smiled and waved at him.

"Hey man, we might be here for a bit. So here you go" Josh says handing him $300.

"Thanks man. You guys go crazy" He says laughing. I laughed and Josh walked over to the chips and opened the bag and started eating them.


"What?" He asks as he sees me looking at him.

"You're just gonna open them and just eat them?" I asked him.

"I paid for it already no?" He says. Well, I guess he's right.

"Plus, you heard the man. Go crazy" He says and stuffs a whole bunch of chips into his mouth. I laughed as I looked at him. He's such a messy eater. I grabbed a plastic spoon and walk over to the freezer to pick out some ice cream.

"Hmmm" I said as I looked through the different flavors. I'll just go with Vanilla. You can't go wrong with Vanilla right? I grabbed the Ben and Jerry's vanilla ice cream tub and opened it. I took a bite from it and hummed. This is amazing!

"Taste good when it's 1 am in the morning huh!" Josh says as he makes his way towards me.

"It does, it's missing something though" I said as I think.

"Toppings" We both said. Josh walked over the store and grabbed a whole bunch of things for us to add to the ice cream. When he comes back, we sit on the floor and put the toppings on. We added sprinkles, gummy bears, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and to top it off, a cherry.

"This looks a mess" He says chuckling.

"Looks delicious to me" I said and took a bite of it. I then nodded my head.

"Oh yea, that hits the spot. Try it" I said to him. He grabs his spoon and scoops the ice cream before eating it.

"You're right. This is good" He says and continues to eat. We eat the ice cream together as we listen to Fireworks by Katy Perry that's playing on the speaker. This song is beautiful.

"Cause baby you're a firework!" Josh tries to sing. I looked at him and started laughing.

"You're singing it wrong" I told him and he snaps his head at me.

"Oh yea? You sing it better" He says. I clear my throat and sit up straight.

"Cause baby you're a firework! Come on show em what you're worth!" I sang loudly. He bursts out into laughter, which causes me to laugh as well.

"You thought that was better then me?" He asks while still laughing.

"Yesss. If I wasn't a model, I would've been a singer" I said to him. We look at each other and start laughing again. I hold onto my stomach as I couldn't breathe. Oh my goodness.

"No way" He says and nudges my shoulder.

"You wouldn't support my singing career?" I asked him.

"You know what, I would. I'd be front row centre recording you. Even though you can't sing" He says. That made me smile.

"Awww you'd be my biggest fan?" I asked him.

"Yea, I've always been your biggest fan" He says.

"Awwww Joshhh" I dragged out and lean over to peck his lips.

"But I'd never ask for a autograph" He says and I gasped. I hit his shoulder and he laughed again. I take another bite of the ice cream before standing up. California Gurls was now playing so I had to dance. I grabbed a nearby beef jerky stick and used it as a mic.


"California girls, we're unforgettable. Daisy dukes, bikini on top" I sang and skipped around the store.

"Sun kissed skin, so hot, we'll melt your popsicle" I sang as Josh started to record me. I made my way to the cashier and he sang with me.

"Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh" We sang together which made me giggle. I then danced over to Josh and he looked at me with a wide smile on his face.

"Do you like my dance moves?" I asked him.

"I love it" He says and laughs. I giggled and then sat back down beside him. I grabbed the tub of ice cream and took a big bite of the ice cream. It made me get ice cream all over my nose and cheeks.

"Oh my gosh" Josh says and starts laughing again.

"It's cold!" I yelled and started laughing. He grabs a napkin and wipes my face for me.

"Thank you" I said to him and put the tub down.

"You're welcome" He says and shakes his head. It's then quiet as we just ate and listened to music. This was such a vibe. I'm glad he convinced me to go.

"I missed doing stuff like this with you. We go out and just be ourselves and have fun" Josh says as he looks down smiling. I put my spoon down and smiled lightly.

"Yea me too, we lived such carefree lives back then so we did these kind of stuff all the time" I said glancing at him.

"We used to do stuff like this all the time two years ago" He says.

"A lot has changed since then" I said shrugging. I had a feeling I knew where this conversation was gonna go.

"Remember I told you we had something to talk about" He says and takes a bite from the container.

"Yea, what was it about?" I asked him.

"You" He says. I sighed and mentally rolled my eyes. Here we go.

"What about me?" I asked him.

"I talked to Shareef and he told me what you guys talked about. And he told me what you said" He said. I stayed silent waiting for him to continue.

"And after hearing what you said in the hospital, it got me thinking. You might feel low in life, you might feel like everyone is against you, you might feel like you're doing something wrong, or question everything that you do. Storm I wanted to tell you that you're still an amazing person and I love you for who you are. Even when you're at your lowest you still bring others up and put smiles on peoples faces" He says. I looked at him as he smiled at me.

"You did what you did on live because you are a strong girl. After everything you've gone through after Melo passing, you still managed to wake up everyday and try. Even though you didn't want to, you still did. You pushed yourself to be better for our kids, you pushed yourself to be better for our friends, you pushed yourself to be better for me. You still tried to live when the whole world was against you. You still wanted to go out and work because you love your job. And even though things aren't better, you still continue to try. I'm so proud of you Storm" He says. I smiled at him as my eyes teared up.

"And even though I know you still feel the way you do, or think the way you do. Just remember you're loved and cared for by the people around you. You're not alone Storm, you never are. You have so much to live for Storm. Don't give up and lose everything because life isn't the way you want it to be right now" He says. I nodded as he grabbed a hold of my hand. He moves the tub from in between us and pulls me closer to him.

"Storm please don't have those kind of thoughts again. You have no idea what would happen if you were to really leave. Nothing would be the same ever again, I'd never be the same ever again" He says sighing.

"I'm sorry I worried you so much" I said to him and he shakes his head.

"Don't be sorry for anything Storm. It's not your fault, nothing is your fault" He says while smiling at me. I smiled back as I felt my eyes get a little watery. I felt this warm feeling in my heart and it made feel much better. Thank you my love.

"Thank you Josh" I said to him as I grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Thank you Storm" He says smiling at me. He leans down and gives me a long, meaningful kiss. Josh I feel like I'm falling in love with you all over again.

"You mean the world to me Storm" He says pulling away, resting his forehead on mine.

"You mean the universe" I said smirking. He smirked back and sighed.

"No matter what you always wanna up one me" He says and I giggled. He grabs his phone and looks at the time. It's almost 4 o'clock.

"Shit we should go" He says and I nodded. We stood up and cleaned up our mess. I grabbed the empty tub of ice cream and put it in the garbage.

"Let's grab a few snacks before we go" I said to him. He nods and we grabbed a few bags of chips, cookies, and some drinks.

"Aye have a nice night man" Josh says to the cashier.

"You two as well" He says.

"Bye" I waved and he waved back at me. We walked out of the store and to the car. We get in and put the snacks in the back.

"Thanks Josh, I needed this. I really did" I said to him and he starts the car.

"Your welcome baby" He says and kisses my cheek. He grabs a hold of my hand and holds it as we drive. I look over at him and couldn't help but smile.

I love him so much!

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