《lifestyle.》Chapter 6.


Layla and I got into her car and rushed to the mall.

Once we got their we started to rush into stores and buying whatever looked cute.

We were finally done then went to the car and started putting the stuff inside.

Time was running out, it was already 7:50pm.

We got into the car and rushed home to get ready.

" you know you almost killed us about three times" I say still holding on to the seat belt

" but we're alive, right ? " she says giggling

" now you might want to get out the car and into the house so we can start getting ready it's already 8 " she says again

On the note I got out the car with my stuff and went inside.

Auntie Christopher was on the cough as usual but had some company over.

" well it's nice to see you Layla anddd " a brownskin women says

" I'm y/n ma'am, it's nice to meet you " I say while reaching to shake her hand

" what a lovely young lady, she single? I got a son " she says eyeing my auntie then both of them laughing

" my sunshine's have to get ready to go to the pool party right now girl " my auntie says.

We waved bye to the guest and started walking up the stairs while on the stairs I asked Layla a question.

" who was that " I asked

" mikeys mom " she says chucking and giving me the eyes

We got into the our rooms and put on our bathing suits.

After getting ready and saying bye to auntie and mikeys mom we got into the the car and rushed to the party.

" wait we left josh at bronnys " I say


" yea so " she responded

" he probably doesn't have bathing shorts " I say again

" he does when we were by mikeys house he took my car home to go get some" Layla say

I just nodded my head to the response.

It's was 8:30 and we started pulling up to bronnys pool party and the house looked packed.

I laid back in the car seat and looked at Layla.

" you ready " she asks while smiling

" just give me a second " I say taking a deep breath.

After that we got out the car we headed towards the house.

Inside everyone was partying, music was blasting and everyone was having fun .. I was so lost in the moment.

" boys are looking at you " Layla says

" huh " I say still lost in the moments

" um I'm gonna leave you and Mikey since he's coming this way, bye " Layla says

" wait what " I say semi screaming

Mikey was coming towards me and I didn't even know what to do.

" hey y/n, you look good " he says with a million door smile

I laughed and said " you look good too " looking at his abs and slowly meeting his eyes again.

He smiled. " we should go by the pool that where everyone is " he says

I nodded and we started walking to the pool outside, I saw eyes on us including bronnys.

When we were by the pool me and Mikey were playing water battles with a couple of other people.

After a few minutes of it we decided to go get a drink inside.

We saw bronny by the kitchen island and we sat next to him.

" hey bron " we say


" hey guys y'all havin a good time " he asked

" yea, especially y/n " Mikey says

I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

" oh that's cool" he just say flatly

After that bronny grabbed me and started walking towards the pool

" bronny nooooo please don't throw me in the pool " I say trying to lose his grip

" don't worry I won't do that to you " he saying laughing

On that mark he jumps in the pool while still holding me. We heard people cheering loud after coming up for air.

We got out the pool and I was freezing.

Bronny looked at me and asked what was wrong because I was shivering.

" I was yelling no cause it's gettin cold outside" I say smiling but still shivering

At that comment he started leading me somewhere.

" woah their I need a towel real quick it's really cold " I say

" don't worry I got sum for you, come on " he says chucking

He started leading me again but he started going up the stairs while walking upstairs the music started getting lower and lower.

We entered a room and I guessed it was bronny because it had a jersey that said his name.

I was just standing their admiring his room then suddenly he gave me one of his sweatshirt.

" here " he says

" thanks " I say while putting it on

" it kinda big " I say laughing because the hood was big

He put the hood of the sweatshirt down so it wasn't covering my eyes. Then our eyes meet once again.

We started leaning into each other but stopped because his door opened.

It was Dior. We just stood their .

" I came up here to tell you that we cleared out your party for you cause it's gettin late but my see my man gettin his lil game on my bad " he says

Bronny gave him the face and he left laughing.

" um I'm just gonna go- go downstairs and wait for Layla and josh " I say unsure

he just nodded and I left him in his room.

I closed the door behind and I started silent screaming and punching the air but fixed my self and headed downstairs.

I got downstairs and immediately made eye contact with Dior, I started walking towards him but he started hiding and running

" yo why you runnin from y/n Dior " kyree says while eating some chips

" I walked in on her and bronny about to kiss and she buggin about it " he says laughing

Everyone paused, at that moment bronny came down stairs.

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