《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 32


Storm's POV

"I'm so full!" I said to Peyton as I held onto her. We just came back from dinner and I think I ate more then I should've. But you can't blame me, I love food.

"No one told you to eat 3 plates of pasta Storm" She says giggling as we walked.

"You know I love my pasta. I had to" I said to her as we both laughed. We were currently walking back to my store because I had an idea of a necklace I wanted to add in my store.

"Did you see what The Shaderoom posted about your live?" She asks me.

"Yes I did" I said smiling. The Shaderoom as well as other news pages posted my live and it had a positive outcome. A lot of people felt bad for me and apologized for how they were treating me. But of course, there was many other people who still didn't like me and thought I deserved whatever happens to me.

"People are slowly coming back to your team" She says.

"Yea you're right. But whoever left doesn't deserve to come back. It just shows you weren't loyal" I said to her and she nods.

"I agree" She says. As I was about to say something, my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and click answer without looking at the contact.


Josh yelled. I move the phone from my ear and roll my eyes. He's so loud.

"What Josh?" I asked him.

He says. I started to smile and felt my face heat up. He has me blushinggggg.

"Thank you. I love you too. But uh, that's a bit random" I said chuckling.

He says.

"You are Josh, and always will be. Even though you make me so angry sometimes" I said chuckling.

He says sighing.

"Well I mean, I wasn't really embarrassed. But I did feel a way about you reading that letter in front of everyone" I said to him.


He says.

"It's ok Josh. I forgive you" I said to him. Sometimes we do things out of anger, it's not ok but it happens. We can't be mad forever.

He says.

"Make it up to me how?" I asked smirking.

He says and I started laughing.

"Ok Josh, whatever you say" I said giggling.

He says.

"Thank you. I had a talk with Saweetie and my mom and they suggested it. I thought it was a good idea too" I said.

He asks.

"Not sure. But I'll let you know when it is"

He says chuckling.

He says.

"Ok that's fine. What's the second thing?" I asked him.

He says. My face falls and I'm now confused.

"About what?"

He says.

"Alright bye, love you" I said to him.

He says and I hang up.

"Was that Josh?" Peyton asks.

"Yea it was" I said to her. When we arrived my store, I walked in and saw Taylor at the front.

"Hey Storm, Hey Peyton" She says and we share a hug.

"Hey Tay, slow day?" I asked her as I looked around. There was only 3 people in the store.

"Yea but it's ok. Makes my job easier" She says and I giggled.

"Where's Jonathan?" Peyton asks her.

"In the back" She says and Peyton nods and walks to the back of the store. I walk around and look at my lashes on the shelf. I fix whatever needs to be fixed and place things in the right place. People can be such a mess sometimes and choose not to put things in its proper place.

"Excuse me" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw this guy.

"Hi" I said to him.

"I wanted to get my crush a necklace but wasn't sure what'd be perfect for her" He says.

"Well I can definitely help you with that" I said to him. We walked over to the case of necklaces and I pulled some out of the boxes.


"Do you like any of these?" I asked him. He scans through them and sighs.

"I like all of them, man this is hard" He says nervously laughing. I laughed with him and smiled.

"What's she like?" I asked him. He looks at me and smiles widely while his pupils dilate. He really likes her.

"She's the most amazing person I've ever met. She's so kind and caring, she cares about everyone and everything around her. She puts her heart and mind into anything and always accomplish what she does" He says. I nodded as I listened to him.

"She's very energetic and such a happy person. Any room she runs into instantly lightens up. Her smile is beautiful, her laugh is beautiful, just everything about her is beautiful" He says. Awww young love, I remember when I was like this.

"What's something she likes?" I asked him.

"She loves animals and nature, she grew up on a farm so she has a soft spot for those kind of things" He says. I nodded and looked over my necklaces.

"How about this one?" I asked him. I showed one with a gold butterfly laying on a white diamond flower pendant.

"Oh this would be perfect for her" He says smiling.

"It would be, so how are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?" I asked him.

"Our school is having this fair tonight and she's my date there. So when I pick her up, I'm gonna give her the necklace and ask her" He says. I nodded and put the necklace in a box.

"That sounds like a good idea, I'll have my worker check this out for you" I said to him as I was about to walk away.

"Um Storm, wait" He says. I turned to look at him.

"Is it possible you can write a little note with the necklace. She's a really big fan of you" He says. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course" I said and turned back. I grabbed one of our note papers and my pen from the drawer.

"What's her name?" I asked him.

"Angelina" He says. I nodded and started to write.

"Hey Angelina! It's Storm writing this message to you. I wanted to say thank you for the love and support that you show me. You have no idea how much it means to me love! I hope you love the necklace-"

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Beckham" He says.

"I hope you love the necklace Beckham got you. It was specially hand picked just for you! I hope you to have fun on your date and wish you both well! Xoxo" I said and put the pen down.

"Thank you, so much. She's gonna be so happy" He says smiling.

"I'm happy to hear that Beckham. I hope everything works out for the two of you" I said to him.

"Thank you so much Storm. And I see you on social media all the time, you don't deserve the hate that people give you. You're an amazing person and you're good at what you do" He says. That really made me happy to hear.

"Thank you Beckham. That means a lot to me" I said smiling at him and he smiled back. I then walked over to Taylor and gave her the necklace. I waved at Beckham and then walked back to the case to close it. I bent down to the slide the door close.

"Hey, could I get some help beautiful" I heard. I stood up and my eyes widen and my mouth falls open. No...freaking....way!


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