《lifestyle.》Chapter 18.


Its been a week after treys little get together.

Right now I'm at bronny's house I spent the night over. It was around 8pm right now.

We were in bronnys room playing fortnite . I was winning but apparently he was letting me win as he said.

" ight I'm done letting you win, watch this " he says laughing then winning the current game

I gave him puppy eyes then tried ignoring him.

" aww don't do that y/n " he says picking me up and hugging me

" one more game " I say pushing him always

" naww you already know I'm gonna win y/n " he says sitting on him bed

" ok then what now " I say sitting in his chair across from his bed

he looked at me then sighed.

" how about we talk about what you promised me last week " he says playing with a toy in his hand

" aaa how I'm leaving in a few weeks " I say looking down then back up

He just sat their and looked at me.

I sighed and said " I just want to let you know I don't know what to do in this type of situation and I don't know what to say "

" what's gonna happen when you leave " he says

" what do you mean " I ask with a light confused voice

" to us.. like " he starts to say but seemed to shy to continue

I looked at him and got up and moved closer to him.

" I'll do anything you want just please stay y/n " he says looking at me with lost eyes

" I promise I'll come back bronny, don't worry you're my home " I say then hugging him

He took a big deep breathe and just smile. The smile he made almost looked so fake I hated myself for it.

" um me and your mom have to go by the cafe to buy things for zhuris video later this week " I say breaking the moment


He gets up and sit on the chair I was sitting on and said ok. I watched him as he starts to play his game then I left.

I went downstairs and mama sav said that we should go to the cafe before it closes. We left the house and got in the car and left to the cafe.

We arrived and we went inside. Mama sav was talking to the cashier so I was just wondering around.

While look at a few things I saw jalen with another girl, They were talking. At first I thought they were friends until I saw them kiss.

At this point I went up to them.

" hey jalen " I say from behind them with a calm tone

He turned around while the girl he was with looked up from him. He looked shocked to see me.

" oh um hi y/n nice to see you here " he says with a worried tone

The girl he was with did a fake cough to get both of our attention.

" oh um y/n this is camila, camila this is y/n " he says turning half way to introduce her and I

" hi nice to meet you y/n...How do you know jalen " she says with a fake smile

" him and my cousin l- " I start to say but he quickly cut me off

" her cousin Liam and I are cool " he says cutting me off

I stood their quite and in disbelief till I heard mama sav was calling my name.

" um I gotta go. It was nice seeing you guys " I say with a sly grin then waved bye

I went back to where mama sav was then we quickly left. We got into the car and I asked her if she was able to take me back to diors house, she said yes and took me their.

We arrived and I told her to say bye to everyone including bronny for me. I waved bye and went into the house.


I seemed as if everyone was already asleep once I arrived so i went to bed also.

. . . .

I woke up and I saw myself on the couch. I probably feel asleep while watching movies. I looked at my phone and it was 6:00am and it was Monday so it was time for school so I also decided to wake everyone up.

We all got up and got ready for school. We were all ready so we got into the car and left. The ride to school was silent it was never like this.

We arrived and got out the car and went into the school. We all walking in the halls when Layla stopped to talk to a teacher. I saw jalen starting to walk towards us with camila.

" alright thank you " I heard Layla say meaning she was finishing talking to the teacher

I got in front of her to stop her from seeing jalen and camila but I was too last.

She sighed and said " it's fine I already know " then walked away

I turned around to see the Dior and josh had already left. I decided to go to my first period.

I was the first one in class so I chose a seat in the back and sat down. I looked outside to see the it was foggy and rainy.

" y/n everything alright ? You've never been this early to class " the teacher said with a light giggle while walking into the classroom and sitting down at her desk

" uh yea " I say looking at her with an unsure gaze

After I said that everyone started entering the class. Mikey & Jah friend were the last to enter the class.

" you're in my seat y/n " Mikey saying walking towards me

I almost forgot the teacher had given us assigned seats. I got up without a word and went to the seat I was assigned which was in front of him.

The class had started and everything was going smoothly till the announcements came on saying we had an Announcement.

" hello students welcome to today's announcements , we'll be talking about our yearly poem read " the principal started to says over the announcements

" as some of you know the yearly poem read is when you pick your favorite poem and talk about it with other students in a small group with a attended elderly " he says

" to find out your group you'll have to look outside your classes. That's all students have a great day today " he says then the announcements turn off

After that the teacher continued class. Slowly class ended, after class finish I went to check witch group I was in.

I was with Bronny, Jalen, Mikey, Dior, Josh, Layla, Legacy & Rome

* skip to the end of the day *

I was outside in the parking lot waiting for Dior, Josh & layla when Rome came to me.

" hey y/n, I was wondering if you could give this to Dior for me please " she says handing me a envelope

I looked down at it with a confused face.

" please " she says pushing it closer to me

I took the envelope. Rome took a deep breathe and walked away after that. A few minutes later Dior, Layla & Josh arrived, we started walking toward the car to leave the school.

We all entered the car and we drove off, while on the road I gave Dior the envelope. He looked confused.

" it's from Rome " I say

Sorry for errors if theirs any.

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