《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 33


A few days later

Storm's POV

After I saw Kai in my store, we went out to walk around in the city and catch up. He was back because his business in Sudan was fulfilled so he decided to come to California for a bit. I was glad that he was back around and honestly missed his company. The last time I seen him was after Melo's funeral. He came over to check up on me but I didn't really let him. But Kai has always been an amazing person towards me, and still is. He checked up on me multiple times over the years and asked about everything that's been going on. I told him and he was so understanding about it all. Kai is someone who I need around right now.

A few days has gone and man, I was bored. I wanna work again but everyone has dropped their deals with me until things get better. Saweetie has been breaking her back trying to figure things out for me but it's just been hard. I thank god for her.

It was a Friday and the kids had a off day at school. They wanted to go see Cali but Josh and I said no because of the issues Cali and I got going on. The last thing that we want is to involve the kids in our mess. Right now I was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone. Fried rice with fried chicken, string beans, and mashed potatoes. The potatoes for Chelsey of course. And for dessert the kids can have some chocolate cake.

I haven't spoken to the girls since the hospital and I lowkey missed them. Well actually, I have spoken to Peyton, Luzzy, and Heaven. It's Star that I haven't spoken to. I missed her the most because we were so close. I hated that we fought like that, and I understand why she was mad at me. Star cares so much about me and only wanted to help but didn't do it in a way that I liked. And I got more mad then I should've because of the bottled up anger that I have. We are both the problem. I sighed as I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed her. She answers and all I see is her forehead.

"Why am I only seeing your forehead?" I asked her in confusion. Star was the type to always pose in the camera or just do the most.

She stuttered.

"Sorry, I was just gonna ask if you could come over" I said to her.


She drags out before hanging up. I look at my phone weirdly before putting it down. Ok...

"Storm! We need your advice!" Kevin says loudly as him and Marcus walk in the kitchen. I grabbed the knife and the silver bowl ready to peel the potatoes.

"What's up?" I asked glancing at them. They take a seat in front of me and sigh.

"We have an issue" Kevin says.

"Two actually" Marcus says.

"What's the small issue?" I asked them. With them, their was always the small issue and a big one. I liked to get the small issue out of the way.

"Our snow come machine is broken. Chelsey broke it" Marcus says. I stopped peeling the potatoes and looked at them. Ugh these boys. I promised them a snow cone machine to keep their mouth shut to Josh about where I was. How the hell did they break it?

"Chelsey's little self broke it? Or was she around when y'all broke it and just chose to blame it on her?" I asked them. They looked at each other before looking back at me. Caught they asses.

"Ummm..." Marcus says.

"Next topic, we got a bigger issue Storm" He says.

"What is it Kevin?" I asked him.

"We like these girls but they don't seem to notice us" He says. I looked at the two boys in front of me and started laughing. This is definitely a conversation they need to have with Josh.

"Well they notice us, but not in the way we want them to" Marcus says.

"Well how do they view you guys?" I asked them.

"Like we are comedians or something" He says rolling his eyes. I started laughing again. They were little comedians.

"A key to a girls heart is to make her laugh. And be a gentleman too" I said to them. I found it cute that they had little crushes.

"We FaceTimed Josh and Uncle Caleb while he was on the bus and they said that we should just shoot our shot and kiss her on the cheek" Kevin says. I then roll my eyes. Damn Caleb and Josh.

"Don't listen to them boys. They are only going to make your situation worse" I said pointing at the two of them. I take back what I said, they need to have this conversation with me.

"Ok so what should we do?" They both asked.

"Well one, no kissing is aloud. But maybe hold a door for her or offer to carry her books. And oh, compliment her. Like tell her she's beautiful or you maybe like her shoes" I said to them. They looked at each other and nodded.


"That's a great idea" Kevin says nodding.

"It's brilliant. I have no idea why we didn't come to you first" Marcus says and I giggled.

"I'm happy to help boys. But what's y'all's crushes names?" I asked them. I was pretty interested in this little elementary love thing they got going on.

"Charmaine" Marcus says.

"Ivy" Kevin says smiling. Someone really likes Ivy.

"Those are nice names" I said nodding. I really liked the name Charmaine.

"Thanks Storm. Well we'll get back to you about this next week. We are gonna go watch that movie with Lola and Chelsey" Marcus says as the two boys stand up.

"You're welcome. And ok, I'll call you guys when it's dinner time" I said to them and they nodded before walking out of the kitchen. I then heard my door open.

"Auntie Star!" I heard the kids yell. She greets them before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey" I said to her as I started to mash the potatoes now. I'm almost done!

"Hey girly. It smells so good in here" She says and takes a seat in front of me.

"Why did you sound like that on the phone?" I asked her. She turns around to make sure the kids aren't around before leaning over the counter.

"I was in the middle of getting head" She whispered yelled. Oop!

"Oh....I'm so sorry" I snickered. My bad...

"It's fine. It happens" She says shrugging. As I was about to say something, I heard the door open again. Who is it this time?

"Daddy!" Chelsey yelled. I then smiled. My baby is back!

"Looks like Gup is back" She says. After I mashed the potatoes, I checked on the other foods and they were ready. Great! I turned the stove off and started to clean up.

"Hey Josh, Hey Caleb" Star says.

"Hey Star" They both said. I looked up and smiled at Caleb.

"Hey Wooster" I said to him.

"Wassup Stormzy" He says and I chuckled at his nickname.

"Hi my beautiful wife" I heard Josh say. I glanced at him and pecked his lips. When I looked down, I had to look back at him and take a good look. Oh my....gosh!

"Josh Christopher" I said standing back covering my mouth. He gives me a confused look before looking at our friends.

"Guys give us a minute" I said to Star and Caleb. They nodded and left the kitchen. Josh still looks at me all confused.

"Did I do something?" He asks me and puts his smoothie down. The damn smoothies again.

"Why...do you look so fine right now?" I asked him. He took his braids out and had a little twist in the front of his head. He got a clean fresh cut, skin was flowing, outfit on point, and his jewelry on. He was hitting different right now.

"Babe really?" He says laughing. He was about to walk away until I pulled him back.

"Yes really. Witcho fine tall self " I said looking him up and down slowly. He smirked and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're looking good as well" He says and pecks my lips.

"Don't I always?" I smirked and he laughed.

"Yes you do" He says before kissing me again. I wrap my arms around his neck as we kissed slowly. One of his hands slide down to my ass and gives it a squeeze.

"I missed you" He mumbles and starts kissing me all over my face. I giggled as it tickled.

"I missed you too. You can stop now" I said pulling away from him but he pulls me back from behind and continues to kiss me all over. I started laughing as he smiled.

"Josh s-stop" I laughed out loud.

"No I'm showing you some love. You got me blushing and shit by gassing me like that" He says laughing. He then pecks my lips and pulls away.

"Fine short self" He says and snaps his fingers. I couldn't help but laugh again. He's such a goofball.

"In here smells very good. Been a while since you cheffed it up in here" He says and looks in the pots. His mouth starts to water.

"Storm I'm hungry!" Caleb says loudly as he walks back in the kitchen.

"You'll eat soon" I said chuckling. He groans and walks out of the kitchen. I then look at Josh to see him looking at the calendar on the wall. I don't know what it was but the way he was standing was making him look good too. Is that even possible? He tilts his head to look at me and licks his lips. Mmmm Josh your doing something to me!

"C'mere daddy" I whispered. His eyes widen and he walks over to me.

"You better calm down with that word, might end up pregnant again"

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