《STORM | Josh Christopher》Chapter 18


Storm's POV

It was now time to leave the cottage and I was putting the last bag in the trunk. My phone buzzes and I grab it from my back pocket. It's a text from Josh.







I smile at my phone and do a little dance. Tonight is our date. I'm very excited and hope it goes well.

"Alright guys lets go. I'm driving"Lex says and opens the car door. We all get in and I sit in the middle of Luzzy and Star while Angel is on the other side and Heaven in the front.

"So um, I got a date tonight with Josh" I blurt out. All eyes are brought to me. They all share looks then scream.

"Omg you have a date and didn't tell us? What kind of friend are you?" Luzzy days and I laugh a bit.

"I said it now didn't I?" I say.

"Where are you guys going and what are you wearing?" Star asks me.

"Umm I'm not sure where we are going nor do I know what I'm wearing. I'll figure all of that out later" I say to her.

"Looks like someone will have a little summer boo" Heaven teases causing me to laugh.

"Yea I guess. It'll be fun while it lasts" I say.

"What do you mean?" Angel asks and Luzzy looks at me.

"I'm going back to Canada at the end of summer" I say and they all sigh.

"Are you kidding? You can't stay?" Lex asks.

"I wish I could. I feel so welcomed here. I feel like I belong, and I'm not nervous when I'm around you guys. I don't have many friends back home and I really don't do much" I say to them.

"How can you not have friends? You're amazing" Luzzy says and I smile. I'm so happy here. It makes me sad knowing I might have to leave it all.

Josh's POV

Right now I was back at Caleb's place with Shareef, Shaqir, Caleb, and my other brother Patrick. We were watching tv and having conversation. I wasn't really paying attention because I was looking at the pictures of me and Storm. She's so gorgeous. I'm really starting to like her. I like her vibe and how she treats me. At first, she treated me as someone famous. But as she got to know me, she treated me like any other person. And I don't get that kind of treatment from a lot of people. Just because I'm "JayGup" doesn't mean I should get treated differently. I'm just like everyone else. She makes me feel a way I haven't felt before and I like it.


"Who has you smiling from ear to ear?" Shaqir jokes causing everyone to pause their conversation.

"And who is that? She's beautiful" Pat says grabbing my phone. I quickly get up and grab it.

"Must be Stormmmmm" Shareef drags outand they all start teasing me. I try to hold in the smile that wanted to be shown but failed.

"Oh she got him blushin and shit. So who's this girl?" Pat says.

"She's a fan of mine and we got to know each other. Now we have a date tonight" I say and they all tease me again. Oh boy....

"Gup got a date? I thought the day would never come" Caleb says and the boys laugh. I laugh as well and smile.

"I'm proud of you bro, treat her well" Pat says and I nod.

"Definitely. I messed up once, I can't afford to mess up again. I really like her" I say to them. Just the thought of her makes me smile.

"My boy Gup got a girlfriendddd" Shaqir drags out and they all start teasing me. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my room. I lay on my bed and sigh. Why can't I stop thinking about her? Her smile.....her eyes........her little nose.......her soft lips.......her laugh......everything. I can see myself being with her, but there's just one problem. She's leaving at the end of summer. I don't know if I can handle a long distance relationship, I've never been in one to know. I'm not sure if I want to either though. When the time comes, we'll figure out what to do. Until then, we should enjoy the time we have together.

Star's POV

We arrived half an hour ago and right now I was at Jalen's house. I told him he had to make up for what he did because I wasn't gonna take him back so easily. He decided that we should have a sleepover. Kinda dumb to me but it's not like I had anything better to do.


"You want anything to drink?" He asks looking up from my lap. We were in his living room watching Money Heist. Storm put me on.

"Nah I'm good" I say looking at him. He smiles and sits up. He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. I turn my head and smile. That was kinda cute I guess....

We continue to watch the show until we hear a knock on the door. I look at Jalen and he has a confused look on his face. He gets up and opens the door. I smirk once I see Camilla. Interesting....

"Camilla, what are you doing here?" He asks her. She chuckles a bit and walks in without being invited. Alright sis, you bold.

"I texted you saying I was on my way to pick up my jacket I left here" She says. She then looks at me and gives me an uneasy look. I smile and wave. I'm not the jealous type, or the type to stoop down to someone else's level and be petty. Like ok sis, you had him and what? I have him now, what could you do?

"Oh, uh. I'll go get it. Just wait here" he says and starts to walk to his room. He gives me a warning look as he walked past knowing how my mouth can be. I smile and give him a thumbs up. He leaves and it's just me and her.

"So um, who are you?" She asks. I didn't sense any attitude or nothing so I guess I don't have to be mean. She's going to say something, I'll just wait.

"I'm Star, and you are?" I say back.

"Camilla. So you're Star?" She asks and I nod.

"Yup and you're Camilla" I say slowly. She nods.

"So you and Jalen are talking again huh?" She asks.

"Yea we are. And you guys are no longer talking right?" I ask her. You see now. I'm also not gonna be playing side chick. I don't have time for the games.

"Well I mean. We were texting....and I was here last night" She trails off and does a slight smirk. There it is... I knew she was gonna do that. Before I can say anything. Jalen comes back with her Jacket. She thanks him and opens the door.

"It was nice meeting you Star"She says.

"Yea you too" I say and she leaves. Jalen comes back and sits down while pulling me back into his arms.

"So she was here last night" I say side eyeing him. He sighs and looks at me.

"She left something here and came to get it. She left right after" he says.

"That makes me think she isn't clean, since she leaves her stuff around. And how many times is she gonna come back and pick stuff up one by one?" I ask him.

"I'm pretty sure that was the last thing. Don't worry about her though. She won't do nothing crazy. And I made it clear to her who I want" He whispers the last part against my neck. I giggled a bit because it tickled.

"Just remember Jalen. I'm not the one to play with" I say and he nods. I lean back on his chest and he wraps his arms around me tighter. As we watch the show I think.

She's definitely gonna become a problem later on in the future.

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