《STORM | Josh Christopher》Chapter 1


Storm's POV

Finally it's the first day of summer! No more school, no more waking up early, no more stress. I can finally relax and have fun. You must be wondering.... who am I? So let me introduce myself.

Hi! My name is Storm, and your watching Disney channel. Jk lol. But actually my name is Storm Nova and I'm 17 years old. I'm a Capricorn and I live in Vancouver, Canada. My life is pretty normal. I'm an only child and I live with my mom. Growing up was pretty regular for me. My auntie and cousin Star and Heaven used to live with us but then moved to Arizona. Star and I are the same age and Heaven is 3 years older then us. I really miss them and hope to see them soon. But enough of that. You'll get to know more about me over time.

Right now I was in my room watching Money Heist on Netflix. One of favourite shows right now. My favourite character is Tokyo and Nairobi cause they are such badasses. As I'm watching, I hear my phone buzz. I pick it up from my night stand to see Star facetiming me. I pause my show and click answer.


"Yes Starrrrrr" I say mocking the way she said my name.

she said smiling very hard in the camera. I laughed at her exciment. She always had crazy ideas going around in her head.

"What is it this time?"

she said and I instantly paused. Me? Flying to Arizona? On a Plane? Yea I wasn't very to fond of planes. They made feel sick and I always had the worst thoughts going around in my head thinking it might crash.

"Yea not happening. Me and planes don't mix" I say turning down her idea.


she said and I laughed. She meant her causing mischief and I help to cover up for her.

"Yea I guess it'll be fun. But even if I can. What do you think my mom will say? She's still hard headed" So my mom. She's amazing don't get me wrong. But she doesn't play. Like at all. I can't ask her certain things because she'll give me a lecture saying how I'm trying to act "grown". It's a good thing she's like this though. All of these other girls with their hoeish behaviour needs some more attention from parents like mine.

she says and I nod. It's not a bad idea. It's not like I was planing to do much this summer. And I don't really have friends so going to Arizona to be with Star actually got me a little excited.

"Ok I have hope. I won't get to excited though before my mom shuts down the idea" I say and we both laugh.

she says and I wave and she blows a kiss. I end the call and put my phone down.

Hmm. Arizona. I've never been there before. Only because I don't like planes. When we had holidays, Star and her mom and sister always flew here. It's been 2 years since I've seen them. It'll be really nice to reunite again. As I'm in thought my phone buzzes again and it's a notification from Instagram. It read.

Jaygup is Live! Tap to join

I squealed and quickly tapped on it. He barley goes live but when he does he never fails to disappoint me. You maybe wondering, who's Jaygup? Well let me introduce you to my future husband!

Josh Christopher is a basketball player. He's 18 years and might I say mighty fine. I've had the biggest crush on him since last year. One day I'll meet him and we can finally be together. Pshhh yea right in my dreams. But a girl can dream right?


But anyways. He was on live talking about college. Someone asked where he was going.

"I'm going to be to at ASU and I'll be staying with my brother" he says. Hmm ASU. I wonder where that is. I decided to type in a question even though he most likely won't read it. I said "can you say hi storm?"

"I'm going to be moving my stuff there starting next week. Since it's summer now. And I'll be staying with my brother down there for a while but I'll be back in Cali soon" Man. All the girls must be so lucky to be living in the same city as him. That's where Heaven lives but she doesn't really care about Jaygup like how I do.

"Hi Storm! I love your name" he said I screamed. HE READ IT. HE SAID MY NAME!!!! HE LOVES MY NAMEEEEE!!!! Oh thank you mother for giving me such a unique name. I continued to smile and just stare at him.

How can someone be so perfect looking. He's so perfect in my eyes. His hair. His eyes. His nose. Oh definitely can't forget about those lips. And his beautiful smile. He's just so amazing to me. No one understands the way I feel about this guy. I will meet him soon. It's a goal of mine. As I continue to watch him he says he's gonna end it and I frown.

Well, it was nice while it lasted. I turn my phone off and lay down. He knows my name. I will never forget that. I turn my show back on and the big smile I have on my face doesn't leave. Sooner or later. I get tired and slowly fall asleep. I close my eyes and sigh.

"He knows my name"

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