《STORM | Josh Christopher》Chapter 21


Storm's POV

Days went by and I must say. Josh and I are inseparable. We went on our second and third date 3-4 days ago and we went to the fair and paint balling. The paint balling one was a double date with Star and Jalen. They are finally working things out and getting along. Paint balling kind of hurt so I don't recommend going again. Right now I just back from Jahlil's because he did my hair and nails. I put my bag down and take a seat at my vanity. I go on my phone and see a message from Josh.





I laugh and take some pictures. I sent them to him and he instantly texts back



I laugh at his message and blush. This boy....





I was pretty nervous. He's never posted me before, well maybe Instagram stories. But never an actual post. I'm just scared of the negativity he'll get because of me. I don't like drama and I don't want to be the cause of one either. I look up and see he tagged me in something...oh no...I click on it.

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I shriek in excitement. He really did this.....I don't know how to feel. I can't stop smiling at my phone. Star walks in and jumps on my bed.

"Girl you got him posting you already? He's basically your boyfriend now" She says and I laugh shaking my head.

"He isn't my boyfriend. He hasn't asked me to be his girl yet" I say to her.

"Keyword 'yet' so it's going to happen" she says. I shrug my shoulders and lay beside her.

"What's going on with you and Jalen?" I ask her. She groans and lays her head on my shoulder.


"Girl, this Camila girl keeps trying me and I don't wanna put someone's aunty in the hospital" She says and I laugh out loud.

"What did she do?" I ask her.

"She keeps texting me. Wanna be texting my phone asking about Jalen and his schedule. And subbing me on Instagram. Like I don't have time for the drama nor am I gonna fight over a boy either. Like she's like what, 30? And you're worried about a little boy who doesn't care about you anymore? Grow up!" She says and I laugh again.

"Don't worry about her. Don't even give her the time of day. Just focus on you and Jalen" I say to her and she smirks.

"Oh of course sweetheart. After last night, I 100% have him wrapped around my finger" she winks at me and I give her a look. Wait a damn minute.....

"No!" I yell and she laughs.

"Yes" she says.

"You didn't!"

"But I did" she shrugs and I grab my pillow hitting her with it.

"You and Jalen did it?" I whisper her and she nods. I scream and hit her with the pillow again.

"Girl calm down before you mess up my wig. I just got my hair done" she says running her fingers through her light brown lace front.

"Why didn't you tell me" I say to her.

"I'm telling you now aren't I" she says and I sigh. This is what Heaven was talking about.

"So how was it. Tell me about it" I say now suddenly interested. I used to watch people's YouTube videos on them telling how they lost they're virginity. I'm scared of losing mine but I like hearing the stories.

"Ok so I'll tell you how it went from the start" she says and I nod.


"So we were in his room just chilling you know, the usual. We were on our phones looking at shoes. Then we started talking and I really don't know how things escalated so fast but we started kissing right. Then clothes started coming off and we were making out, hands were wandering, all of this stuff. Then Jalen stopped and was like 'are we about to do this?' And I was like 'hell yeah'. We got so into it so I wasn't about to back out. He's done it once before but I haven't. But I was pretty educated on what to do and what not to do" she takes a break to breathe and I sit there staring at her waiting for her to continue.

"But yea. He grabbed a condom and might I say, once I looked at his size my heart started beating. He wasn't joking when he said he was packing" she says and I roll my eyes laughing.

"I laid there and he was on top. He slowly went inside me and I grabbed onto his arm so fast. It didn't really hurt but it was very uncomfortable. So I had to take time to adjust. And once I did, he was rocking my world. Then we switched positions then I was rocking his world. It was a great feeling. We went a few rounds and yea. That's that" she claps and breathes out.

"Wow" is the only thing I can say. She lost her virginity to Jalen.....she actually did.

"So what now?" I ask her

"I'm not really sure. I still feel the same, nothing feels different" She shrugs.

"Are you going to tell Heaven?" I ask her.

"I didn't want to at first. But this is something I sadly have to tell her. I'm mentally preparing myself for the lecture she's going to give me. It's better then telling my mother so I'll take what I can get" she says and I nod.

"You went from never wanting him to busting it open" I joke and she laughs. We continue to talk and just talk about random things. What I still can't get out of my mind is....

When am I gonna lose mine?

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